Draft brief report Water Management in Balkh Ab River Basin Dr. Muhammad Jamal Khan and Abdul Hakeem Khan Introduction Balkh is one of the thirty fourth provinces of Afghanistan and its economy mainly depends on agriculture. The province has al an irrigated area of 2, 24,500 ha, which is mostly irrigated by Balkh river. Balkh River originates from Bandi Amir located in Bamyan and its flow discharge varies from 19.8 to 168 m3/s with overall average of 53.35 m3/s as per record of 1964-1978. From Balkh river 18 main intake brings water to 18 canals. These canal irrigation systems were traditionally developed by communities with some recently capital investment from government side. Balkh River has a total length of 400 km with the watershed area of 18,700 km2. The livelihood of 114, 883 inhabitants of Balkh province depend on agriculture and livestock (FAO, 1996). Realizing the importance of irrigated agriculture in the province, a two weeks irrigation system diagnostic analysis (DA) study was conducted in the three sampled canals of Balkh river system to find the strength, weakness of the irrigated agriculture and to explore the possible interventions for improvement of the irrigation system. The study was organized by the Afghan Water Agricultural Technology Transfer (AWATT) project in joint collaboration with Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) and Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) for the capacity building of their staff. Besides that one of the objectives of the study was to find the critical issues and problems of water management and agriculture related to productivity capacity building of all stakeholders in the system. This section of the report deals with water availability in the Balk River, existing water management practices, operation and management of the irrigation system as well issues related to water management. Methodology A group of 30 officials of Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL and other Government and Non Government organizations of Afghanistan participated in two weeks intensive Diagnostics Analysis (DA) of irrigation system in Mazar-e-Sharif . During the first three days background information about the water management issues, crop water requirements, farm economics were presented and discussed. After discussion about the water management issues, water law, Mirab system, crop water requirements, operation and management of irrigation system, a tour was organized to see the Nahre Shahee intake and flow control and division structures along the canal.. Then the group visited Mirzae’s Canal intake, flow control and division structures. For this study, three sampled canals (Siah Gard , Mirzae and Balkh ) of the Balkh river system were selected. Keeping in mind the overall goal of the study, to find problems and constraints related to low agricultural productivity and possible solutions for better management of the system. A formal detailed questioner was developed by the workshop management team and information related to agriculture and water management was collected through measurements, observations and through the survey of farmers on random basis. Information was collected from farmers in the upstream, midstream and downstream on the water availability, water management, water loses, water distribution, Mirab Role, canal maintenance, cropping pattern, farm budget, marketing, plant protection issues, livestock and etc in the service areas of the sampled canals. Salient features of the sampled canals studied during DA process are as follows: Table 1. Service area, number of off takes and observed discharge of sampled canals. S. No Name of the canal 1. Siah Gard 2. 3. Service Area (ha) Length of the main canal Measured discharge on 13/06/09 (m3/s) No. of tertiary canals/Off takes 10,800 40 1.560 9 Mirzae 1,620 6 0.400 11 Balkh Canal 4,816 15 0.67 9 Results and Discussions Balkh Ab River Flow The flow of Balkh Ab River at Rabat-i- Bala during the period (1964-1978) ranged from 19.8 to 160 m3/s (Figure 1). It is clear from the flow record that average flow for the past three decade has decreased about 34.38%, which means overall less water availability in the system. Due to conflict and war in the country, no river flow data available during the period 1979 to 2007 for Balkh Ab River. Figure 1. Flow in Balkh Ab River at Rabat-i- Bala during 1964-1978. (Source Afghan Government Central Statistics’) Relative Wate Level (Actual water level/average water level) As there is no reservoir in the Balk river system for management of water, the canal’s intakes get water directly from the river. Therefore, the water diverted to canal systems varies according to the water availability in the river system. During the winter months snowfall occurs in upper mountains of the Bakh River basin. After winter season, with rise in temperature, the flow in the river increases (Figure 2) and the highest flow occurs in summer (May, June, July and August) and lowest during the winter months (November, December, January and February). As compared to the average discharge (53.35 m3/s) of Balkh River, the highest discharge of 1430 m3/s was observed during May, 2009. The duration of floods in the river are relatively short and ranged from 1 to 3 days. The variations in flow level in the river influence the water supplies in the canal system and generally the management of the system becomes more difficult due to siltation and lack of head regulating structures. 2.000 1.600 1.200 0.800 Rabaat 0.400 Pul Barq 0.000 Date Figure 2. Variations in relative water levels of Balkh River during February, 2008 to May, 2009(source: MEW, Mazar Sharif) Irrigation Canals of Balkh River Balkh Ab River provide irrigation water to two distinct systems (a) Shogara valley situated upstream in the Balkh River basin being served by seven canals and the dominant cropping pattern is rice-wheat. The downstream irrigated area along the Balkh river consist of Hazdha Nahr irrigation network, which serve an estimated area of 424,880 ha through a system of 11 separate canals with a total length of 475 km across Mazar, Balkh, Aqcha and Jawzjan regions (Lee, 2003). In this system, the water allocation is based on allocation rights expressed in a unit called Paikal and one Paikal is equal to 360 to 400 Jareebs (72 to 80 ha). As per Mirab the water rights were fixed on an agricultural taxation systems exist in that period expressed in a unit called a paikal (ADB, 2002). The service areas of irrigation canals of Balkh River system range from 5,040 to 79,200 ha with overall average of 34,383 ha Table 2). Table 2. Balkh River Canals and service area with water rights. S.No. Name of Canal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Imam Sahib Nahr-e-Shahi Siagard Balkh Mushtaq Chimtal Abdullah Daulatabad Charbolak Faizabad Aaqcha Service Area with Water Right Paikal* Hectares 200 14400 560 40320 150 10800 70 5040 209 15048 164 11808 700 50400 750 54000 750 54000 600 43200 1100 79200 5253 378216 *1 Paikal = 360 Jareeb =72 ha in this system Water Losses in the sampled Canals The objective of water measurement was to estimate losses in the sampled canals; this would give an idea of the availability of irrigation at upstream and downstream reaches of the systems. The losses were determined by the in-flow out-flow method using the constructed weirs and gauges in the system as well. Measurements were made at the beginning and end of each reach in question, any off takes such as watercourses that were flowing were measured, and the difference between the two points was the loss. Details of measurements taken are in the field notes and supporting report and a summary of the results are presented in Table 3. It must be stated that neither the time nor available resources under the DA studies allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of canal water losses, which in itself should be a separate study. There are many variables that can affect results and a few quick measurements may not compensate for them. Losses in unlined channels are a function of the wetted perimeter; this coupled with the daily changes in channel water levels make it difficult to derive estimates of losses in a short period of time. Soil conditions of the channel can affect results. Only a program that can take sufficient measurements over time and changing conditions can provide precise data. These results are the indicative values and may change due to flow and maintenance condition of the canals. The conveyance losses in the three sampled canals ranged from 0.85 to 31.67 % per km. In two of the sampled canals the overall losses in the whole length of the canals were 33.85 and 30.14 % in Siah Gard and Mirzae accordingly. It can be concluded about 1/3 of the water was lost in the whole length of the canal due to relatively poor maintenance and weeds growth on the sides of canal. A significant amount of water can be saved through the lining of some of the sections of the canal with relatively high water losses. Better maintenance and proper weed control will also be helpful for better conveyance efficiency in the canal system. Table 3. Conveyance losses in the sampled canals of Balkh River. S. No. Name of the canal Discharge measured at the head Length of the canal/ Branch (m3/s) (km) Conveyance Total Conveyance Losses Conveyance Losses (% per 3 (m /s) losses km) (%) 1 Sia Gard 1.560 40 0.528 33.85 0.85 2 Marzai 0.292 6 0.088 30.14 5.02 3 Balkh Brach 0.345 0.742 0.035 10.14 13.67 Water Distribution Water distribution is managed through a three-tier system: for each main canal there is one water bailiff, a mirab bashi, who is helped by mirabs responsible for the major secondary canal intakes. At the tertiary canal level they are assisted by chak bashi .The water distribution are not equitable and lot of farmers at the down streams of canal mentioned the excessive use of water by the upstream users for rice cultivation is one of the major problems for not having sufficient water the downstream areas in the river basin. Adequacy and Reliability of Irrigation Water Measurements of outlet discharge were undertaken on fifteen tertiary units. Based on our sample, head reaches in the sampled canals system received relatively better water supply as per their water allocated