Biomonitoring of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Aquatic Spermonde

Biomonitoring of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Aquatic Spermonde Islands
Makassar, Using Bio-Indicators of Starfish
(Protoreaster nodosus)
Gita Permata Sari, Alfian Noor*, L. Musa Ramang.
Department of Chemistry, State University of Hasanuddin
Campus Tamalanrea UNHAS, Makassar 90245
*Contact :
Biomonitoring is a method of monitoring water quality using biological indicators (bioindicators). This research aims to develop biomonitoring methods in terms of the development of
marine life that can be used as bio-indicators of marine pollution. The analysis was optimized by
means of samples taken from three different locations of the Barranglompo island waters, using
AAS as an analysis technique.
The analysis showed that cadmium content of heavy metals in starfish was 0.9916 ppm at the
point I, 1.0355 ppm at point II and 0.7889 ppm at point III in Spermonde Islands waters,
particularly in Barranglompo island waters.
Key Word: Biomonitoring, Heavy metals of cadmium, Spermonde Islands.
Marine pollution by heavy metals in the
Spermode islands waters, especially in the
Barranglompo Island waters continues to
grow from year to year, it can be seen from
the few studies that have been conducted by
Adiman (2011) and Indrayani et al., (2012)
this in the island waters. Referring to the
results of the above studies it is important to
monitor the condition of pollution
biomonitoring in Spermonde Islands,
especially on the island waters bioindicator
Barranglompo and can be used as marine
In general Echinoderms are animals
skinned spines. Echinoderms group consists
of five main classes, including its class of
Asteroidea (starfish), class of Ophiuroidea
(star snake), class of Echinoidea (sea
urchin), class of Crinoidea (sea lilies) and
class of Holothuroidea (sea tripang) (Jasin,
1992). Class of Echinoderms relatively
widely used in research as a bioindicator in
the method of biomonitoring heavy metals
in waters, including the commonly used
Echinoidea (sea urchin) (Flammang et al.,
1997; Rumahlatu, 2011), Holothuroidea (sea
tripang) (Laboy and Conde, 2005),
Holothuria tubulosa (sea cucumbers)
(Warnau et al., 2006), Diadema aff.
Antillarum (tripang sea) (Herna'ndez et al.,
2009). Based on the above facts, the
researchers assume that the monitoring of
heavy metal pollution in waters primarily
metal cadmium can be used Barranglompo
Island marine life starfish species
Protoreaster nodosus as bio-indicators of
the class Asteroidea. The purpose of this
study was to determine the concentration of
cadmium through biomonitoring process
with bio-indicators of starfish (Protoreaster
Barranglompo island.
Sampling. The sample used in this study
is sea water, sediments and starfish species
Protoreaster nodosus. Time sampling was
conducted on August 19, 2013 in
Barranglompo Island waters. Sampling point
(Protoreaster nodosus) including a zone of
seagrass, seagrass and coral zone (mixed
zone), and coral zone. The Sampling of sea
water and starfish is done by dive while the
taking of sediment is using aid grabe
Sample preparation starfish. Samples to
be used is washed with hot water while
pressed with slowly. After that, samples
were rinsed with distilled water samples and
aquabidest, and then washed with acetone
and dried in an oven at 1100 C until
completely dry. Furthermore, the sample is
crushed in a porcelain mortar to a powder.
Analysis of samples. Samples are already
a powder and then weighed as much as 2
grams and destructed using HNO3 solution
p.a while heated at temperature of 1050 C.
After that, filtered sample solution using
ash-free filter paper (Whatman 42) and
Table 1 . Water conditions
Temperature (oC)
TDS (mg/L)
DO (ppm)
Point I
The above conditions represent the
average situation of the natural habitat of the
starfish, both growth and interaction with
the surrounding environment. According
(Protoreaster nodosus) that have sized very
small and medium can be seen from the
environment, such as coarse sand, high
temperature, low salinity and current
velocity is weak. While the starfish
(Protoreaster nodosus) have large habitat
characteristics such as fine sand, high
washed 2 or 3 times with aquabidest, the
volume is turned up to the mark with
aquabides on meniscus line in 10 mL
volumetric flask and homogenized. Samples
were prepared and then analyzed the metal
content of cadmium by using instruments
SSA (SNI 1130-1989-A). The Preparation
and analysis of samples was conducted in
the laboratory of Chemistry and Radiation
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Hasanuddin.
Conditions Barranglompo Island waters.
