English 77

English 77
Writing Fundamentals
Writing Instructor: Lynn Knapp
Office Phone: 527 – 3664
524 - 4808
522 - 4749
e-mail: lynn.knapp@wwcc.edu
Office: 36
Hour: M–F: 11:30 – 12:20
Or by Appointment
Description: The purpose of this class is to help you develop greater skill and confidence
in writing. In this class, you will become “language mechanics,” acquiring the writing tools
you will need for success in future classes. You will learn how to organize information in a
well-developed paragraph which is free of most spelling and mechanical errors. A habit of
daily independent reading is essential because reading is the foundation for education, the
foundation for both good speaking and good writing. In this class, you will read and write
every day. The concepts, such as identifying the parts of a paragraph, will be reinforced in
reading as well as in writing.
You will learn elements of grammar, such as subject-verb agreement and correct use of
prepositions. You will also learn elements of sentence structure, such as how to identify
and write complete sentences and how to punctuate using comma rules.
Sentence Skills, Form B, 8th edition, by John Langan
Computer Disk or “Hand Drive”
Portfolio Folders (2 or 3)
One three-ring binder divided into the following sections: grammar,
freewrites and paragraphs, tests and quizzes
Attendance: “Ninety percent of life is just showing up.” Woody Allen
You may miss 4 hours of class before absences affect your grade. Your final course
grade will be reduced by one-half of one letter grade for each class missed after four.
Thus, if you missed five classes and your final grade is B-, it will go down to a C+. You
will not receive credit for attendance if you do not come to class on time or if you leave
It is your responsibility to contact your instructor in advance if you know that you will be
absent. It is also your responsibility to make arrangements to turn in homework as soon
as possible following an absence.
Homework: Homework is credited or turned in at the beginning of each class. Late
arrivals will receive a zero for homework. Late papers will not be accepted unless prior
arrangements have been made with the instructor. When you are absent, it is your
responsibility to find out from a classmate or the instructor what you have missed.
Some assignments completed in class cannot be made up.
This is a 5 credit class. You should be prepared to study from one to two hours outside of
class for every hour spent in class, 5 to 10 hours per week.
Writing: An outline and rough draft (and any other attachments requested) are
essential parts of your paragraph assignments. As much as 30 percent can be deducted
per assignment for a missing rough draft or one which is not ready for in-class peer
editing. A late final draft will lose one grade level per day following the due date. A
missing final draft will reduce your final course grade by half of one letter grade.
Be consistent! Being a student is your job. Like a job, you must come every day
and do your work. Your grade is the pay for your work and you must work hard to
earn it!
Plagiarism Policy: Each student is responsible for his or her own learning. Copying
another person’s work or presenting another person’s work as your own is considered
cheating. Copying work will result in a zero on the assignment for both parties involved.
A second instance of cheating will result in an F for the course. You must do your own
work in order to make progress.
“Don’t procrastinate!”
Develop good study habits. Keep up with your homework. Keep your notebook
Be persistent! Language learning takes time. You may not be ready for the next
level by the end of this quarter. You may need more than one quarter to prepare.
If so, keep going!
In order to go on to English 87, you must earn a C or above.
WWCC Grading Policy: A=100–95, A-=94-90, B+=89-87, B=86-83, B-=82-80,
C+=79-77, C=76-73, C-=72–70, D+=69-67, D=66-60, F=59-0
Conduct : All students have a right to a safe environment that promotes learning. If a student
demonstrates inappropriate and disruptive behavior in the classroom, the instructor will
suspend the student from class temporarily or permanently. Active participation is important.
One point per day can be deducted for lack of preparation (failure to bring books or supplies) or
poor participation.
Respect and courtesy require:
Arrival on time for class.
No eating in class.
No cell phones, pagers, or earphones in class.
No personal conversations when the instructor or another student is
Special Information: If you have a learning disability and have accommodations, or
believe you have a learning disability, please see the instructor or contact Claudia
Angus, the disabilities’ coordinator. Claudia is available from 8:30–12:00 in the Student
Development Center. You may phone 527–4543 to make an appointment.
I have read and understood the syllabus for English 77 (above and preceding page) and
I agree to comply with the requirements. I agree to inform the instructor in person or by
phone if I have difficulty meeting any of the expectations of attendance or course work.
Student Signature _____________________________ Date_____________
Print Name___________________________________
Advisor Name_________________________________