This category assesses water management planning, local

The single most important element of sustainability in
Australia is water – without water there is no community.
This category assesses water management planning,
local government liaison, education and awareness
programs related to water, community involvement and
developing innovative methods of water harvesting,
recycling and reuse.
With a 10 – 15 per cent decrease in rainfall since the mid 1970s there is an urgent need
to become smarter in the way that we use and reuse our water. Rivers, creeks,
wetlands and groundwater are not only important to the people that live around them,
but are the basis of life itself for all plants and animals.
As for other category awards, try to get as many different people involved from the
community as you can, ensure you record a mixture of projects coordinated by several
groups, and tell the judges when they visit your town. For example, the local shire,
business, industry, households, community groups and schools may have water
conservation projects that could easily be incorporated into an entry.
 Consider getting a waterwise specialist to help you save with qualified advice on
waterwise products and services. Visit the Water Corporation website to find a
contact near you.
 Work with your local government or the Water Corporation to see how you can
put a water conservation management plan together for conserving water in your
community and change behaviour.
 Gather waterwise information from Department of Water and Water Corporation
websites and promote these initiatives to your community e.g. government
rebates and the H2ome Smart Program.
 Promote water saving ideas and rebates on community notice and bulletin
 Promote existing education programs like the Water Corporation Council’s
Program or their Target 60 campaign (which encourages individuals to use only
60Lwater daily).
 Encourage any major plantings in your town to include native plants adapted to
rainfall in your area, so they don’t require additional watering.
 Practice mulching and subsoil reticulation.
 Try innovative ways to trial watering plants in areas where reticulation is not an
 Apply for a grant to fund a water conservation garden.
 Look at ways of decreasing the loss of water from tanks or dams through
 Investigate water harvesting options such as storm water run-off, roof run-off or
catchment areas that can be used to collect water for gardens.
 Consider installing grey water treatment systems.
 Encourage use of grey water pipes from washing machines to water lawns,
installation of water saving showerheads and shower timers; slow flow taps or
aerators; and other water saving devices like Chilli Pepper pumps that recycle
cold water.
 Run a short shower campaign. Encourage the community to take 3 minute
showers, register, calculate savings and watch the water savings you make as a
 Find out if your school is participating in the in Waterwise Schools Program or
conducting a water audit.
 Encourage local businesses to have a Water Efficiency Management Plan
(WEMP). Templates are easy to download from the Water Corporation website.
 Encourage householders to do their own water audits of their homes by using the
Water Wise Calculator on the Water Corporations website.
*Please note these are examples only and are not essential.*
To demonstrate and monitor your outcomes, conduct water audits and record and
measure the litres of water you are saving, recycling or reusing. Keep a copy of all
publicity, media coverage and letters received in relation to your projects to show judges
the progress you have made.
Both the Department of Water and Water Corporation websites provides useful
resources for communities including waterwise tips, fact sheets on waterwise garden
designs, rebates for water saving devices. The online State Water Strategy may be a
useful tool when planning waterwise strategies for your town.