What`s new in PowerPoint 2010

PowerPoint 2010
What’s New in PowerPoint
Features & Changes
Technology Learning Center
AIRC 3012
Last Updated: February 9, 2016
This manual describes the changes and new features in PowerPoint 2010. After reading, users will be familiar
The specific changes in the Ribbon. Such as the Insert, Animations, Slide show, Review and View Tabs.
The all new tab, Transitions. Add new motion effects that occur in Slide Show view when you move
from one slide to the next during a presentation.
The new Animation Painter that makes copying animation properties a snap.
The power of the Picture Tools tab and the adjust group. Easily correct, color and enhance images so
they will look they were edited using picture editing software.
How-to add embedded video from YouTube or a user created MP4 video
Broadcasting Slide Shows over the internet
The new Reading View
How-to add sections.
IRT Service Desk
AIRC 2005
Table of Contents
PowerPoint 2010...................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
The Ribbon .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Home Tab ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Insert Tab ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Animations Tab ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Transitions Tab .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Slide Show Tab .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Review Tab .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
View Tab.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Picture Tools Tab................................................................................................................................................................. 7
The Adjust Group ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
New Features .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Animation Painter ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Embedded Video ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
YouTube ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
MP4 Video ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
STAMP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Add/Delete Captions ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Create a Video Slide Show ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Broadcast Slide Show ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
How-to .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reading View..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Sections ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Add, Name and Move a Section.................................................................................................................................... 16
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
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The Ribbon
Home Tab
The Home tab has been slightly updated to make navigation easier.
Changes by group include:
Slides: An insert section option. Explained fully in section[ insert here]
Paragraph: Convert to Smart Art Button. This feature is more visible in 2010, in 2007 one had to click
the drop down arrow to view details. When in content in the Smart Art area can now use the Tab and
shift tab to space bullets and numbered items.
NOTE: Accessibility of Smart Art items: The text in smart art items will not carry over as text in other
formats if the presentation is converted into rtf/outline or html because the smart art is an image. In
order to make accessible, the user needs to add alt. text to smart art object or use the convert to text
option for smart art to obtain text. This text will then transfer over to rtf. format.
Drawing: Quickly add a shape into your presentation with the new Insert Shape Gallery.
Insert Tab
The insert tab has some minor updates
Changes by group include:
Illustrations & Images: In previous versions, Illustrations was a large group. In 2010 Illustrations has
been split into two separate groups: Images and Illustrations. The Images group is where the user will
find all commands that have to do with pictures and photos. While Illustrations is where the user can
insert Office illustrations such as; shapes, SmartArt and charts.
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Text & Symbols: The text group has been split into two as well. The Symbols group is where to find
equations and symbols only. The Text group contains everything else that you could find in the Text
group in previous versions.
Animations Tab
The Animations Tab uses Office 2010’s capabilities to the fullest
Changes by group include:
Animation: The Animation group has been elongated to show a gallery view of each type of
animation. Using Office 2010’s Live Preview, users can now mouse over any animation to preview the
animation. PowerPoint is full of new animations that will look impressive in any presentation. The new
command “Effect options” makes it simple whether to have animation float in or out.
Advanced Animation: Contains commands to make editing animation easier. The Animation Pane
gives the user a timeline of animations in its own side pane. The Trigger command has also been
added to connect mouse clicks with animation ques. Also the new, incredibly powerful tool the
Animation Painter has been added to the group. To learn how to use the Animation Painter go the
section the “New Features” section for step by step instructions.
Timing: This group has been added to make timing of animations easier to create.
Transitions Tab
This Tab is completely new to Office 2010. Transition options were few, limited and difficult for users to apply
in previous versions. Microsoft listened to the complaints and made a whole new tab for transitions. Now it’s
easy to add and edit transitions. Some new transitions are in 3-D and are designed to impress!
Preview: Select any transition from the Gallery in the “Transition to Slide” group. Then click Preview
to see how the looks transition in real time.
