The universe by jaren (2) - burns

The universe
by Jaren may, 21 2015
Pictures of galaxies and the solar system
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Stars page 4
Chapter 2 Asteroid belt page 5
Chapter 3 the sun page 6
Chapter 4 Inner planets page 7
Chapter 5 Outer planets 8
Chapter 6 Galaxies 9
Conclusion 10
Glossary 11, 12, and 13
Have you ever been to space? I bet you have not. Without space we
would not be alive right now. They call it the big bang. The big boom
started all of life. The big bang made is solar system and our planets.
We are really lucky to be on the only planet known to have life. Our sun
provides the life we have on our planet. Without the sun there would
be no life on our planet. At night we see a lot of stars some stars are in
constellations. The main constellations are the big dipper, the little
dipper, and Orion. The brightest planet in the sky is Venus. These are
just some of the things you will learn about in this book.
Chapter 1 Stars
When you look up at the night sky you see stars right? Well
there are many stars in our universe. The constellation you
see below is Ursa Major also known as the big dipper.
The big dipper
looks like a pot
The constellation above is called Orion. It is the easiest to
find of the constellations. The three stars in the middle are
called Orion’s belt. The biggest star we think about is the
sun. The biggest star ever discovered is way bigger than the
sun. The sun looks like a quarter compared to it.
Chapter 2 asteroid belt
The asteroid belt is a place between Mars and Jupiter where there are
a lot of asteroids.
This is the
orbit of
This is the orbit of mars
There are millions of asteroids in the asteroid belt. Sometimes they
come over farther by earth. You know in some movies when people are
in space a bunch of asteroids come out of nowhere. They are rocks
from the asteroid belt.
Chapter 3 the Sun
The sun is really hot. It would melt anything that comes
near it. It is the only star in our solar system. It can be
compared to any stars in our galaxy and it is smaller
usually. The biggest blue star in our galaxy is Rigel. It is
500 times bigger than the sun. But also it is 800 light
years away. It is as bright as 40,000 suns.
This picture shows how big Rigel is
compared to the sun.
Chapter 4 inner planets
The planets are split into two sections which include the
inner planets and the outer planets. The inner planets are
the planets closer to the sun and the outer planets are the
planets farther away from the sun. The inner planets
include Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Earth. Venus and
Mercury don’t have any moons. Earth has 1. And Mars has
2. Mercury is the first planet from the sun. It has a bigger
core than its mantle and its crust. Also it is the smallest
planet and it kind of looks like the moon. Venus is the next
closest planet from the sun. It has a record for hottest
planet in the solar system. It can reach up to 867oF. It has
an iron/nickel core about the same size as its mantle.
Venus is yellow and about the same size as the earth.
Earth is the next planet. It is known as the water world. It
is the only planet in the solar system to have an inner and
outer core. Earth’s inner core is about the same size as the
moons core. Earth is the only planet that has surface water
on it. The last inner planet is mars. It has the tallest
mountain ant the largest canyon. Its mountain is called
Olympus mons. It is 17 miles high! The largest canyon is
Valles marineris. It is about 2,400 miles long and it is
about 4.5 miles deep! It is about as long as the United
States from west to east.
Fun fact: if you weighed 80 pounds on earth you would
weigh 73 pounds on Venus 30 pounds on mercury and
mars and only 14 pounds on the moon.
Chapter 5 outer planets
The outer planets are the other half of our solar system. It
includes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All of
these planets have rocky and small cores. The first outer
planet is Jupiter. It is also the biggest planet.
See that red spot it is a hurricane
bigger than the size of 2 earths.
Jupiter is known as the king of the planets because it is
the biggest planet. Storms there can last up to 100 years!
is 11 times the size as earth and it has 63 moons and there
are still more to be discovered. The next planet is Saturn. It
is the flattest planet in the solar system. It also has really
big rings. Saturn has no solid surface and is the fastest
spinning planet. It has a small rocky core. The third planet
is Uranus. Its nickname is the sideways planet because it
is tipped on its side. It has a few dark rings that surround
it. It has 27 moons. Also it spins retrograde. The only
other planet that spins retrograde is mars. The last planet
is Neptune. Its moon triton is the coldest place in the solar
system. It averages -391oF. Neptune’s atmosphere is
stormy and has a really small rocky core. It is the only blue
Chapter 6 galaxies
There are millions of galaxies. Ours is called the Milky
Way. There are a lot of other galaxies near the Milky Way.
The big blue circle is another galaxy
named m110
There are three types of galaxies elliptical, spiral and
irregular. The Milky Way is spiral. There is another galaxy
that is close to ours and in a few billion years they will
collide. The smallest galaxies hold about 1 million stars.
The biggest galaxies hold a million million stars. Most of
the bigger galaxies are elliptical.
I hope you learned a lot from my book and I helped you a
lot. I have also learned a lot. I am hoping to write more
books soon
A rocky object orbiting the sun smaller than a planet
Asteroid belt
Of Jupiter and mars were a lot of asteroids are found.
Radiating or reflecting light
A group of stars that form
A kind of galaxy
A large structure made of stars
The biggest planet in our solar system
Light year
The distance light travels in a year
The last inner planet in our solar system
When something deforms from heat
The smallest planet in our solar system
Milky Way
A spiral galaxy that we live in
The farthest planet from the sun
Olympus mons
A really tall mountain on mars
A constellation in the sky
Orion’s belt
3 stars in the constellation Orion
When a planet orbits the sun the opposite way
A big star in the constellation Orion
A planet with big rings
A type of galaxy in which the Milky Way is.
The second farthest planet in the solar system
Valles marineris
A big canyon on mars
The second planet from the sun
Jupiter pages 5 and 8
Saturn page 8
Neptune page 8
Uranus page 8
Mars pages 5 and 7
Venus page 7
Mercury page 7
Earth page 7
Stars pages 4, 6 and 7
Constellation page 4
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