share as compared to downstream reaches in the system. A wide variation was observed, some of the outlets received less than their due share. The water allocation system does not consider the losses in the system. This condition is one of the main problems resulting in the inequitable distribution of water throughout the system, especially at the tail end of canal systems. The allocated and observed water share in different tertiary channels in Siah Gard canal system is shown in Table 4 and Figure 2. It can be seen from the table that the first four tertiary channels located upstream in the systems were receiving close to their allocated water share and the remaining tertiary canals were getting less than their due share. The water distribution in the Mirzaee canal was relatively better may be due its relatively small length as compared to Siah Gard Canal (Table 5). Relatively better water distribution was observed at Mirzae’s canal, one of the reason may be due to its small length as compared to Siah Gard canal which is about 40 km long. Table 4. Tertiary channels service area, allocated and observed water share in Siah Gard Canal. S. No Name of the Tertiary Unit Area Area (Paikals) (ha) 1 Khasa Paz 14.17 2 4.00 288.00 2.67 0.034 2.18 3 Farm e Daulate Deh Qaji 10.67 768.24 7.11 0.095 6.09 4 Zambo Kan 14.17 1020.24 9.45 0.135 8.66 5 Dera Gai 20.00 1440.00 13.33 0.069 4.45 6 Nawagil Urtagul Urtagul 1.50 108.00 1.00 0.000 0.00 17.50 1260.00 11.67 0.098 6.30 7 Allocated Observed Observed Water Discharge on Water Share 13/06/09(m3/s) share (%) (%) 1020.24 9.45 0.143 9.17 Remarks Silted, no flow 8-A Siah Gard 63.99 4607.28 42.66 0.441 28.29 8-B Nawagil Sia Gard 4.00 288.00 2.67 0.016 0.46 Allocated and Observed Water Share (%) Allocated Water Share(%) Observed Water Share(%) 60 40 20 0 Figure 3. Allocated and observed water share at Siah Gard Canal. Table 5. Tertiary channels service area, allocated and observed water share in Mirzaee Canal. S. No Name of the Tertiary Unit Area (Paikals) 1 Haji Faqeer 1.00 2 Arbab Qalinder 4.50 324.00 20.00 0.052 18.07 3-A 1.00 72.00 4.44 0.007 2.27 1.00 72.00 4.44 0.007 2.27 7.00 504.00 31.11 0.082 28.38 4-B Haji Abdul Bhai (Right) Haji Karim Bhai (Left) Thaghaee Baghaee Ashani 1.00 72.00 4.44 0.007 2.53 5 Haji Qurban 2.00 144.00 8.89 0.023 8.07 6 Baig Ali 0.33 23.76 1.47 --- ---- 7 0.25 18.00 1.11 --- ---- 8 Haji Noor Bahie Haji Gul Alam 0.67 48.24 2.98 0.008 2.60 9 Mirzae 3.75 270.00 16.67 0.052 17.85 3-B 4-A Area (ha) Allocated Water Share (%) 72.00 4.44 Observed Discharge on 13/06/09(m3/s) 0.015 Observed Water share (%) 5.11 Remarks Table 6. S.No Tertiary channels service area, allocated and observed water share in Balkh canal. Off take name Area (Paikal) Area (ha) 1 Ghulba off take baghaat 1 72 Water Share (%) 1.42 2 Hayatajat off take 1 144 1.42 3 Qala off take 4.25 216 6.04 4 Asyab qonigh off take 8.5 288 12.07 5 Palas posh watani off take 10.29 360 14.60 6 Palas posh now warid off take 5.64 432 8.00 7 Kushkak off take 12.75 504 18.11 8 Hesarak and Dahrazi off take 8.51 576 12.08 9 ghandian off take 7.44 648 10.56 10 Ofmalik watani off take 8.50 720 12.07 11 Ofmalik now warid off take 2.12 792 3.01 In general, it can be concluded that the outlets at the head reaches were getting more water than the tail reaches in the sampled canal system. Five tube wells were found on the downstream reaches of the canal systems. They are concentrated particularly on the tail sections of the sampled canals. This undoubtedly is due to this area receiving insufficient water from the canals and is in agreement with responses received to other similar questions related to adequacy of water. Adequacy of Water Distribution About 59% of the respondents interviewed were not satisfied with water supply especially during winter season and they received less than enough or too little water. In Siagard canal service area 85% of respondents reported less than enough or too little water as compared to Balkh and Marzae canal. In Marzea canal 76% of the farmers reported enough (Figures 4 and 5). Percent Respondents Summer Season 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Too much Enough Less than enough Too Little Figure 4. Adequacy of water in summer season of the sampled canals. Percent Respondents Winter Season 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Too much Enough Less than enough Too Little Figure 5. Adequacy of water in winter season of the sampled canals This ineffectiveness of the system to provide adequate water to the farmers is caused by a number of problems, all of which contribute to the tail end problems of water users. These include: poor maintenance which, in general, leads to excessive losses; seepage losses in the channels; due to losses the travel time , which is not considered in the allocation of water and to allow sufficient water to reach the tail; cultivation of high water use crop (rice) in the upstream reaches of the Balkh River Basin; and Illegal and excessive use of water by upstream users. Other Observations on the Water Distribution System Based on direct observation during walk-through and discussions with farmers, some of the problems in the Balkh Ab River’s Canal system related to water distribution were: Shortage of water in the system due to excess use of water in the upstream reaches of the canal. Illegally obstruction by the farmers to increase flows into the specific outlets. Due to non consideration of canal filling and drainage time the overall water distribution is not equitable. The system is vulnerable for manipulation by powerful influential landowners. In some places like, farmers at the head reaches and those who are powerful tend to apply water during the daytime and let the water flow at night. Tail reach farmers complain they are being turned into permanent night irrigations. Time of Water Application The time of water application applied to alfalfa crop ranged from 1.83 to 6.97 hrs per ha with overall average of 3.91 hrs per ha. In general, at the middle and tail reaches the water application to alfalfa crops was 30 and 40% less than the head. The higher application of water at the upstream reaches did not resulted higher yields as compared to middle reaches of the sampled canals. It seems to be that with better management some water at the upstream can be saved that can be used to irrigate more area at the downstream reaches of the system. Table 1. Water application practiced by farmers in the sampled canals service area. Average Head Middle Tail S. Sample Canal No. Size Irrigation water applied to Alfalfa crop (hrs per ha) 6.97 4.30 1 Siagard 16 3.00 2.92 2 Marzae 16 5.08 4.79 4.27 4.71 3 Balkh 27 3.41 2.95 1.83 2.73 5.15 3.58 3.01 3.91 Overall average Source: DA survey data, 2009. Role of Mirab in Water Management As observed, Mirab takes care of the system along the canal, all the structures and distribution system. If requires, he collects and do expenditures for the maintenance of the canal under the supervision of the elders. Mirab resolves the disputes of water if occurs. Mirab is responsible for arranging, cleaning of the canal at the end of each year. Mirab performs the following in management of irrigation system in Afghanistan. Generally people were satisfied with the role of Mirab. Main responsibilities of the Mirab are as follows: water conveyance and distribution Major link between government and water users Carry out maintenance with help of people Collection of funds for maintenance Take care of the system Collects and do expenditures for maintenance and operation Solving of disputes if occurs Responsible for cleaning of canal Collects and do expenditures for maintenance and operation Solving of disputes if occurs Responsible for cleaning of canal Government Contribution: Since the canals in Balkh province has been excavated traditionally by the communities and the distribution issues managed by the water users, the government only contributes in constructing and maintaining the basic structures along the system. In Afghanistan almost 88% of the irrigation canals are managed by the community while 12% of the canals have been excavated and managed by the government as in Nangarhar, Parwan, Helmand and etc. The government intends to take over the management issues of the traditional canals in the long term, for the purpose of preventing water loses, land loggings and salinities. In the mean time disputes if arises along the system, will be resolved through Mirab in the light of new water law. The intakes will be constructed in an appropriate way by the government, thus the current disputes and illegal interferes will be completely over. Community Contribution: The community can organize volunteer works to clean the canal or collect funds for providing services to the system. The community must be convinced about government activities and improving the irrigation systems. The community also can participate in solving disputes. Prevention of water loses in the canal and on-farm level. Cleaning of canal Collect fund to provide services to system Solving disputes Using water on the bases of crop requirement, Introduction of new technology. Developing water associations, Improving structures, Proper maintenance, Using water on the bases of crop requirement, Introduction of new technology. Developing water associations, Improving structures, Proper maintenance, Maintenance Overall maintenance of the distribution system varies from less than adequate to needs for major improvement both in term of canal design and flow regulating and distribution structures. Areas of maintenance can be categorized into three major need categories, essential, priority and annual. A particular maintenance item on one canal may fall into one category, but on another canal it may be in another category depending on conditions. As per DA survey the following ed maintenance practices were observed. • De-silting of sampled canals and irrigation channels are performed once or twice a year • For canals and irrigation channels maintenance funds are collected on the basis of land holding • De-silting is mainly done manual and for de-silting of main canals it takes 15-30 days of work and about 500-600 irrigators participate in the activity • For major repair, government help is sought Essential Structural