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Transition to Slide: Contains 30+ different transitions to add to your presentation. Navigate through
the transitions using the up/down arrows located to the left of the gallery view. Double Clicking any
transition will apply the transition to the current slide. Effect Options contains the options to choose
where the animation is starting from.
Timing: Edit the duration, sound and mouse click queue of the transition using this group.
Slide Show Tab
There are minor changes in the Slide Show tab but the design of the tab is more user-friendly.
Start Slide Show: The new feature “Broadcast Slide Show” has been added to enable slideshows to
be broadcasted over the internet. For more information go the New Feature section on page 12.
Review Tab
The Review Tab has gone through minor changes as well.
Compare: A new group added to PowerPoint 2010. Review and accept/reject changes from this group.
Also compare presentations side by side by clicking the “Compare” button.
View Tab
Not much has changed in the 2010 View tab but Microsoft has added a brand new view and organized the
groups better.
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Master Views: In previous versions of PowerPoint there was one group where can find all the different
kinds of ways to view your presentation. In 2010, Microsoft split the group in half and there is
“Presentation Views” and “Master Views.”
Reading View: A brand new view where users can view their presentation as a full screen, two page
book. For more information about Reading View, go to the “New Features” section on page 13.
Picture Tools Tab
Working with pictures has become easier in the 2010 version of PowerPoint. The “Picture Tools” tab has been
updated in PowerPoint so users can edit pictures on the fly.
The Adjust Group
Corrections: This cool feature enables PowerPoint users to enhance the sharpness, softness,
brightness and contrast of their selected picture. Clicking on the Corrections button will show the
Gallery View of each option and generate a preview! Which means you can see what every single
effect looks like on your picture without actually applying the effect.
Color: The Color tool can change the color saturation, tone or recolor the selected picture. Clicking the
drop down arrow will also generate previews for each option of the selected picture. Similar to
Artistic Effects: These effects are the real deal! Effects that would normally only be possible in picture
editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop, are available and are simple to apply! Click on the Artistic
Effects drop down arrow to view the gallery of effects. Similar to Corrections and Color, Artistic
Effects automatically generates a preview of the selected picture. Some effects include; blur, paint
strokes, glow edges, pencil strokes, line drawing, etc.
Remove Background: It is possible to remove the background of pictures and keep the foreground.
The remove background tool is the first button in the adjust group.
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Artistic Effects
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New Features
Animation Painter
The animation painter is an incredibly useful tool added to PowerPoint 2010. The Animation painter acts just
like the Format painter in Microsoft word. The Animation Painter will copy all animation features of an object
to, another object, another slide, and multiple slides or to another presentation. It will save the user a large
amount of time because it eliminates the need to add different animation properties to each specific object.
1. To use the Animation Painter, first select the object that you would like to copy all the animation
properties for.
Animation attached to Object
Object Selected
2. Navigate to the Advanced Animation group located in the Animation tab. Click Animation Painter.
The Animation Painter is now activated. The Animation Painter button will be highlighted when
3. The next object you click on will automatically apply the animation properties of the object you have
selected in step 1, to the new object.
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Embedded Video
An exciting new feature that Microsoft has added is the ability to use embedded video from a website. This
means now that now you can add a YouTube video into your PowerPoint presentation!
1. Go to the Media group in the Insert tab.
2. Click the drop down menu on the Video icon. Select “Video from Website...” and the “Insert Video
from Web Site” dialog box will appear. This is where you’re going to paste the embed code that is
attached to the web video you want. The next steps will explain how to get the embed code.
3. Navigate to youtube.com to find the video you want. Go to the video as if you were about to play it.
Look below the video and click the Share button.
4. Click the Embed button which is right next to the “Email this video” button
5. This will bring up 4 check boxes: Show suggested videos when the video finishes, use HTTPS, Enable
privacy-enhanced mode and Use old embed. Click the “USE OLD EMBED CODE” checkbox. YOUR
websites use the new iFrame code to embed videos, which does not work in PowerPoint.
