A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality

A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Table of Contents
Sl no.
Overview and existing monitor of air
pollution in Samtse Locality
Causes and sources of air pollution in
Samtse locality
Smoke release from BFPPL
Vehicular emission
Burning of rubbish
Firewood burning
Pollution by neighbours- Chamarchi
Preventions of Air Pollution:
Domestic air pollution
Industrial-BFPPL and AWP
Afforestation and reforestation
Restricting Smoking
Effects on environment and people
Green House effect
Ozone Depletion Effect- chlorofluorocarbon
Effects on plants
Effects on animals
Effects on Agricultural Production
Global Warming
Lists of References
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials
that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural
environment, into the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support
life on planet Earth. Due to our country undergoing rapid industrialization and urbanization
and the secondary sector flourishing. About one-third of population now lives in urban
areas. In urban areas, the number of vehicles and industries has been increasing at a rapid
pace. Although air pollution is not yet a severe problem in Bhutan, incidences of urban air
pollution are becoming more evident. Urban air pollution is mainly due to pollution from
heating appliances and vehicle emissions and smoke release from mini-industries. With its
pristine environment still intact, Bhutan has good air quality but rapid urbanization,
industrialization and growth in vehicle numbers could destroy it according to a visiting
environment specialist.
Therefore, Air Pollution has been recognised as a great concerns and issues nationwide.
For, government agencies are underway investigating the ways to control the air pollution,
how the air pollution has been caused, will be causing, what are control measures to the air
pollution and the effects of air pollution in various fields like agricultural production,
human health, forestry and so on and future prospects of air pollution.
This assignment is fully a case study laden in our locality, Samtse, that I have carried by
visiting Dzongkhag Municipality Office. According to the interviewed answers I did my
assignment. This assignment basically encompasses of Air Pollution, its Causes, preventive
measures, effects on various field and future prospects of air pollution.
Nationwide, air pollution is an emerging issue. The rapid growth of urbanization and
industrialization contributed to affect ambient air quality. In addition, the increase of
number vehicles, domestic activities, chemical and mining industry, and inefficient smallscale cement plants, were identified to deteriorate the surrounding environment particularly
to air quality. If the growing air pollution problem has been so much, then human health
condition will be greatly affected. In response, there must be launching of several control
and policy strategies raised to mitigate the emission problems.
By doing this assignment I assure that I will be able to convince and beware .our local
people to know the causes, preventive measures, effects and future prospects of air
pollution especially in their locality in general.
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Overview and Existing monitors of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
A spokesperson of Dzongkhag Municipality [DM] said that though air pollution in Samtse
is minimal and not very evident at the moment yet the proper mechanisms have to be put in
place to monitor the trends. The population of Bhutan is growing at the great speed so does
in our locality. Due to the speedy growth of economy of Bhutan leading in the elevation in
the living standards of the people. Also with the increase in per capita income of the
country. With the rise in income there has also been an increase in the number of vehicles
in our Samtse Locality. There is also development in mini-plant like Bhutan Fruits
Products Private Limited (BFPPL) and Army Welfare Projects (AWP). In which this miniplant contributes to the release of pollutants like CO, CO2 and household appliances which
releases Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - harmful to the ozone layer. Indeed which is not very
evident and visible in the locality. Moreover with the burning of rubbish can cause
localized air pollution and annoy neighbours. Burning rubbish produces unpleasant smells
and emits methane and hydrogen sulphide. That will definitely be affecting the health of
the very locality.
The Spokesperson of DM also pointed that the very sophisticated control measures are not
taken so far besides familiarizing and educating the people about air pollution, causes,
preventions and its effects particularly in agricultural production and other field as well.
They also said “In collaboration with National Environmental Community Services
[NECS] we are planning to launch the body responsible for Air Pollution in the country and
locality in particular.”