Improvement Needs: De-silting of canal and removal of weeds on the bank of canal. Install of new permanent fixed staff gauges at appropriate locations for water measurement at all the distribution points. Make necessary installation of flow regulation and distribution structures. Locate and paint making system at each 1000 m interval for location of structures and water distribution points on the canals. Annual Maintenance Needs: Removal of all vegetation along canal banks and embankments Establishment of excess road along the canal. De-silt and remove all vegetation from canal banks and bed. Repair or damaged canal banks and/or scour holes at structures. Plate 1. Condition of the part of the canal Major Water Issues Water shortage in the system Fluctuations in canals water supply due to variation in river flow 1/3rd of their land is cultivated each year due to shortage of water Lack of water control and regulation structures Water regulating devices were not installed in the intakes for determination of water rights. Weeds on the banks Inequitable water allocation and distribution Water shortage in the upstream as a result of paddy cultivation in the Sholgara Illegal pumping of water Most of the farmers lack technical knowhow of water management of the main canal systems; some branch canals never have the basic off takes, resulting un equitable water distribution. Cultivation of High Delta Crop: The farmers in the upstream reaches of the Balkh Ab River basin (Sholgara valley), grow extensive rice on an area of 260-280 ha. Without proper government regulation the rice cultivation is expected to increase due to relatively better return of the crop. Besides they grow on significant area cotton, fruit trees, grape and vegetable (FAO , 2003). The water users of Sholgara valley do not follow inter community water management practices and they divert water from the Balkh River when they require, the government intervention is very limited for regulation flow in the system. Conclusions and Recommendations The condition of canals infrastructures, distribution and management system is not at a level to ensure equitable water distribution without major improvement. Therefore, the capacity of the management teams at all levels need to be enhanced and the canal infrastructures should be improved to a sustainable and fully functional level. The MEW and MAIL staff has to be trained for to be able to deliver water efficiently to the farmer’s fields and how could they make better use of it. The current research resulted in several new approaches including developing farmer organizations for improved O&M practices, lining of irrigation channels in critical reaches, installation of control and social structures, precision land leveling, improved irrigation practices at the farm level, and improved flow of technical information to the farmers. WUAs has to be strengthened for improve performance and maintenance of the system. MED and MAIL must initiate an intensive awareness and training program to increase the farmers’ knowledge of irrigated agriculture and judicious use of irrigation water. This can be done through demonstrations in typical settings, practical “in-the-village” training programs and through appropriate and applicable audio-visual means. To fully accomplish the broader MED and MAIL objectives requires a complete overhaul of the organization is required—including staffing, training, and provision of necessary resources. Lack of easy access through crossings is a general problem that occurs in most canal-irrigated areas. Future plans should allow for improved access. With the magnitude of losses observed in the system, a good operation and maintenance program can reduce losses and should be promoted in joint collaboration of all stakeholders. The distribution of irrigation water among farmers is through a water right per cultivated land, it is an allocated right based on the owned land area. If practiced according to schedules (and if outlet are proportional), amounts of water delivered to each farmer would be equitable to some extent due to non consideration of canal filling and draining times Due to physical, management, socio-cultural, political, and financial constraints, an equitable water distribution is almost never achieved. As a result tail-end farmers often receive the least water and suffer the greatest inequity while those at the head receive the most. Measuring devices be installed at all distribution structures to serve the dual purpose of promoting equity as well as allowing system operators to understand what it occurring throughout the system. At a minimum, though this will not serve system operators’ needs fully, depth markings should be painted on all permanent structures showing the percent of full flow in the canal. In this way, farmers could easily see (and easily understand) whether the water level at their outlet was at a par with those upstream. It is hoped that making disparities obvious in this way will lead to improved equity. Also the cost is minimal and maintenance is simple. Significant variability exists in outlet discharges as compared to allocated share of water; this variability was higher in downstream reaches of the canal. A detailed hydraulic performance assessment of the canals should be carried out to make the system more equitable. Judicious use of irrigation water may be promoted through capacity building of all stakeholders. Strengthening of basin wise water users’ association of all stakeholders may be encouraged. There must come some understanding between upstream and downstream water users. The upstream should save some water to be used by downstream users. Better management of irrigation water supply in the canal through capacity building of all stakeholders. Since water shortage is felt by farmers in all the sampled irrigation systems especially at the tail of the canals, there is a need to increase the supply of water in canal systems. The fluctuation in supply of water is due to variations in yearly precipitation and rainfall. Climate change may contribute more fluctuations of water availability in the river system in future. Therefore, a water reservoir in Chashma-eShafa may be explored for storage of flood water to be used during the water shortage period. If feasible, for sustainable water supply in Balkh River Canals’ system a water reservoir in Cheshma-e- Shafa may be constructed for conservation of flood water. Assessment of water availability and use in the basin for feasibility of construction of storage reservoir, online and farm storages Assess the feasibility of construction of water reservoir in Cheshma-e- shafa to conserve flood water to overcome the shortage of water in the system. Water shortage can also be tackled by using underground water provided that if does not harm water availability for Karizes and springs and recharge regularly. It looks like to be great water loses on canal and on-farm level. Water loses in Mirzaee canal upstream position was calculated to be between 10 – 12%. This issue could be solved by training farmers about better canal and on-farm water management, introduction of water saving technology like drip irrigation, minimum of zero tillage, land levelling, plastic layering of the ditches about half a meter down, cleaning the weeds along the water flow, understanding crop water requirement, (important issue), adjusting crop to water availability, building some concrete structures on ditches to prevent physically water loses. Conjunctive use of surface and ground water may be promoted for enhanced agricultural productivity, if does not harm water availability in the karezes or resulting ground water depletion. To increase water productivity, the manager and farmers need to understand water requirement in different growth stages of each crop and make use of the technical advice of the agriculture extension about number of irrigation for each crop Training is needed for farmers about better canal and on-farm water management, introduction of water saving technology like drip irrigation minimum or zero tillage, land levelling, plastic layering of the ditches about half a meter down, clearing the weeds along the water flow, understanding crop water requirement, adjusting crop to water availability, building concrete structures on ditches to prevent physical water loss. Assessment of quality and quantity of ground water in the Balkh river basin. Strengthening of water users’ association for better management and judicious use of irrigation water. There must come some understanding between upstream and downstream water users. The users at the upstream should save some water to be used by downstream users in the system. To increase water productivity, farmers need to understand water requirement in different growth stages of each crop and make use of the technical advice of the agriculture extension about number of irrigation for each crop. There must come some understanding between upstream and downstream water users. The upstream should save some water to be used by downstream. REFERECES Lee, J. L. 2003. Water Resources Management on the Balkh Ab-river and Hazhda Nahr Canal network, from Crisis to Collapse. Adamec, L. and W. Mazaha, 1979. North and Central Afghanistan (Graz, Australia). Development Alternatives, Inc, 1993. Earth Satellite Corporation. Afghanistan Land Cover and use report. Mc Chesney, R.D. 1991. Waqf at Balkh, Princeton University press. UNIDATA, 1992. A socio-economic profile of Balkh. AWATT Report September 2009 (Paulo & Becky & Osman) Survey Results and Methodology (A) Sampling Process and Survey Design (B) Key Characteristics of the Sample - Paulo B.1 Tenancy Status One of the key characteristics to analyze a sample in this type of diagnostic analysis is the tenancy status of the farmers. The tenancy status shows us the kind of property rights a farmer operates. Overall, the ownership across head, middle, and tail accounts for about 65% of the farmers are both (owner and tenants) for about 25% of the respondents (Graph 1). Observing the data across canals (graph 2) the majority is owner and the results show almost no producer rents in Balkh Canal. Graph 1: Tenancy status - percent of total 0.8 0.6 Head 0.4 Middle 0.2 Tail 0 Owner Graph 2: Tenant Both Tenancy status - percent of total 0.8 0.6 Merzai 0.4 Siyagard 0.2 Balkh 0 Owner Tenant Both B.2 Land Area Another key characteristic is the ownership of the land area of the farmers surveyed. We looked at the land area of the location (head, middle, and tail) across canals. Overall, there is more owned land area in the middle of all canals (see tables below) and Balkh Canal is the one which has the least owned land are, specifically in tail location (Table 3). It seems that farmers own more land around the head and middle parts of the canals, except for the Siyagard Canal which has a high number of land area owned, it happens maybe because of Siyagard Canal is bigger comparing to the others so that the tail location has more water availability? (I don’t know if I can assume that…..correct me if I am wrong) (if you guys prefer graphs, I also have it) Table 1: location H H H canal Mirzai Siyagard Balkh Own_area 60 164 202 Rent_area 38 119 191 canal Mirzai Siyagard Balkh Own_area 52 50 65 Rent_area 32 40 55 Table 2: location M M M Table 3: location T T T canal Mirzai Siyagard Balkh Own_area 133 860 0 Rent_area 75 183 70 B.3 Education Another key characteristic to be observed on the survey was the level of education of the farmers. Overall, Table 4 shows that approximately at least 50% of the farmers across canals have no education and about just 5% have 11 years of education or more. Results across canals and by location show no real differences among the different levels of education. Table 4 canals Mirzai Siyagard Balkh 0 years 68% 72% 48% Education level - percentage 6-10 11 + 1years 5years years 16% 0% 16% 6% 22% 0% 35% 4% 13% B.4 Age The main aim of the age variable in this preliminary analysis is to identify the correlation between education and age. Almost all the farmers in the age range of 21-40 years old have no education. The results show no real differences among canals and locations (see graphs 3 and 4). I could not think about any reason why this pattern happens, is it because of the war? Graph 3: Correlation Education x Age across all canals 100% 90% years of education 80% 70% 60% no education 50% 1-5 years education 40% 5-10 years education 30% 11+ years education 20% 10% 0% 0-20 21-40 41-60 61+ Age Graph 4: Correlation Education x Age across Head, Middle, and Tail 100% 90% years of education 80% 70% 60% no education 50% 1-5 years education 40% 5-10 years education 30% 11+ years education 20% 10% 0% 0-20 21-40 41-60 Age 61+ (C) Water, irrigation and production practices C.1 Water and Irrigation practices (Becky) In this section the survey “Diagnostic Analysis of Irrigation Systems in Balkh Afghanistan” will be analyzed with respect to six of its questions relating to water, irrigation and production practices which are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Is the water availability sufficient for your crops? What are the main types of irrigation methods used? (border/furrow/basin) Is there any difference between the availability of irrigation water at day and night? How often is your watercourse cleaned? What are the days you spent on watercourse cleaning in a cropping season? (No. of days) Do you get improved seed varieties? Water Sufficiency Afghanistan has a semi-arid climate and water is a scarce resource and if not properly allocated farmers will face water scarcity. Based on intuition it is expected that farmers located at the head of the canal will be less likely to face scarcity issues while the farmers in the tail will be most susceptible to scarcity. Graph 1 illustrates that across the three canals in this sample this intuition holds, the head has greater percentages of farmers reporting sufficient amounts of water than does the tail. The tail does not appear to be significantly different from the middle, but this may be due to the small amounts of middle farmers in some of the samples. Some caution should be taken when analyzing this variable as the definition of “sufficient” amounts of water is subjective, and will depend on the crops being grown and the expectations of the farmer. Graph 1: Is Water Sufficient? (in percentage of farmers ) 100% 80% 60% 40% No 20% Yes 0% Merzai Siyagard Head Balkh Merzai Siyagard Balkh Merzai Siyagard Middle Balkh Tail Night Irrigation: Another informative result of the survey comes from the comparison of farmer’s night and day irrigation. Graph 2 indicates that the head is least likely to irrigate differently at night and the tail is most likely. When compared to Graph 1 it is observed that the farmers with the least water are the ones that are most likely to irrigate differently at night. This leads to a possible case of water stealing in the night where water is otherwise insufficient. Graph 2 Do You Irrigate Differently at Night? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No Head Watercourse Cleaning: Middle Tail Another aim of the survey was to gain information on the upkeep of the watercourse by the farmers who are utilizing it. Graph 3 and Graph 4 illustrate farmer’s responses to the question: How often is your water course cleaned. Results show that overall farmers find value in cleaning their canals, as the majority of farmers say that they do spend time cleaning the canals. Graph 3 shows large differences in watercourse cleaning frequency across canals. Siyagard is the only canal in which farmers reported never cleaning the canal and Balkh has the greatest percentage of farmers cleaning the canal more than once per season. *** could these differences across canal be due to canal size? Theoretically a canal with a smaller group of farmers would have more incentive to clean the canal as their not helping is more observable by the others. Also what about the hetero/homogeneity of the population? Would influence their ability to cooperate to clean the canal. Outside research indicates that the closer the canal is to the market the less likely the individuals in the canal are to cooperate. Kind of a streach but could be linked to education – say that more education leads to leadership which in turn will lead to more cooperation*** Graph 4 shows watercourse cleaning frequency across head/middle/tail. The head and middle are similar when it comes to cleaning frequency while the tail on average cleans more frequently than the other two. Next Graph 5 and Graph 6 show the number of man days spent cleaning the canal each season. The results indicate that not only does the tail clean more frequently but they also spend more man days cleaning the canal. This result corroborates with expectations that the tail has the greatest private incentive, as they have a high marginal value of water, to clean the canal and thus will put the most effort into cleaning their watercourse. Graph 3: Frequency of Canal Cleaning - as Percentage of Respondents 100% 80% 60% Never Once 40% More than Once 20% 0% Merzai Graph 4: Siyagard Balkh Frequency of Canal Cleaning - as Percentage of Respondents 100% 80% 60% Never Once 40% More than Once 20% 0% Head Middle Tail Graph 5: Average Man Days Per Farm Spent Cleaning the Canal 25 20 15 10 5 0 Head Graph 6: Middle Tail Days Cleaning the Canal - Percentage of Farmers 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 10 or less 11 to 20 21 + Head Middle Tail Land Levelling Based on notes and looking at land leveling again I think this is something that we should just drop as it is very subjective, how do they know their land level status and what is poor to one farmer may be good to another it is all just relative to their expectations. But if this variable is kept point out that poor land leveling seems to be most problematic in the Siyagard canal and non- existant in the Balkh canal. Point out that Siyagard seems to have many inconsistencies with the other canals. Graph 7: Percentage of Farms with Poor Land Level Status 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Mirzai Siyagard Balkh Improved Seed: An important production practice which can help lead to more profitable farms involves the use of improved seed varieties. In this sample as you move down the canal there is less use of improved seed varieties. Also notable is that the majority of the “no’s” came from the tail of the Siyagard canal. From Graph 9 it can be seen that there is more variation across crops than across canals (need to be careful with any conclusions made from this graph as the only information we have is whether they used improved seeds as a farmer not which crop they used improved seeds, it is being assumed that if a farmer used improved seed that they used it for all crops that they grow which is probably not an accurate assumption) Graph 8: Do you use improved seed varieties? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Head Middle Tail Yes No Graph 9: percentage of Farmers by Crop Who Use Improved Seed Varieties 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Alf Bar Corn Cot Veg Wh Cuc Tom On Mel Wat C.2. Production Practices – Osman C.2.1 Acreage Our survey showed that total area is greatest in Siyagard (2510 jeribs) followed by Balkh (2088 jeribs) and Merzai (655 jeribs). Siyagard has the largest average farm size of 25.4 jeribs compared to 13.6 jeribs in Balkh and 8 jeribs in Merzai. Graph 1 illustrates the distribution of fallow and cropped areas by canal. It indicates that irrigated area as a percentage of total area varies across canals. It constitutes about 40% of total area in Balkh canal, followed by Merzai (31%) and is lowest in Siyagard (29%). Graph 1 Fallow and Cropped Areas by Canal (%) 100% 90% 80% 70% % 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Merzai Siyagard Fallow Balkh Cropped Table 1 shows the distribution of fallow and cropped area by growing season. Total cropped area during the summer growing season is 503.5 jeribs compared to 1249 jeribs in the winter growing season. Generally a large percentage of land is fallowed during both growing seasons (53% during winter compared to 81% during summer). Expectedly fallow area is greatest during summer due to lack of adequate irrigation. Graph 2 demonstrates the percentage distribution of fallow and cropped areas. Table 1 - Distribution of fallow and cropped area by growing season (jeribs) Fallow Winter Summer 1381.5 2118.5 Cropped Total Area 1249 503.5 2630.5 2622 Graph 2: Fallow and Cropped Area by Season (%) 100% 80% % 60% 40% 20% 0% Winter Fallow Summer Cropped Graph 3 extends the analysis of the distribution of fallow and cropped area by including both the canal location and growing season. It reveals the fact that irrigated area is greater in the head and middle compared to the tail during both growing seasons. During winter more area is cropped than fallowed in the head and middle; in comparison more area is fallowed in the tail. In contrast, during summer cropped areas are less than fallowed areas in both locations and constitute 28% of the total area in the head & middle and only 10% in the tail. Graph 3: Irrigated and Fallow Areas by Season & Location (Jeribs) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Head & Middle Tail Head & Middle Winter Tail Summer Fallow Cropped Graph 4 illustrates the across canal comparison of cropped and fallow areas expressed as a percentage of total area during both growing seasons. In all three canals the ratio of fallow to cropped area is higher during summer compared to winter. Siyagard exhibits the highest fallow to cropped ratio during summer (88%) followed by Merzai ( 81%) and Balkh (73%). Graph 4: Cropped and Fallow Areas by Canal & Season (%) 100% % 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Winter Summer Merzai C.2.2. Number of Farms: Winter Summer Siyagard Winter Summer Balkh Graph 5 shows the number of farms by season and crop. Wheat is the most cropped by number of farms in the Winter and cotton and melon in the Summer. 