ICE ENDEX GERMAN BASE/PEAK ELECTRICITY: DELIVERY CONFIRMATION FORM DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF FORM: 18:45 on LTD ICE Clear Europe Operations Contacts Operations Email Address: To: ICE Clear Europe Telephone No: +44 (0)20 7065 7600 Date: From: Mnemonic: Contract Month: Position Account (H, N or S): ICE Endex German Power Base Load Monthly (GPL) TSO Lots for Delivery Transferee/Transferor Details Ref TenneT TSO GmbH Amprion GmbH Transnet BW GmbH Short Long EIC Code Acct Name 50Hertz Transmission GmbH Total ICE Endex German Power Peak Load (8-20) Monthly (GPA) TSO Lots for Delivery Transferee/Transferor Details Ref TenneT TSO GmbH Amprion GmbH Transnet BW GmbH Short Long EIC Code Acct 50Hertz Transmission GmbH Total We confirm the above deliveries. The following persons may be contacted during or out of office hours, in relation to the above: 1st Contact: Tel No: 2nd Contact: Tel No: Name