NAME AND SURNAME: .............................................................................................................
Fecha de Entrega: EL DIA DEL EXAMEN (septiembre)
1. Classify into material bodies or material systems:
A piece of iron, a table, a cloud, a lake, a tree, a ball, a forest, a cow, a piece of
chalk, a herd of sheep.
2. What’s energy? In which units is it measured in the International System?
3. Name the different forms of energy.
4. Name the movements of the ocean water and point out its causes.
5. Differences between physical and chemical weathering.
6. Describe the horizons of a soil
7. What processes intervene in the formation of soil?
8. Match each landform with the right geologic agent:
Surface runoff
Upper course of a river
U-shaped valley
Middle course of a river
Lower course of a river
9. What are the differences between surface runoff and torrents? And between
torrents and rivers?
10. How are the sedimentary rocks created?
11. Complete the following puzzle
6. Pieces of lava between 2 and 64 mm
7. It's the extrusive equivalent of gabbro
9. Breaks with a conchoidal fracture
10. It's main minerals are quartz, feldspar and mica
13. It's a white rock that comes from limestone
14. It's the extrusive equivalent of granite
15. It's a rock with alternating layers of dark and light minerals
17. It's the only rock that floats on water
18. Scientist responsible for the Continental Drift Theory
1. Cracks or fissures which emit steam and gases
2. it's often shiny due to the reflection of mica
3. Volcanoes that originate the most violent, explosive eruptions
4. It's a hard rock that comes from sandstone
5. Similar to granite but with no (or very little) quartz
8. It's the extrusive equivalent of diorite
11. Usually coarse-grained and with a dark color
12. The supercontinent was called...
15. Periodically erupts hot water and steam into the air
16. It's a product of low grade metamorphism
12. What are the main functions of water in living beings?
13. Functions of carbohydrates. Give examples of each.
14. Draw and label a flower.
15. Briefly explain 4 properties of the proteins.
16. Name the most important lipids pointing out their functions.
17. What’s the metabolism?
18. Classify the following living beings into autotrophs or heterotrophs: Apple tree,
dog, coral, sponge, geranium, pine.
19. Where does photosynthesis take place? In which organelles?
20. Point out the differences between the two types of reproduction.
21. Define biotope, biocenosis and ecosystem.
22. Which of the following food chains is the correct one?
a) frog------algae------insect’s larvae------otter
b) algae------insect’s larvae------frog------otter
c) algae------frog------insect’s larvae------otter
23. Match them up:
1. A family of eagles.
a. Commensalism
2. An egret feeding on the
parasites of a sheep.
b. Gregarious association
3. A coral reef.
c. Family association
4. A beehive.
d. Intraspecific competition
5. An owl feeding on a mouse.
e. Mutualism
6. A flock of starlings.
f. State association
7. A flea feeding on a dog
g. Predation
8. A remora fish feeding on
the leftovers of a shark.
h. Interspecific competition
9. Two male deer fight
for the female.
i. Parasitism
10. A fox and a lynx
vying for the rabbits.
j. Colonial association
24. Match them up What is the density of a piece of wood that has a
mass of 25.0 grams and a volume of 29.4 cm3?
25. A piece of wood that measures 3.0 cm by 6.0 cm by 4.0 cm has a mass of
80.0 grams. What is the density of the wood? Would the piece of wood float
in water? (volume = L x W x H)
26. A cup of gold colored metal beads was measured to have a
mass 425 grams. By water displacement, the volume of the beads
was calculated to be 48.0 cm3. Given the following densities,
identify the metal.
Gold: 19.3 g/mL
Copper: 8.86 g/mL
Bronze: 9.87 g/mL
27. What is the mass of a cylinder of lead that is 2.50 cm in diameter,
and 5.50 cm long. The density of lead is 11.4 g/mL and the
volume of a cylinder is
28. Gasoline is a non-polar liquid that will float on water. 450
grams of gasoline is spilled into a puddle of water. If the density
of gasoline is 0.665 g/mL, what volume of gasoline is spilled?
29. I threw a plastic ball in the pool for my dog to fetch. The mass of
the ball was 125 grams. What must the volume be to have a
density of 0.500 g/mL.
30. The volume of a solution was measured in a graduated cylinder
(shown above). If the mass of solution is measured to be 60.75
grams, what is the density of the solution?
31. Rewrite these figures using the scientific notation:
a) 25.000
b) 0’0000006
d) 0’1
e) 1.000.000
f) 0’00000001
g) 273.000.000
h) 0’00000042
32. Fill in the chart
33. Copy in your notebook and complete the following sentence:
“ The atomic number of chlorine is 17; this means that all the atoms of
chlorine have ______ protons and, if they are electrically neutral, also ______
34. An athlete covers 100 m in 10 s. What is his average speed?
35. In the Tour of France, a cyclist finished a stage of 190 Km in 4.5
hours. What was the average speed of the cyclist?
36. A car does 320 Km in 4 hours. What is its average speed?
37. The speed of sound in the air is 340 m/s. Express this speed in Km/h
38. An athlete runs at a constant speed of 583 m/min. How many seconds does
he need to cover 1 meter?
39. An athlete did 100 m in 9.8 seconds. What “average” did he do?
40. In a cycling race the winner did 152 Km and 3 Hm in 5 hours. Which was his
average speed in Km/h and m/s?
41. Convert the following units:
a. 104 Km/h into m/s
h. 30 m/s into Km/h
b. 15 m/s into Km/h
i. 12 Km/h into m/min
c. 24 Km/h into m/min
j. 30 Km/min into m/s
d. 36 Hm/min into m/s
e. 50 min into s
f. 80Km/h into m/s
g. 4 Km/h into m/s
42. A car travels from Madrid to Córdoba with a constant speed of 100 Km/h. If
at 10:00 in the morning the car is in Bailén, which is 250 Km away from
Madrid, what time did the car depart from Madrid?
43. A stone of 2 Kg thrown up reaches its maximum height at 5 m. What is in
that moment its kinetic energy? And the potential energy?
44. If a work of 13.5 J is carried out to drag a body along a distance of 0.90
meters, then how much force is applied on the body?
Criss Cross Puzzle
2. almost all weather is in this layer
5. it's the salt content of the water
7. separates the stratosphere from the mesosphere
9. they are periodic rises and falls of large bodies of water
10. the unit for energy in the SI is...
12. movements of the ocean water due to the wind
13. 75% of the sun is...
1. the nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller nuclei
3. it's the outer limit of the atmosphere
4. this energy is due to the movements of the atoms and molecules
6. the energy of the sun comes from reactions of nuclear....
8. is the capacity of a material body or system to carry out work
11. 25% of the sun is...
Criss Cross Puzzle