World Geography: Climates of the Earth 1. Define weather. (p. 50) Atmospheric conditions in a particular place at a given time 2. Define climate. (p. 50) Long term atmospheric conditions for a particular place 2. What factors affect climate? (p. 54-56 & Class notes) Latitude zones Wind patterns Elevation Landforms Ocean currents (proximity to water) 3. There are three major climate zones. They are the: (Picture p. 54 & p. 55) ~ ____ Low (hot)___ latitudes ~ ____ Mid (temperate) __ latitudes ~ ____ High (cold) ___ latitudes LOW LATITUDES They are the: (Picture p. 54 & p. 55) 4. The low latitudes are the latitudes between the __ Tropic____ of __ Cancer (23 1/2° N) __ and the __ Tropic ____ of __ Capricorn (23 1/2° S) ___. 5. The low latitudes receive direct __Sunlight ____ all year long. 6. On the world map, shade the land in the low latitudes red. 1 MID-LATITUDES (p. 54-56) 7. The mid-latitudes include the areas between the __ Tropic ___ of _ Cancer _ and the _ Arctic _ _ Circle__ in the Northern Hemisphere and between the _ Tropic _ of_ Capricorn __ and the __ Antarctic ___ __ Circle _ in the Southern Hemisphere. 8. The mid-latitudes temperatures can _ vary_ greatly to _hot__ in the summer and cold in the winter. Why do these variations occur? Solar heating in the summer is greater, Warm ocean currents, warm tropical air the summer, cold polar air in the winter 9. The mid-latitudes are said to have a temperate climate. What does that mean? The weather patterns average to have a mild/ temperate climate 10. On the world map, shade the land in the mid-latitudes green. HIGH LATITUDES (p. 56) 11. The high latitudes include the area between the _North__ Pole and the _ Arctic Circle _ in the Northern Hemisphere and between the _South_ Pole and the _ Antarctic _ Circle _ in the Southern Hemisphere. 12. The high latitudes generally have a _ cold_ climate. 13. On the world map, shade the land in the high latitudes blue. 2