62 47 Winter 4 1 Vegetables Other Melon 6 Cotton Wheat Other 1 Corn 33 45 36 Barley 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 alfalfa # of Farms Number of Farms by Season & Crop Summer C.2.3. Land Ownership: Table 2 shows the division of farm land into owned and rented land. On average Siyagard exhibits the largest farm size with average owned land in the order of 60 jeribs. Smallest owned land is found in Balkh. Land rental is lowest in Merzai. Table 2 - Average Owned & Rented Land by Canal (Jeribs) Canal Rented Owned Merzai 7.60 12.89 Siyagard 19.00 59.78 Balkh 10.90 9.21 Graph 6 shows average area owned and rented by farmer age. Large landholdings (> than 100 jeribs on average) are concentrated among landowners in the 21-30 age group. Landowners in the 61-70 age group have the smallest average area rented. Landowners younger than 20 years rent more area on average than what they own. Graph 6: Average Area Owned and Rented by Farmer Age Area (J) 150 100 50 0 0-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Farmer Age Average Area Owned Average Area Rented C.2.4 Yield Graph 7 shows the average crop yield by canal location during the winter growing season. In general average crop yield is higher in the combined head and middle canal as compared to tail canal. This could result from greater water availability in the head and middle and maybe a reflection of water shortage in the tail canals. Graph 7: Average Crop Yield during Winter by Location 600 Yield (kg/j) 500 400 300 200 100 0 Head & Middle Tail Barley Wheat Graph 8 illustrates the same pattern across the three surveyed canals. For all three canals average crop yield is higher in head & middle than in the tail, the only exception is barley yield in Merzai tail canal which could be attributed to the few number of observations available. Graph 8: Yield (kg/j) Average Crop Yield during Winter 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Head & Middle Tail Merzai Head & Middle Tail Head & Middle Siyagard Canal & Location Barley Tail Balkh Wheat We notice the same pattern in cotton production during the summer growing season as can be seen from graph 9. Cotton productivity is higher in the head and middle as compared to the tail. Graph 9: Cotton Average Yield by Canal & Location 600 Yield (kg/j) 500 400 300 200 100 0 Merzai Siyagard Head & Middle Balkh Tail C.2.5 Irrigation: Average number of irrigations is highest in Merzai; Siyagard has the lowest number of irrigations during summer as can be seen from graph 10. Graph 10: Average Number of Irrigations by Season & Canal # of Irrigations 15 10 5 0 Merzai Siyagard Winter Balkh Summer As expected the tail canal receives less irrigation as can be shown by graph 11. In both growing seasons average number of irrigations in the head & middle is higher than in the tail. Graph 11: Average Number of Irrigations by Season & Location # of Irrigations 15 10 5 0 Head & Middle Tail Winter Summer (D) Use of Extension and sources of information - Paulo D.1 Extension Agent visits you This part of the survey sought to gain information on the frequency of an extension agent visiting the farmer. It is assumed that the extension service helps farmers to improve irrigation and agricultural practices so one of the assumptions was that the extension visits help farmers to clean the canals. However, Graphs 1 and 2 show the opposite, that farmers visited by the extension agents clean the canals less frequently (this is a pattern across locations and canals). Could these results be due to extension agents don’t prioritize the cleaning of the canals when visiting a farmer? not aware of the problem? not very well trained in this area? Or maybe this is not a very good assumption to have yet! Graph 1: Extension Visits and Canal Cleaning - total 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% no extension visit extension visit Mirzai siyagard Balkh cleaning Graph 2: Extension Visits and Canal Cleaning - total 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% no extension visit extension visit Head Middle Tail cleaning Graph 3 shows the percentage of farmers by crop who is visited by extension agents. The hypothesis is that the farmers who are visited by extension agents are the farmers who produce crops already needed to take to town, however, this is not a very accurate assumption since cotton probably takes more time (I think, I not sure?). however, we can see that farmers who are visited by EA are the ones who grow the major crops per unit of farm both summer and winter seasons (from production slides from Osman) and maybe we can assume the crops which are most profitable such as wheat, melon, watermelon (can I conclude it)? Also from Osman slides we can see that Wheat, Melon and watermelon farmers are the ones with most irrigated land area so we could assume water-related crops are the ones which need more extension service?? Graph 3: Percentage of farmers by crop who is visited by EA 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% % 10% 5% 0% Alf Bar Corn Cot cuc mel okr on tom veg wat wh farmers by crop D.2 Farmer visiting an extension agent The aim of this question was to find information on how often a farmer visits an extension agent. Due to not enough observations the graphs constructed below has the data compiled in just visits and no visits. Contrary to the hypothesis assumed, the results from the graphs 4 and 5 show the farmers who visit the extension agents clean less often the canals. graph 6 shows that the farmers from the crops who visit extension agents are almost the same farmers who are visited by the extension agent service except for onions (there is a fair number of farmers who grow onion who visit extension agents, why?) Could these be due to farmers seeking extension advice wants information about other issues and extension agents are not aware of the problem? Graph 4: Farmer visits to EA and Canal Cleaning 100% 80% 60% farmer does not visit 40% farmer visits 20% 0% Mirzai Siyagard Balkh cleaning Graph 5: Farmer visits to EA and Canal Cleaning 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% farmer does not visit farmer visits H M cleaning Graph 6: T Percentage of farmers by crop who visit EA 50% 40% 30% 20% % 10% 0% Alf Bar Corn Cot cuc mel okr on tom veg wat wh farmers by crop Graph 7 shows the correlation between farmers by crop who are visited by EA and also visit EA. According to the results, the farmers who visited by EA are almost the same farmers who visit EA. We can conclude that there is a reciprocity relationship among EA and farmers from the crops below. Graph 7: Percentage of farmers by crop who is visited and visits EA 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% % 10% 5% 0% Alf Bar Corn Cot cuc mel okr on tom veg wat wh farmers by crop D.3 Farmer Involvement The objective of this section was to gain knowledge about the farmer’s involvement in extension activities during last year across canals and locations. The graph 8 indicates that farmers participate more in different activities in Mirzai and almost no farmer is involved in extension activities in Balkh. Graphs 9 and 10 show that the most favorite activity among farmers is the Zari Mela across locations and canals. Graph 8: Extension Activities farmer involved in 0.35 0.3 0.25 Field visit 0.2 Farmer day 0.15 Zari Mela 0.1 Field day 0.05 0 Mirzai Siyagard Balkh Graph 9: Extension Activities farmer involved in - total 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% all canals 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Field visit Farmer day Zari Mela Field day Graph 10: Farmer Activities farmer involved in - total 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% total HMT 15% 10% 5% 0% Field visit (E) Livestock - Paulo Farmer day Zari Mela Field day Livestock is one of the components of the economic activity in the Afghan society. Given its importance, one of the questions on the survey is to identify the number of livestock per farm mainly cows, bullocks, sheep and goats. Other animals were dropped due to small number of observations. The outcomes show that on a per farm and per jeribe basis the results are almost the same i.e. farmers own more sheep and goats across all canals and locations. Graph 1: Livestock per farm across canals 40.00 farm 30.00 Mirzai 20.00 Siyagard 10.00 Balkh 0.00 Cow bullocks sheep/goats Graph 2: Livestock per Jeribe across canals 0.80 0.70 0.60 jeribe 0.50 Mirzai 0.40 Siyagard 0.30 Balkh 0.20 0.10 0.00 cow Graph 3: bullock sheep and goats Livestock per farm across location 35.00 30.00 farm 25.00 20.00 Head 15.00 Middle Tail 10.00 5.00 0.00 Cow bullocks sheep/goats Graph 4: Livestock per jeribe across location 1.40 1.20 jeribe 1.00 0.80 Head 0.60 Middle Tail 0.40 0.20 0.00 Cow bullocks sheep/goats CROPS’ WATER