Causes and sources of Air Pollution (Samtse Locality)
1. Release of Smoke from Bhutan Fruits Products Pvt Ltd.[BFPPL]
According to a spokesperson from BFPPL said the plant used approximately two tones of
coal per day in the manufacture of fruit products. They burn the coal to boil and heat the
water. In doing so it releases huge amount of smoke containing Carbon Monoxide (CO)
which is poisonous gas and harmful for all organisms. It affects in ventilation/ respiration
that gets combined with our blood hampering the circulation. It also releases CO2 too.
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Vehicular Emission
It was found that gross vehicular emission levels from the vehicles were not very high in
the locality and negligible compared to other populated towns and cities in other countries.
With the creation of the Road Safety and Transport Authority (RSTA) under the Ministry
of Communications, all activities related to motor vehicles have been manipulating for the
betterment of Bhutanese citizens. Of current, RSTA is the organization that is responsible
in registering vehicles, monitoring emissions and collecting baseline data.
Due to absence of vehicle emission standard in Bhutan and so does in locality no
significant effort was made to monitor vehicle emissions. There are also a significant
number of poorly maintained older vehicles, which are higher emitters.
High vehicle emissions in Bhutan and does in Samtse locality are all due to:
lack of legal framework to control vehicle emissions
poor quality of road network
import of reconditioned diesel vehicles (recently banned)
low quality fuel/lubricants
poor maintenance of vehicles and lack of genuine spare parts
inadequate public transport
overloading of heavy vehicles
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Burning rubbish
Burning rubbish can cause localized air pollution and annoy neighbours. Burning rubbish
produces unpleasant smells and emits methane and hydrogen sulphide that leads in
polluting the local areas.
Its affects would include:
It adds to air pollution
Burning garden waste produces smoke, especially if it is damp and smouldering.
Burning plastic, rubber or painted material not only creates an unpleasant smell but also
produces a range of poisonous compounds.
It will also add to the general background level of air pollution
It causes detrimental health effects
Smoke may cause problems for asthmatics, bronchitis sufferers, and people with heart
conditions and children.
It causes annoyance to neighbours.
The smoke, soot, and smells from fires are the subject of many complaints to local councils
Smoke prevents your neighbours from enjoying their gardens, opening windows or hanging
washing out, and reduces visibility in the neighbourhood and roads
It is a potential safety risk
fire can spread to fences or buildings and cans are a hazard when rubbish is burned
Piles of garden waste are often used as a refuge by animals, so look out for hibernating
wildlife and sleeping pets.
Firewood Burning
Local people have been using the firewood in the preparation of local drinks
like Ara, Bangchang, Singchang, and so
on.Thereby increasing the amount of
harmful smokes like CO, CO2, etc.
Wood smoke contains many of the same
chemicals as cigarette smoke, including
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide,
hazardous metals, and known
carcinogens such as formaldehyde,
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
dioxin, benzene, and toluene. Inhaling wood smoke appears to be just as dangerous - or
even more dangerous - as inhaling tobacco smoke.
Of course, it's best to avoid burning wood (for the benefit of your family, your
neighbors, and the environment), but if you must, you can take steps to limit your
exposure to the air pollution. Make sure your fireplace is working properly with a
sufficient draft. Tightly sealed doors in front of the fireplace block out much pollution.
Smoking and air pollution
It is quite evident that smoking causes air pollution and to some extent also pollutes the
ground. Approximately 4000 chemicals are present in
cigarettes, which are
breathed out and released in the atmosphere. This indicates that an enormous quantity of
pollution is being released in the atmosphere every day. That would definitely be
contributing in air pollution of any places and our locality as well.
Air Pollution by our neighbours- Chamarchi
Due to rapid growth and development taking place in our neighbours, it releases
innumerable poisonous gases and smokes that affect the current status of atmospheric
conditions. Consequently, it will affect the living standard, environmental conditions of
localities and health of people. The spokesperson of DM also said that the burning of
rubbish and firewood for cooking would lead to air pollution in our locality-Samtse.
Ozone Depletion Effect -Chlorofluorocarbons
Gas produced by household appliances like Refrigerator, Heater, and etc. that hamper the
conditions of atmosphere and affects the aerated ecosystem. That causes air pollution in our
locality though it has not been evident and prominently visible in the locality.