6. The embed code above the checkboxes will change after the “Use old embed code” checkbox is
selected. Highlight the embed code and copy.
Example of Correct Embed Code: <object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/n9mzJhvC8E?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess"
value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/n9mzJhvC-8E?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwaveflash" width="560" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
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Example of Incorrect Embed Code: <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n9mzJhvC-8E?rel=0"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
7. Next go back to PowerPoint 2010 and paste the embed code into the “Insert Video” dialog box that
was opened in step 2. Then click Insert.
8. Congratulations you have successfully added a YouTube video! The video will be inserted into the slide
you’re working on. Clicking on the video will bring up the Video Tools tab where there are various
options such as previewing the clip, adjusting the size, playback options, etc. During a slide show, the
play button must be clicked in order for the video to start playing.
NOTE: Some videos (mostly music videos) are claimed by UMG (Universal Music Group) and won’t play in
PowerPoint or any other website because of copyright laws.
MP4 Video
Is a common new video format that compresses video and audio. Many handheld devices such as the Flip
Cams record video in this new standard format. Microsoft has made it possible to embed mp4 video into
PowerPoint Presentations.
1. Go to the Insert Tab and click the Video drop down arrow under the group Media.
2. Click “Video from File”
NOTE: Clicking the Video icon will automatically allow the user to browse the computer for their video
3. Select the desired video for the presentation and click Insert.
4. The video might take a while to import depending on the length of the video and quality. Be patient.
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5. The video will be inserted into the current slide. Clicking on the video screen will bring up the Video
Tools tab where there are options such as preview, brightness adjustment, borders, etc. During a slide
show simply press play to play the video; otherwise the video will not play.
STAMP (the Subtitling Text Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010) is a free add-on that increases the
accessibility of presentations. STAMP allows users to create captions for video and audio files embedded in
the presentation. STAMP works with all current languages Office 2010 supports. Get STAMP1 and download
Add Caption
Delete Caption
Set Start Time
Set End Time
Add/Delete Captions
1. In the Insert Tab, add the desired audio or video into your presentation from the media group.
2. Next click on the video or audio file, so the Video Tools or Audio Tools Tab appears. Click the Playback
3. Click The Add Caption button and click Create Captions.
Get STAMP Webpage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/stamp-addin/
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4. The Caption Editor will appear, press play to begin playback. At the sections where captions need to
be added, click pause.
5. There are two options:
 Click the green plus sign to add a caption. Then enter text in the Caption Text field.
 Click set caption start time to start the caption. Enter the caption in the caption text field.
Then click set caption end time to finish.
Note: Captions don’t have to be entered in order. Click Sort to enable rearranging captions.
Note: YouTube videos or videos from the internet in general, don’t support STAMP.
Create a Video Slide Show
Create a video of your presentation that can be distributed by using a disc, the Web or e-mail. When creating
a video:
All recorded timings, narrations and laser pointer gestures can be will be incorporated if not turned
All slides that are not hidden in the slide show will be used.
The recording will preserve animations, transitions and media.
The video created will be in the .wmv (Windows Media Video) format.
Access the Backstage View or the File tab.
Click Save & Send.
Go to the File types group and click Create a Video.
The Create Video group will now be displayed. There are two important drop-down menus that vary
depending on what kind of video one desires to make. Depending on what option is chosen the user
should keep in mind how they’re sharing the video because the file size will sharply increase or
decrease. Clicking on the first drop down menu displays the following:
 Computer & HD Displays: For viewing on a computer monitor, projector, or high definition
display (Large 960 x 720)
 Internet & DVD: For uploading to the Web and burning to standard DVD (Medium 640 x 480)
 Portable Devices: Microsoft Zune video quality, Small text may be difficult to read. (Small 320
x 240)
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5. The next drop down menu the user can toggle the narrations and timings on/off. Click “Don’t Use
Recorded Timings and Narrations” to not use recorded timings. If the user has custom created
timings click “Use Recorded Timings and Narrations” to use them.
