ITEE Application Applicant Contact Information: Applicant: Office & Phone: School: Program: For team applications, provide contact information for all team members: Name Office Phone School Program Budget: Describe specific tools or resources to be used, and software, hardware, or service needed. The maximum budget is $1,000 per faculty member. Any request that includes ongoing expenses (e.g., subscription to an online service) must include a funding plan authorized and signed by your Dean. If the request exceeds $1000 per person, the shortfall must be provided by the program or School. Include a funding plan authorized and signed by your Dean. Resource Description Budget Software Hardware Online Resource Other Total Not to exceed $1,000 per person Budget Justification Please describe how the technology requested in your budget is integral to the instructional process. Updated Jan 2015 Project Timeline: Add additional table rows as needed. Please be specific. Task Description Assigned to… Start End Learning Experiences: Describe activities and learning modalities for proposed implementation. Examples might include video lecture, text, tutorial, virtual lab, team project, student-led discussion, pre-packaged computer based materials such as textbook e-packs, workplace learning, research, individual presentations, instructor/student interactions, student/student interactions. Tie your description to the resources you are requesting. Student Benefits: How do you anticipate that these activities will enrich student learning, engagement, and/or achievement? Assessment: How do you plan to assess the outcomes and benefits of this project? Resource Availability: Describe steps taken to verify that needed facilities/resources are available, if needed (e.g., computer lab reservations, video scheduling, videotaping of an event, teleconferencing setup, specialized hardware/software/service support). Contingency Planning: Describe your contingency plans should resources become unavailable or instruction disrupted. Project Reporting Please describe how you will disseminate the results of project. (e.g., conference presentation, publication, video). Updated Jan 2015 Requirements: If I am chosen or my team is chosen for this program and I/we elect to participate, the following requirements apply: I/we will report on progress report at the project halfway point. I/we will submit a final project summary report that documents the impact of this project on student learning. I/we will inform the campus of the results of the project. (e.g., present a poster or break out session describing the project for the Stockton Day of Scholarship) I/we understand that failure to submit project reports may result in exclusion from future internal funding opportunities. Signature Date: For team applications, include signatures for all team members: Signature Date: Signature Date: Signature Date: Signature Date: Submit your completed application via email to Updated Jan 2015