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Prevention of air pollution
According to the DM they have the following Preventions that have been implementing in
the locality-Samtse.
1. Domestic pollution
 At the domestic level, exposure to smoke while cooking can be curtailed by the adoption of
cleaner fuels, improved stoves, better ventilation and the use of biogas provided it is
 The choice of correct species of trees as a fuel as, for example, acacia nilotica (babul)
produces less smoke compared to species like mango and neem.
 Utilization of charcoal is relatively safer than burning firewood.
 Utilization of smokeless stoves will reduce exposure to smoke.
Automobile pollution
 Regular tests for automobile emissions should be made compulsory. Environment groups
should pressurize government to bring in this legislation.
 People should be encouraged to share their vehicles or use public transport. This would
mean lesser traffic on the road and thus less pollution.
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Industrial pollution from BFPPL and AWP.
 There is no installation of filters, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, etc., to control
atmospheric pollution but they are underway planning for the installation of such devices.
 .
 There should also be Mobilization immediate locality to protest against local polluting
 Education is the most important solution.
 There needs to be constant check at frequent intervals to see that they comply with the set
emission limits. Any violation of the laid standards is liable to punishment with or without
Afforestation and Reforestation.
Dzongkhag Department of Forest and Forest Range Office in collaboration education
bodies, they plant many tress and let the existing plants be growing intact. With the
tremendous growing of plants absorb the poisonous gases that are useful for plants for
respiration and especially for photosynthesis.
Restricting smoking
One of the most dangerous air pollution is cigarette. Restricting smoking is an important
key to a healthier environment. Though Government has confirm Legislation to control
smoking in our nation and akin applicable our locality, but due to personal exposure there
can be monitored and limited wherever possible. Therefore, Smoking has become very
evident and prominent in the locality. There are government policies guiding the smokerelated issues.
Educating Local People about Air Pollution
According DM said their basic attempt on control of air pollution is educating people and
making people aware on air pollution, it causes, preventive measures, effects on
agricultural production, effects on ecosystem, forestry, and so on. And this attempt and
strategies are those that our government has been adopting in recent years. Therefore, it is
important for our local people to educate and make aware on air pollution and its effects
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Effects of air pollution
Effects of smoking on environment and people: Major impact on
the environment is due to the
production of the
cigarettes. Due to smoking major diseases like lung cancer, Tuberculosis,
Heart cancer, and so on. Moreover, the release of smoking will affect the ecosystem and
Green House effect: increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to industrial
activity and burning of fossils fuels in locality would be so hazardous to the increase in
temperature of atmosphere that traps more heat, changes the climate, melt the polar ice caps
and submerges coastal areas.
Carbon dioxide may be an insignificant gas but plays a useful role in absorbing the radiant
energy of the sun. Due to industrial activity the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere has
increased substantially. The effect of carbon dioxide on the temperature of the earth is what
is termed “Greenhouse Effect”. It behaves likes the glass in a greenhouse, allowing the heat
from the sun through to the earth but preventing some of it from being radiated back
through the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide traps more heat and there by increases the earth’s
temperature. Though it is not very significant and evident in our country and locality in
particular. Till than it is very crucial for Bhutanese citizens in taking measures in
controlling the air pollution.
Ozone Depletion Effect- chlorofluorocarbon: Invisible gas produced by
household appliances destroys the protective ozone layer and let in harmful ultraviolet
rays [UV], causing skin cancer and affecting plant life. The earth is protected from the
sun’s ultraviolet radiation by a layer of ozone high up in the atmosphere. Without this layer
of ozone, life would have bee n impossible. But again due to human intervention there is a
disruption of the ozone layer leading types of skin cancer. Ozone is continuously produced
and decomposed. . Some of the factors which lead to the disruption of the ozone layer are
the increased release of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, the presence in the
atmosphere of chlorofluorocarbon which is used as refrigerants in the fire extinguishers and
as propellants in aerosol spray cans.