DEMAND AND IRRIGATION SUPPLY Muhammad Jamal Khan and Abdul Hakeem Khan Introduction Agriculture in Afghanistan, besides providing food and fiber employs about 47% of the country’s labor force. The economy of the country depends heavily on the agriculture sector development. The irrigated agriculture plays in important rule and more than 70% agriculture production comes from an irrigated area due to arid and semiarid climatic conditions that prevails in the country. To cater the food and fiber demand of ever increasing population there is a need for judicious use of the scarce water resources. In this regard, the management of AWATT project is working on the development of replicable agricultural production models to increase overall crop productivity in the target area, which will also improve farm incomes and lessen the incidence of poverty. For judicious use of irrigation water, the knowledge related to when to irrigate and how much to apply per irrigation is very important. In this section, average potential evapotranspiration, rainfall, crops and irrigation water requirements of major crops grown as well as irrigation water supply to sampled canals (siagard, Mirzae and Balkh) in Mazar-e-Sharif have been assessed and discussed. Potential Evapotranpiration and Precipitation The average monthly potential evaportranspiration and precipitation is shown in Figure 1. It is clear the figure that the highest monthly precipitation (40 mm) occurs in March, followed by April and February of about 33 mm. In general for the months of June, July, August, September and October the precipitation received in the area is negligible (less than 5 mm). On the other hand, the highest monthly potential occurs during July, followed by August and June. It is obvious that agricultural production depends heavily on availability of irrigation water in the area. It seems to be that agriculture production without irrigation has very little potential for development due to low annual rainfall. Monthly ETo and ppt (mm/month) ETo (mm/month) PPt (mm/month) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 1. Monthly potential evapotranspiration (ET0) and precipitation (ppt) in Mazar Sharif. Crop Evapotranspiratoin The crops’ evapotranspiration grown in Mazar-e-Sharif was computed by multiplying crop coefficients with potential evapotraspiration. It can be seen from Figure 2 that the maximum and minimum daily crops evapotranspiration for major crops grown in Mazar-e-Sharif varies from less than 1 mm/day to 9.5 mm/day. During summer due to high temperature and low rainfall, the daily crop evapotranspiration is relatively higher ( 1 to 9.5 mm/day). In summer season, the maximum Etc of the crops grown was about 9 mm/day. The crop water requirements of wheat and barley were relatively low as compared to other crops. In general, the average crops’ water requirements throughout the year ranged from 2 to 5 mm/day. 10.0 ETc (Min) ETc (Max) ETc (Avg) 9.0 8.0 ETc (mm/day) 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Figure 2. Daily minimum, maximum and average crop evapotranspiration of major crops in Mazar-e- Sharif. Depth of Water Application Irrigation water requirements of all the major crops grown in Mazar-e-Sharif were estimated on the basis of 10- days’ irrigation interval and with on-farm application of 70% are shown in Figure 3. The depths of water application ranged from 10 mm to 135 mm, with overall average of about 70 mm. 140 Min Max Average 120 Depth of Water Application (mm) 100 80 60 40 20 0 Figure 3. Estimated depth of water application for 10-days irrigation interval with assumed onfarm application efficiency of 70%. Net Seasonal Irrigation Requirements of Crops The seasonal irrigation requirements (Figure 4) of major crops grown in the area were estimated by assuming an overall irrigation system efficiency of 50%. It is clear from the figure that maximum seasonal irrigation requirements of about 2200 mm were found for alfalfa, apple and apricot. The minimum seasonal irrigation requirements were found for wheat and barley. The average gross seasonal irrigation requirements of the vegetable crops grown in the area and melon ranged from 1000 to 1200 mm. 1600 Seasonal Irrigation Requirements (mm) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Figure 4. Seasonal irrigation requirements of major crops in Mazar Sharif with overall assumed irrigation system efficiency of 50%. Potential Evapotranspiration and Water Allowance The potential evapotraspiration estimated from the long term climatic data and the corresponding water allowance with assumed overall irrigation system efficiency of 50% (on-farm application efficiency of 70% and conveyance efficiency of is shown in Figure 6. In Afghanistan the major government canals operates with water allowance of one L/S/ha. The potential evapotranspiration (ET0) reaches to 9 mm/day with corresponding water allowance with 50% irrigation system efficiency of about 2 L/S/ha with irrigation system efficiency of 50%. The water allowance observed in Siagard canal service ranged from 0.16 to 0.20 L/S/ha, therefore only small percentage (20%) of the area was cultivated in summer. In winter relatively better (44.7%) of the area was cultivated due to low crop water demand of wheat and barley normally grown in the area. Water allowance for the crops grown in Mazar-e-Sharif were determined from daily gross irrigation requirement per unit area by assuming overall irrigation system efficiency of 50% (conveyance efficiency of 72% and on-farm application efficiency of 70%). Water allowance of different crops ranged from 0.232 to 2.084 L/s/ha with overall average of 0.967 L/s/ha (Figure 6). It means that if at average irrigation water supply of 1 L/s/ha is ensure it may be adequate for the crop grown in the area. However, the maximum water allowance for most of the crops grown in summer was found to be about 1.7 to 2.1 L/s/ha during the peak water demand period (Figure 7) in June, July and August. In Afghanistan, the average water allowance estimated for major canals command area was found to be 1.0 L/s/ha, which seems to be reasonable. ETo and Water Allowance (L/S/ha) 10 9 ETo (mm/day) 8 Water Allowance 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Decade of the Month Figure 6. Potential evapotranspiration and related water allowance with assumed irrigation system efficiency of 50%. 2.500 Minimum Maximum Average Water Allowance (L/S/ha) 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 Figure 7. Water allowance of major crops determined on the basis of 50% over all irrigation system efficiency. Crop Water Demand and Supply Crops’ water demand was computed from the existing cropping pattern observed during the DA data collection process in June, 2009 in the sampled canals service area. The crops water requirements (ETc) were determined by multiplying reference crop evapotraspiration (ET0) by crop coefficients and later the net seasonal irrigation requirement were computed by subtracting effective precipitation (Pe) from the ETc. The gross irrigation requirements were estimated by dividing the net irrigation requirement by overall irrigation system efficiency of 50%. The average water supplies to the sampled canals were estimated from the water levels record of Balkh River and at the headwork of the canals. At present, Nahre-e-Shahi canal is getting water from the Balkh river through a gated headwork and the discharge of the Nahr-e-Shahi was fond to be 10.16 m3/s. From Nahr-e-Shahi canal, the first branch canal is Siagard canal with official water share of 21.11% and the discharge of the canal measured in June, 2009 was 2.144 m3/s. Plate 1. Nahr-e-Shahi canal head work on Balkh River Further downstream of Siagard canal headwork, the work on Balkh canal off take was in progress and it is expected to be completed before the end of 2009. During June, 2009 the Balk canal was getting water from the Balkh River downstream of the Nahr-e-Shahi headwork. The farmers were facing severe shortage of water in the system and the discharge measured was far below their due share. Plate 2. Under construction Balkh canal off take from Siagard Canal. The crops demands and water supplies of Siagard, Mirzae and Balk Canals are shown in Figures 8, 9 and 10. As it can be seen from Figure 8, at present the Siagard’s canal was relatively getting more water supply than their due share. After the completion of Balk canal off take the water availability is expected to decrease and the part of the water will be diverted to Balkh canal as per their water right in the system. The water supplies in the Balkh canal are expected to be improved after the completion of the Balkh canal off take and related conveyance system (Figure 10). As per present, cropping patter, the crops water demand of Sigard canal’s service area ranged from 74 to 1995 L/s with overall average of 475 L/s (Figure 8). Irrigation water supplies for the existing cropping pattern ranged from 1130 to 1973 L/s with overall average of 1444 L/s. After the commission of newly constructed Balk canal offtake from the Siagard canal the future water supplies may decreased and the average estimated supplies found to be 967 L/s. The peak water demand found to be in May and June. In general, the water supplies is not enough for cultivation of all cultivable area. It seems to be the in line or on-line water storage may be possible during low water demand and need to be explored further. The crops water demand and irrigation water supplies of Mirzae canal is given in Figure 9. It is obvious from the figure the water supplies in the canal was relatively better as compared to Siagard and Balkh canals. Relatively high percentage (13%) of vegetable crops were grown which are indicators of better irrigation water supplies as compared to Siagard and Balkh canal where vegetables were grown on lees than one percent area. In case of Balkh canal the farmers were facing server shortage of irrigation water supplies. The crops demand of Balkh canal ranged from 49 to 1571 L/s with overall average of 522 L/s (Figure 10). Irrigation water supplies varied from 252 to 437 l/s with overall average of 321 L/s, which were two folds short of crops water demand. In future after the completion and operation of the newly constructed off take