10 Oct 2014

Jefferson Consolidated PTA Minutes
October 14, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Shannon Mizeski at 7:00 pm
In attendance
77 Members, including principals and board members, in attendance.
1. Order of Business
Call to order- 7pm
Approval of Minutes
2014-2015 Budget Approval- Sharon Mutter
1st: By Martyna Cannon.
2nd: By Ileana Woods.
Treasures Report- Sharon Mutter
o As of July 1st- Balance- $15,925
o Deposit- $4,825
o Disbursement- $13,325
o Balance- $7,406
o All approved, none apposed
1st: By Martyna Cannon.
2nd: By Colleen Orlando.
Correspondence- Crista Dougherty
o Sent Card and Plant to- Mrs. Young (loss of spouse)
 Card- Mrs. Gaul (loss of dad)
 Card- Mrs. Green (birth of son)
o Received Mrs. Olsen
 Mrs. Ducesschi (2 seprate cards)
 Mrs. Sconamiglio
Mrs. K Pierson
Mrs. Weaver
Mrs. Frister
Mrs. Bruggeman
Mrs. Laconti
Mrs. L Pierson
Mrs. Freitas and the 4th grade
Mrs. Langner and Mrs. Christiano
Mrs. Grady and her class
Mrs. Breznak
All of the 1st grade teachers for the incubators for their classrooms
Mrs. Donnelly
Mrs. Bennett
Mrs. Lorenzo
Mrs. Mathiason
2. Standing Committees
Membership- Alyce Maynard
o 351 Members
o 39 teachers/staff
o 390 total- prior to begging of school year
3. Special Committees
Audit Committee
o Audit Committee met over the summer and performed the audit for 20132104. The Audit Committee presented their findings. Laureen Golden,
Laurie Norton, & Liz Sehulster. All approved. None opposed.
Book fair- 10/14-10/16
o Briggs- Laureen Golden
 Family Night (tonight)
o Stanlick- Martyna Cannon
 Family Night- 10/16
Market day- Martyna Cannon
o We have access to a freezer now so we can store small items for a short
amount of time.
o Cookie dough bonus days.
o Pick up Tuesday, Oct. 23 2-3pm.
o Any questions please contact Liz or Martyna.
o No prizes will be given for student sales.
Box tops- Kathy Jacoby
o Contest from Nov 3-28th the box tops must be on the approved sheets.
o No expired box top.
o Next month will be receiving check for $1,000+ from previous
o See Kathy if you are willing to help count box tops. We are going to try
having parents count for different grades than that of their child.
o Winning grade will get GC.
Campbell labels- Danielle Campisi
o Please see the flyer on the tables. There will be a contest after the box top
contest is complete.
o Tara Smilus spoke about collecting the empty juice pouches for the girl
scouts. Pouches only, no boxes. Both schools collecting.
Year Book- Gina Delessio
o 3rd and 4th grade pictures are needed. If any parent wants to attend events
to take pictures please let contact Gina.
o Volunteers are always welcome.
o Years books are free for 5th graders. 3rd and 4th graders may purchase
Fall fundraiser- Colleen Orlando
o Raffle tickets being sold. $1 per ticket, 20 tickets to a book.
o Winners will be announced at the Nov 11 business meeting.
o 1st prize$1500, 2nd prize$100, 3rd prize $500
o Please send back when you have sold your tickets. If you /dont sell yours
please notify us and well help. If you need more we have more books (at
each school office).
o Sell date TBD at path mark.
Haunted Houseo This weekend- Oct. 18 &19
o Scary- Sat. & Sun. 4-530pm
o Scary- Sat. 7-9pm and Sun. 6-8pm
Future/Spring Fundraisingo Ideas from the floor on possible fundraising ideas
Gertrude Hawk- Elementary schools vs. Middle school timing of
Mixed Bags-
Flower Power- Send flowers/bulbs
Shoparoo- Phone App that gives back a portion of your retail sales
to your organization.
Repeat of raffle ticket sales?
Red ribbon week- Martyna
o October 27-31st
o M- Officer kick off- Police officers in the class rooms
o T- 4th grade Family Feud
o W- 5th grade Drunk Driving
o Th.-3rd grade, Lung demo/ K/1/2, Magic Show
o F- Halloween
o Asking for breakfast donations of- OJ, milk, baked goods, butter/crème
cheese- for Stanlick School.
World Hunger- Alyce Maynard
o Nov 14th, 845-11am.
o 5th grade is asking for food donations.
4. New Business
Sign up genius- Jennifer Endecott
o See Jen if you haven’t received any email yet for signup genius.
Class Managero All class managers have been chosen.
o All parent contact info is being pulled from the parent portal.
Treps- Mrs. Platz
o Signups ends tomorrow.
o $20 to join. 5th grade.
o Allowing up to 50 students.
o Students will be making a product and then selling it. Students will be
working in groups.
o Parent volunteers are needed.
o Amazon- Go to website first and click amazon link.
Principals reports
o Mrs. Mrs. DeBrito
 Welcome back!
 Ready, Set, Go was a success. Thank you to all who helped.
 Respect week was a success. Thank you to all who helped.
 Picture day went well. Thank you to all who helped.
 Fire safety went well.
 On 9/11 the students had operation goody bag- They sent goody bags
and thank you letters to P.O.’s, firefighter, and EMS personnel.
 Bus safety this month.
 Halloween safety on Oct. 22nd.
 Halloween parades on 10/31 -KDG PM, 1, 2 – 1:00pm
 Nov. 5th is end of the making period.
 Briggs quarterly’s are Nov. 3-5
5. New business from the floor
 Comments/questions
o How is class manager going? It will be worked around parents availably.
o Halloween parties in the classroom Briggs-1pm parade
 Stanlick- 130pm
o Stanlick picture day is Friday.
o There will NOT be park testing for 2nd grade this year.
o Mrs. Grady is asking for donations/help with the flower garden.
o 4 parents will be chosen for the younger grades to help with Halloween
o Nov. 11- We will be drawing the winning ticket from our fall raffle at the
PTA meeting.
o Falcons wear for sale before/after meetings.
$5 target gift card Winners for class with the most PTA members:
KDG - PM-Mrs. Steinhardt
1st – Mrs. Grady
2nd - Mrs. Ducceschi
3rd -Mrs. Lorenzo
4th -Mrs. Carroll
5th - Mrs. Senney/ Mrs. McLoughlin
50/50- $41 given out. Winner Present.
Visit PTA website for lots of information - http://jcpta.yolasite.com/
Next Meeting
November 11 at Stanlick
Meeting ended at 8:00pm