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A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Effect on plants:
Physiological and developmental processes of plants are affected by UVB radiation, even
by the amount of UVB in present day sunlight. Despite mechanisms to reduce or repair
these effects and a limited ability to adapt to increased levels of UVB, plant growth can be
directly affected by UVB radiation.
Indirect changes caused by UVB (such as changes in plant form, how nutrients are
distributed within the plant, timing of developmental phases and secondary metabolism)
may be equally, or sometimes more, important than damaging effects of UVB. These
changes can have important implications for plant competitive balance, herb ivory, plant
disease, and biogeochemical cycles.
The air pollution affects the plants in the following ways.
-Necrosis – Dead areas on leaves.
-Chlorosis Loss of chlorophyll and yellowing of leaves.
-Epinasty – downward curvature of leaves due to higher growth rate on the upper surface.
-Abscission – Dropping of leaves, retarded growth, low yield and death of plants ensue.
Effects on Animals:
 Animals via plants take up fluorides of air. Their milk production falls and their teeth and
bone are affected. They are also prone to lead poisoning and paralysis.
 Due to air pollution the lake and sea water gets polluted thereby endangering the lives of
various terrestrial and marine animals. According to findings during case done downthere
at Dzongkhag Municipality Office.
Effects on Agricultural
According to Dzongkhang Municipality Office, we are also said that there are also effects
on agricultural production. Though there hasn’t been a very visible it was found bit of
decrease in agricultural yield. The effects of air pollution on agricultural production have
been not very significant and evident in the locality.
A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Global warming:
The following are some affects of global warming which it is not very visible and
evident in our Samtse Locality:
 Due to increase in temperature the ice caps begin to melt thereby increasing the water level
of the earth. This results in low level region to submerge.
 The increase in temperature results in more evaporation resulting in more rainfall in
tropical equatorial regions. This resulting in increase in sea level.
 the global warming also result in extreme climatic conditions- too hot during summer and
too cold in winter
A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
A case study of air pollution in Samtse locality encompasses of many impacts on our approach
towards the practical prevention of air pollution in the locality and convincing our local people
about causes and sources of air pollution, prevention of air pollution and effects of air
pollution. In fact, have many points and its implication. I felt that doing such assignment is not
easy, so it needs a lot of hands and heads to be implemented in the formation of an assignment
and finding information and in carrying out the case study. As mentioned earlier I now have
the better understanding and what the actually air pollution as such in general. This assignment
works have catered with ample experiences, practically applying and knowing what the air
polution and even correct sequences that is required for writing assignment. It also gave us the
correct path to be followed as and when we need in writing assignment.
As we are the future teacher I felt that we have the greater responsibilities knowing the real
and practical application of ones cognition in air pollution for students’ welfare and society
around our country for better tomorrow. And in convincing our local people. On the evidence
that I did the intimate and investigative research and case study on air pollution, its causes,
prevention and its effects in various field in day to day life for better practical implementation
and learning and teaching process in the field.
Ultimately I would like to urge our future nation molders and educators to go through the
components of air pollution, its causes, preventions and its effects and try to apply in ones
environment. All in all, air pollution should be of core things towards our daily lives for
healthier, happier and successful life henceforth.
Due to the release of some poisonous gases, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, methane, and etc have seem risen drastically in the our locality. This
increase in harmful gases will enhance the heat-trapping capacity of the earth’s atmosphere
causing ozone depletion and other related hazardous impact. And this ozone depletion
ultimately causes global warming which is main threat to human.
Therefore, it is every citizen’s responsibility to improve air condition which lies upon all of
us .We should join our hands in hands and concentrate on reducing air being vastly
polluted before it is too late.
A Case Study of Air Pollution in Samtse Locality
Lists of references
Retrieved 24th September, 2009 from
Retrieved 24th September, 2009 from http://ekh.unep.org/?q=node/262
Retrieved 24th September, 2009 from http://www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia/1412/article-58907.html
Retrieved 24th September, 2009 from http://healthandenergy.com/air_pollution_causes.htm
Retrieved 17th September 2009 from