from the Siagard canal the irrigation water supplies is expected to improve at the end of 2009. In general, there is severe shortage of water in all the sampled canals irrigation service area and the farmers are cultivating small percentage of their cultivable land. There is a need for conservation and better management of water resources in the area. The capacity buildings of all stakeholders need to be strengthened. Improved water management practices like raise bed, better flow control structures and land leveling will be useful for water conservation in the area. Crops' Demand and Supply 2500 Siagard Canal 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 30 60 90 Crops' Demand 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Julian Days Present Supply Future Supply Figure 8. Crops’ water demand and irrigation supply of Siagard Canal. Crops Demand and Supply 450 Mirzae Canal 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Julian Days Crops' Demand Irrigation Supply Figure 9. Crops’ water demand and irrigation supply of Mirzae Canal. Crop Demand and Supply 1800 Balkh Canal 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Julian Days Crops' Demand Present Supply Future Supply Figure 10. Crops’ water demand and irrigation supply of Balkh Canal. Crop Demand and Supply 1800 Balkh Canal 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Julian Days Crops' Demand Crop Demand and Supply 1800 Present Supply Future Supply Balkh Canal 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Julian Days Crops' Demand Present Supply Future Supply Plate 3. Flow measuring in the canal is in progress. References Source: Brouwer, C., and Heibloem, M. (1986). Irrigation Water Management: Irrigation Water Needs. Training manual No 3. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The International Support Programme for Irrigation Water Management Land and Water Development Division. AGRICULTURE Dr. Muhammad Jamal Khan and Abdul Hakeem Khan Introduction Agriculture in Afghanistan, besides providing food and fiber is also a major source of employment for the rural communities of the country. The economy thus depends heavily on agriculture sector development, which needs to expand and become more efficient to able to cope with future food and fiber demand of the ever increasing population of the country. Agricultural production is a highly complex process involving inters action of a large number of disciplines from biological, physical and social sciences. Having a sound policy frame work, especially priced policies for agricultural input and output is the key to development of a vigorous natural agricultural sector. Even with in perfect policy frame work, the actual productivity in the farmers’ field is determined by the three important sets of inputs availability of water, improved form of tested production technologies and timely provision of proper quality of input at appropriate prices. The deficiencies in these inputs are causing reduced productivity in farmer’s fields as compared to the potential. Keeping in view the above facts, two weeks intensive diagnostic analysis (DA) study was conducted, to investigate the severity of the problem and to identify potential feasible crops, land and water management interventions at the farm level to improve the current productivity level. To find the strength and weakness of the existing agriculture system being practiced in Mazar-eSharif, two weeks DA was carried out by the trainees of the workshop at three sampled canals service areas of Balkh River system during June, 2009. In the sampled canals command areas, the cropping pattern and yields of major crops during summer and winter seasons were determined from the data collected in the field through questionnaire Performa developed for the study. A total of fifty nine (59) farmers were interviewed for collection of data on landholdings, cropping pattern, crop yields, number of irrigation and irrigation intervals in the sampled canals command areas in Balkh River Basin. In this section, the brief findings of the DA study related to agriculture are presented. Landholding and Tenancy Status The average landholding per household in the sampled canals service area ranged from 3.76 to 15.66 ha with overall average of 9.36 ha (Table 1). Due to scarcity of water in the system and low rainfall most of land is left fallow and the cultivated land per household during summer and winter in the three sampled canals command areas ranged from 0.74 to 7.25 ha. An average, due to scarcity of water and relatively high irrigation water demand in summer the farmers cultivate small area (20% of their cultivated land). In winter two to three times more area is brought under cultivation as compared to summer season. The cropping intensities during summer season ranged from 21.1 to 27.8% and in winter at varied from 44.7 to 53.1% (Table 1). Percent fallow land during summer and winter seasons in the three sampled canals service area are shown in Figure 1. It is clear from the Figure that significant portions of the landholdings are left fallow due to non-availability of sufficient amount of irrigation water. The fallow land during summer and winter seasons ranged from 72.7 to 87.9% and 46.9 to 55.3% accordingly. An average about 80% and 52% of the land is left fallow during summer and winter season to shortage of irrigation water supply and low rainfall in the area. Most of the farmers in the sampled canals service area were owner s (63%) and 19% each were tenants and owner/tenants (Figure 2). The land holdings per households are small and the overall average land holding per household was found to be two to three times greater than the cultivated area. In general, small percentages (20% and 48%) of the total cultivable lands were cultivated in summer and winter seasons accordingly. Relatively better rainfall and low crops water demand during winter season, two times more area is cultivated as compared to summer season. Table 1. Average land holdings and cultivated area during summer and winter seasons (2008-2009) per household. Sample Total land Cultivated Area per household in ha size S. No Name of the canal holding per household in ha Summer Winter 15.66 1 Siagard 16 1.83 7.25 2 Balkh 27 8.67 2.40 4.61 3 Mirzae 16 3.76 0.74 1.75 9.36 1.66 4.54 Overall average Source: DA survey data, 2009. Summer Fallow Winter Fallow Percent Fallow 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Siagard Balkh Marzae Average Figure 1. Fallow lands in the service areas of the three sampled canals. Source: DA survey data, 2009. 63% 70% 60% 50% 40% 19% 19% 30% 20% 10% 0% Owners Tenants Owner/Tenants Type of ownership Figure 2. Tenancy status of the farmers at Siagard canal service area. Source: DA survey data, 2009. Cropping Patterns The data analysis shows that wheat and barley were the dominant crops grown during winter season on an area of 33.3 to 39.3% and 4.4 to 10.8% accordingly (Figures 3, 5 and 9). While in summer season, cotton, melon, watermelon and vegetable were grown on an area of 6.9 to 17.6%, 1.5 to 10.9%, 2.4 to 4.6 % and 0.1 to 13.6% respectively (Figures 4, 6 and 8). Both in summer and winter seasons most of the cultivated land was left fallow due to scarcity of water and low rainfall. At the upstream reaches of the sampled canals command areas vegetables were also grown as compared to the tail reaches. Besides the traditional crops cumin and sesame were also grown by few farmers in the sampled canal Alfalfa, 1.0% Barley, 4.4% Wheat, 39.1% Fallow, 55.3% Cumin, 0.2% command area. In Mirzae canal service area the vegetables were grown on an area of Figure 3. Winter cropping pattern at Siagard’s canal service area during 2008-2009. Melon, 1.5% Cotton, 7.37% Watermelon, 2.4% Corn, 0.4% Orchard, 0.3% Vegetables, 0.1% Fallow, 87.9% Figure 4. Summer cropping pattern at Siagard’s canal service area during 2009. Alfalfa, 3.3% Barley, 10.5% Fallow, 46.9% Wheat, 39.3% Figure 5. Winter Cropping pattern at Balkh’s canal service area during 2008-2009. Mash, 0.1% Cotton, 17.6% Watermelon, 4.6% Melon, 10.9 Fallow, 63.6% Orchard, 0.1% Vegetable, 1.9% Sesame, 1.2% Figure 6. Summer Cropping pattern at Balkh’s canal service area during 2009. Alfalfa, 1.2% Barley, 10.8% Wheat, 33.3% Fallow, 54.7% Figure 7. Winter cropping pattern at Mirzae’s canal service area during 2008-2009. Cotton, 6.9% Corn, 0.3% Sesame, 0.7% Vegetable, 13.0% Fallow, 79.1% Figure 8. Summer cropping pattern at Mirzae’s canal service area during 2009. Cropping Calendar Wheat and barley are the major crops grown on relatively large area during 15-October to 15November and harvested in June 1-30 (Table 2). During spring season alfalfa, cotton, melon, water melon, egg plant, okra, cucumber are mostly grown most in the upstream reaches of the canals service areas. In summer maize is grown on small percentage of the area, besides that cumin and sesame are also grown on small percentage of the cultivated area. Table 2. Cropping calendar Crop Wheat Barley Cotton Maize Autumn Planting 15 Oct to 15 Nov 1-30 Oct Harvest 1-30 Apr 1-20 Oct Summer Planting Harvest 15 Apr to 15 May 15 Aug to 15 Sep Remarks May 1-30 Melon Cucumber Egg plant Pepper Okra Onion Oct-Nov Oct-Nov Harvest Jun 10-30 Sesame Alfalfa Peas Carrot Tomato Spring Planting 1-30 Apr 20 Feb to 20 Mar 15 Apr to 15 May 15 Apr to 15 May 15 Apr to 15 May 15 Apr to 15 May 15 Apr to 15 May 15 Apr to 15 May Aug-Sep Perennial 15 Apr to 15 May Aug-Sep 30 Aug to 15 Oct 1 Jun to 31 July Aug –Sep July-Aug Aug-Sep Aug-Sep May-Jun M-Jun Yield of Major Crops In Balkh river basin, the yield of wheat and barley were 2090, 1725 kg/ha at the head, 2920, 2115 kg/ha at the middle and 2150, 1895 kg/ha at the tail reaches of the sampled canals respectively (Table 3). In general, the average wheat, barley, cotton and water melon yields were higher at the middle reaches of the sampled canals as compared to head and tail reaches. One of the reasons might be over irrigation at the head reaches and under irrigation at the tails due to relatively lower irrigation water availability. The yield of melon was exceptionally better at the middle as well as tail reaches of the sampled canals. It might be due to low water demand of melon and it grows well at dry condition than wet. Table 3. Yields of major crops grown in