Based on the data obtained (Table 1), the
condition of the waters on the Barranglompo
island still quite good, but as described by
Samin et al., (2007), this should be cause for
Point II
Point III
salinity, dissolved oxygen, low coarse sand
and a strong current velocity.
Cadmium concentration of heavy metals
in seawater, sediments and starfish
(Protoreaster nodosus). The results of the
analysis of seawater and sediment samples
at three points in Barranglompo island
waters locations showed that the heavy
metals cadmium concentration in seawater
and sediments are relatively high on the first
point, while the starfish, the highest levels of
the cadmium metal is at point II.
Table 2 . Cadmium Metal Levels
Point I
Point II
Point III
Sediment (ppm)
Starfish (ppm)
Histogram of cadmium metal levels can be seen in Figure 1.
Variations In The Metal Content Of Cadmium
Sea Water
Stasiun I
Stasiun II
Stasiun III
Figure 1. Diagram of the metal content of cadmium in sea water, sediments and starfish at the
point I, II and III .
In the determination of the metal content
of cadmium in starfish show values that vary
with levels high enough at each point
location. The high metal content of
cadmium in starfish are influenced by the
metal content of cadmium in seawater, as
said by Darmono (1995) and Hadikusumah
(2008), the metal content in the water can
vary and depend on the environment and
climate, or temperature. This statement is
supported by the statement of Indrayani et
al., (2012) that the temperature affects the
solubility of metals in aquatic environments,
where an increase in temperature can
increase the solubility of metals in the water
so that it can only affect the accumulation of
metals in marine organisms, especially the
In the measurement of the metal content
of the highest levels of cadmium obtained at
point II (0502’32,5” south latitude and
119019’44,3” north latitude) of 1.0355 ppm
and the point I (05002’35,1” south latitude
and 119019’46,1” north latitude) of 0.9916
ppm, and the lowest levels at point III
119019’44,0” latitude north) of 0.7889 ppm.
High levels of the metal cadmium in
point II of this transition zone or zones
including a mixture of seagrass and coral. In
this zone are found many of the starfish
group although not form colonies. The
present invention is also supported by the
statement of Alexander et al., (2013) that the
seagrass is the main food for starfish
Protoreaster nodosus, in addition to the
belly of the sea (Protoreaster nodosus) that
has been dissected found dead coral rubble
and fine sand (sediment). Point II is also an
area where ships reliance that allows the oil
spill, so that high levels of cadmium metal at
this point due to the conditions and activities
around the region.
The content of the next two highest
cadmium metal at the point I. The point I
including seagrass zone, the zone is also
found quite a lot of starfish. Boss (2008)
also states in his journal that the starfish
were relatively young with a small size
generally live in the wilderness seagrass .
Point I is the location of the closest point to
the local residential area , so the influx of
water to the metal cadmium is generally a
large part of the domestic waste.
Cadmium metal content is at the lowest
point of the third including coral zone. At
this point the number of starfish is much less
than the point I and II. It is also consistent
with the statement Langoy (2001) that the
adult starfish with larger size are found at
depths up to 37 meters on the seabed. On the
third point, the sampling location is quite far
from residential areas and places reliance
ships but cadmium is due to the metal
content of factor movement of ocean
currents, it is described by Laden (2001) that
the pollutants into the marine ecosystem, in
part, be diluted and dispersed throughout the
region through a mixture of turbulence and
ocean currents. In marine areas are spacious
and open with current patterns and
turbelensi active, pollutants will decompose
and merge into the wider ocean waters so as
to minimize the accumulation concentration
in a water body.
Barranglompo Island is one of the
islands famous active with community
activities and has maritime transport lanes so
often found many ships docked at the island
when the ocean is experiencing receding.
Metal cadmium entering into island waters
Barranglompo most likely derived from the
high activity of marine transportation, oil
spills, spills of paint and corrosion walls on
ships docked in these waters, but it also
comes from the activities of the residents
such as the disposal of batteries, cans and
other domestic waste (Adiman, 2011), it is
also said to Hutabarat and Evan (1985) that
the inclusion of the metal cadmium is
estimated to come from the ocean to ocean
Based on research data obtained it can be
concluded that the highest levels of the
metal cadmium in bioindicator starfish
(Protoreaster nododsus) on biomonitoring
method in Barranglompo waters island is
1.0355 ppm (point II), 0.9917 ppm (point I)
and 0,7889 ppm (point III). High levels of
cadmium metal in starfish showed no
damage to the starfish both physical and
tissues. This suggests that the starfish have
good enough tolerance as bioindicators in
biomonitoring method.
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