6. Finally, the user can simply set how long a slide is displayed by clicking the up and down arrows on the
“Seconds to spend on each slide” dialog box.
7. If all settings are set to the user’s preference then click the Create Video button. Choose the
destination on where the video should be and click Save. Sit back and wait for a few minutes while
PowerPoint creates the video. Enjoy!
NOTE: Time varies depending on the length of the video.
Broadcast Slide Show
The Broadcast Slide Show feature in PowerPoint enables presenters to share a slide show with anyone with
an internet connection. PowerPoint will supply a link (URL) for your audience and everyone you invited
watches a synchronized view of your slide in their browser. In order to broadcast a slide show to work the user
must pick a broadcast service.
Broadcast Services:
PowerPoint Broadcast Service (Recommended): This service is available to anyone with a Windows
Live ID. For more information follow this link. This service is free and your audience doesn’t need a
Windows ID in order to watch your slide show.
A broadcast service provided by your organization, hosted on a server that has the Microsoft®
Office Web Apps installed. To use this service, a broadcast site must be set up by the site
administrator and audience members must have access to site.
Supported Browsers:
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari for Mac browsers.
Note: Some PowerPoint features are changed when the slide show is broadcasted.
Transitions in the presentation are Fade transitions in the browser.
Audio and video are not transmitted to the audience through the browser.
The audience will follow be able to follow a link that you click on.
Screensavers and pop-ups WILL disrupt the audiences view of the slide show
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1. Go to the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click Broadcast Slide Show
2. The Broadcast Slide Show Dialog box will appear. If you want to host your slide show on the service
listed under Broadcast Service click Start Broadcast. If you would like to use a different service, click
Change Broadcast Service and select the service that you want to use. Then click Start Broadcast.
3. PowerPoint then creates a URL for your presentation. To send the URL to your audience, either click
Copy Link or Send in Email. Once your audience has received the URL click Start Slide Show to begin
the Broadcast.
4. Once the broadcast is over press the ESC button. Then click End Broadcast.
Reading View
The Reading View enables the user to view a slide show of the presentation that fits the screen they’re
working on. To turn on/off the Reading view:
1. Go to the View tab. In the Presentation View group, click Reading View. It can also be activated by
clicking on the open book icon on the bottom left of the screen.
2. To turn off, press the ESC key.
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In PowerPoint 2010, the user can use the new Sections feature to organize slides similar to using folders to
organize files. Sections can be renamed to keep track of groups of slides. For example, this can be useful in a
team project. Assign members to specific sections so it’s clear which team member contributed what.
Add, Name and Move a Section
1. In either Normal view or Slide Sorter view, right-click between the two slides where you want to
add a section. Select Add Section. Also add a section using the ribbon, in the Slides group of the
Home tab.
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2. To rename, right-click the untitled section marker and click Rename Section.
3. To move the section, right-click the section marker and click Move Section Up or Move Section
4. To remove a section, right-click the section market and click Remove Section.
Topics covered in this manual include:
Various ribbon changes in tabs such as; Home, Insert, Animations, Transitions, Slide Show, Review
and the Picture Tools tab.
The adjust group in the Picture Tools tab contains powerful tools to edit pictures. Users can correct
the lighting and contrast, colors, add artistic effects or Remove the background entirely.
New features such as the Animation Painter can copy animation properties from one object to
another with two clicks. Minimizing time spent adding animation to objects.
Adding embedded video. PowerPoint 2010 makes it easy for users to add video embedded from sites
like YouTube. Users can also add their own .mp4 videos to their presentation.
Broadcasting Slide Shows over the internet. PowerPoint will supply a link (URL) for your audience and
everyone you invited watches a synchronized view of your slide in their browser.
The Reading view which enables a slide show of the presentation that just fits the screen for improved
workspace management.
Organizing your presentation using sections. Sections act like folders for files but group slides instead.
For more questions or concerns, please contact The IRT Service Desk, AIRC 2005 916.278.7337.
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