the sampled canals command area. Crop Sample Yield at the Sample Yield at the Sample Yield at Sample size size size size Head Middle the Tail (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) Average Yield (kg/ha) Wheat 14 2090 19 2920 26 2150 59 2210 Barley 13 1725 10 2115 10 1895 33 1912 Cotton 13 2065 12 2445 17 1735 42 2082 Melon 9 13950 8 16925 8 16825 25 15900 Watermelon 9 33778 2 84000 8 54103 19 57294 The minimum, maximum and average production of major crops grown in the area is shown in Table 4. There is a lot of variation (one to nine folds) between the minimum and maximum yields of sampled major crops. In general, the average production in the tail reaches was lower than the head and middle. It seems to be that with better management the wheat production can be enhanced several folds (Table 4). Table 4. Range of crops production in the sampled canals command area. Crop Sample size Wheat 59 Barley 33 Cotton 42 Melon 25 Watermelon 19 Crop production (kg/ha) Minimum Maximum Average 948 3293 2218 875 4800 1912 560 5120 2082 6000 35000 15900 10000 91360 57294 Number of Irrigations The number of irrigations for wheat crop ranged from 1 to 7 at the sampled canals service area, while for cotton it ranged from 2 to 22. Majority of the farmers practiced four irrigations in all the sampled canals service area, which seem to be reasonable number of irrigation (Table 5). For melon and watermelon the number of irrigation ranged from 5 to 30 with overall average of 13. Most of the vegetable crops are irrigated with interval of 3 to 7 days and number of irrigation ranged from 7 to 24, with overall average of 16. Table 5. Number of irrigation applied to major crops in the sampled canal command area. Crop Sample size No. of irrigation practiced by the farmers in the sampled canals service area Minimum Maximum Average Wheat 59 1 7 4 Barley 33 2 10 6 Cotton 42 2 22 11 Melon 25 6 20 13 Water Melon 19 5 30 14 Tomato 5 7 24 18 Onion 4 7 24 14 Effect of Number of Irrigation on Cotton Yield The number of irrigation vs. cotton yield has been shown in Figure 9. It is clear from the figure that maximum cotton yield of 4000 kg/ha was obtained with 10 number of irrigation. The number of irrigations up to 10 has shown in increasing trend, however, after ten irrigations it seem that further increase in number of irrigations may result lower cotton yield and wastage of precious water resource. It can be concluded that over and under irrigations may result lower cotton yield and should be avoided. Cotton Raw Yield (kg/ha) Cotton 6000 4000 2000 0 0 10 20 30 Number of Irrigations Figure 9. Cotton yield vs number of irrigation. Livestock Livestock is one of the main subsectors of agriculture. It has a complementary nature with crop production. It contributes to cash income of the family improved nutrition and soil fertility. The power of oxen is used in soil preparation. From the Figure 10 given below it is seen that sheep and goat is the main activity of the livestock sector followed by cow and bullocks. At average 14.1 sheep and 4.2 goats per household were found in the sampled canals service area. Cow, bullock and donkey one each is kept by the household. The dairy cow is mainly raised for family nutrition; however the sheep is grown for cash income. Bullocks are kept for farm power. Due to drought and shortage of feed especially during the winter the number of livestock has been reduced. More attention is needed to improve livestock production and productivity. Number of Livestock per HH Siagard Mirzae Balkh Average 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Figure 10. Number of livestock per household (HH) in the sampled canals command area. There is a great potential for livestock improvement through breeding, feeding and management. Important Factors for Productivity Improvement The DA teams come up with the following factors for improvement of agricultural productivity Water availability Availability of improve seeds, fertilizer and farm machinery Farmers’ capacity building Access to Market Agriculture Extension The department of Agriculture Extension, in Mazar-e-Sharif has a mandate to extend the technology developed at research institutes to farmers of the area, particularly in Balkh Canal service area. The Agriculture Research Institutes in Afghanistan are responsible for conducting all types of research relating to the agriculture in the country. The DA survey revealed that contact between farmers and extension workers is negligible and the knowledge of the extension agents about the modern production and protection technologies is obsolete and they do not have the desired capacity for practical solutions of the problems faced by farming communities. There is need for the capacity building of the extension workers. Most of the farmers mentioned that t whatever knowledge the farmers get comes from nearby progressive farmers and private dealers. It is a very discouraging situation to note the lack of performance of the Extension Department. There is a great need to mobilize the extension staff so that the farmers of the area can get full benefits of modern technology developed by the research staff. Extension services in Afghanistan must be strengthened with the necessary resources, training and leadership to do its job. Training Need Assessment Majority of the farmers did not receive any formal training in the selected sampled canals service area and only very small percentage of the farmers received training through some nongovernment organizations and Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in plant protection and production. Small percentage of the farmers mentioned that they visit different organization to get information related to their agriculture problems. Most of the farmers seek the guidance of fellow farmers for solution of their agricultural problems. Most of the farmers desire that they would like agricultural training related to plant protection and production technologies as well as related to water management. Water Management Plant production and protection technologies Judicious use of fertilizers, pesticide and insecticide Plant protection (Melon Fly) Non-availability of farm machinery for machined farming Improve agronomic practices (seed rate, water application, cultivation methods) Training of farmers for control of fruit fly Demonstration plots Strengthening of farmers organizations Ecological marginal areas/cropping and farming systems - Low yielding varieties - Low soil fertility - Low productivity due to poor agronomic practices - Rainfed areas in drought-prone regions - Areas with poor water management Non availability of good Seeds, Insecticides and farm machinery (tractors, combines etc) Quality Chemical fertilizers not available and expensive Vet clinics not available Extension service extremely weak Transportation and markets not good Good extension service Bank loans to small farmers not available The diseases and insect infestation is a great problem, farmers complain about the low quality of the plant protection chemicals, chemical fertilizer specially phosphorus. Conclusions and Recommendations The agricultural department has to provide enough service for plant protection to the farmers. Better control on use of insecticide should be promoted through active participation of farmers. The farmers must be given technical knowledge, how to carry on cost and return analyses, to understand the net profit and loses. An effective marketing system to be set up for the farmers to purchase the input and sale the products, gain enough income from his land. Extension workers from the provincial agricultural departments must have frequent visits to the farms, informing the farmers for better quality of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides, and other technical issues. Introduction of new technology for better production and water saving Training should be arranged for better on-farm water management, introduction of water saving technologies like drip irrigation minimum or zero tillage, land levelling and plastic mulching for conservation of moisture should be promoted. The farmers must be given technical knowledge, how to carry on cost and return analyses, to understand the net profit and loses. An effective marketing system to be set up for the farmers to purchase the input and sale the products, gain enough income from his land. Extension workers from the provincial agricultural departments must have frequent visits to the farms, informing the farmers for better quality of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides, and other technical issues. To increase water productivity, farmers need to understand water requirement in growth stages of each crop and make use of the technical advice of the agriculture extension about number of irrigation for each crop: Stronger extension system is needed to transfer new technology to the farmers. At present farmer complain about lack of extension service. The diseases and insect infestation is a great problem. Most of the farmers (vegetable growers) complained about infestation of aphids, cutworms, root rots in alfa alfa, cucumber, okra and other fields. The plant protection service of the agricultural department must be improved. Farmers complain about the low quality of the plant protection chemicals, chemical fertilizer specially phosphorus. The MAIL quality control and food security department must be strengthened. To increase agricultural production, productivity and income: Quality inputs must be available in the market, Farmers must have access to input (credit, purchasing price), Plant protection measures, Technology transfer through extension, Water availability must be enhanced, Market linkages, Marketing infrastructure, Storage and cold chain facilities. The farmers must be given technical knowledge, how to carry on cost and return analyses, to understand the net profit and loses. An effective marketing system to be set up for the farmers to purchase the input and sell the products, gaint enough income from his land. Extension workers from the provincial agricultural departments must have frequent visits to the farms, informing the farmers for better quality of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides, and other technical issues.