CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT FUND APPLICATION 2013/2014 CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT FUND APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: [DOCUMENT SUBTITLE] MAIN CONTACT NAME AND NUMBER: DATE SUBMITTED: CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT FUND APPLICATION INTRODUCTION The Campus Improvement Fund, also known as CIF, was created to allocate funds to Students’ Union Faculty Representatives to initiate faculty specific projects. The fund benefits faculties by supporting projects that provide new programming or learning opportunities, enhance utilization of services or physical spaces, and overall will improve the experience of students within that faculty or school. The fund is managed by the SU and allocated through the SU Quality Money Committee. Developed in 2003, the Quality Money program is a partnership between the Students’ Union (SU) and the University of Calgary (U of C) that gives the campus community a unique opportunity to bring forward ideas leading to the enhancement of the overall student experience. In 2012 the SU and the U of C came together to review the dozens of initiatives that have positively impacted the campus community since the inception of the Quality Money program. In addition, the criteria was reviewed and strengthened to ensure the continued success of the program as the U of C community continues to grow and its needs evolve. The revisions made are reflected in both the Quality Money and CIF application packages. The modified guidelines align the historical foundations of the program with the SU’s values and the U of C’s Eyes High strategic vision. PROJECT PROPOSALS The SU accepts CIF application from SU Faculty Representatives between September 15 th and February 15th each year. Past projects funded by the Campus Improvement Fund include: Capital purchases for the Nursing Skills Lab and Kinesiology Learning Resource Centre Facility construction, such as the ESA Office renovation Hosting conferences such as the Nursing Stress Fair and the Veterinary Medicine Symposium New initiatives like the joint Nursing and Social Work Suicide Prevention Workshop Special funding such as the Veterinary Medicine Endowment INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Applications are reviewed for completeness and eligibility. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Only one CIF application can be approved per faculty for each academic year. All applications must have proven support from the faculty. Funding agreements will be made out between the SU and the U of C department or faculty overseeing the work of the project. Funding recommendations are made by the Students’ Union Quality Money Committee. Funding priorities may limit the number of grants and/or the amount approved. Applicants will be advised of the Students’ Union Quality Money Committee decisions within 30 days of receiving the application. The Students’ Union urges all applicants to review the Campus Improvement Fund program guidelines and criteria outlined in the following pages before submitting a proposal. All CIF applications must be discussed with the SU Senior Coordinator for Programs and Services before submission. We are available to answer questions and discuss proposal eligibility. Please contact us to set up an appointment. APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 15, 2015 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 2 Please forward one electronic copy (Word only, no PDFs) and one hard copy of your application to: Nikhat Ahmed, Senior Coordinator for Programs and Services 251 MacEwan Student Centre 2500, University Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Phone: 403.220.5780 Email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EXPECTATION OF FUNDI NG RECIPIENTS If a CIF proposal is approved by the SU Quality Money Committee: 1. The Students’ Union and grant recipient (the faculty) will sign a Conditional Funding Agreement. 2. The funding agreement will outline the approved terms and conditions, including reporting and recognition requirements. 3. The funding for approved grants will be mailed to the recipient once all parties have signed the funding agreement. 4. The funds will be used solely for the purpose for which a fund is made or if the original purpose is varied with the consent of the Students’ Union Quality Money Committee, only for the purpose as varied. Any variation for a project, including the scope or budget, must be requested in writing to the SU Quality Money Committee. 5. If the recipient does not comply with the terms and conditions on which a fund was made, or if the information provided by the recipient to obtain the fund is determined by the Students’ Union to be false, misleading or inaccurate, the Students’ Union may require the recipient to repay all or part of the funds to the Students’ Union. An amount that a recipient is required to repay to the Students’ Union is a debt due to the Students’ Union and may be recovered from the recipient by an action in debt. 6. The recipient will provide information as requested and allow the Students’ Union to examine any books or records that will enable the Students’ Union to determine whether the recipient is complying with the conditions of funding, as per the fund agreement. 7. Both the recipient and the Students’ Union will recognize the financial contribution made by the Students’ Union toward the project. The recipient acknowledges that this recognition may include the name of the recipient and details of the project. 8. An annual written report will be submitted to the Students’ Union prior to March 15th for each academic year that the initiative is running. Such report shall include an overview of the status of the initiative, a detailed spending report, and an assessment of the outcomes and impacts to date. An electronic annual report template will be provided by the SU to project holders. 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 3 9. A final written report shall be provided to the Students’ Union within 30 business days of the end of the initiative. This report shall include an overview of the initiative, a detailed spending report for all expenditures related to the life of the initiative, and a final assessment of the outcomes and impacts of the initiative. Additionally, the final report will include suggestions for the future of the initiative, and where possible, will include student feedback that measures the efficacy of the initiative. An electronic final report template will be provided by the SU to project holders. 10. Failure to submit the above-noted reports within the prescribed time period and form required by the SU may result in automatic denial of future applications for funding under the SU’s Quality Money program. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The Quality Money Committee will evaluate CIF projects based on the following: 1. The project clearly aligns with at least one sub-category of the Quality Money Funding Pillars (see below). These Funding Pillars ensure that your project will support the University’s Strategic Vision by advancing either: the 2011 Eyes High Vision and Strategy, the 2012 Academic Plan, or the 2012 Strategic Research Plan. 2. The project will directly benefit students in a specific school or faculty. 3. The project has full support of the Faculty/School Dean, administration, as well as students. 4. The impact of the project can be seen or felt within a short time frame (i.e. – less than 1 year). 5. Financial feasibility: a. The project is proposed to be initiated with the assistance of the Campus Improvement Fund, but is planned to run as a long-term or permanent program at the U of C. The project application illustrates a means of reaching financial independence and stability after the CIF funding is exhausted. b. The proposal is for a short term project that could be completed if funding was provided by the Campus Improvement Fund. The applicant does not foresee the need for additional financial assistance. FUNDING PILLARS The Students’ Union and the University of Calgary value the input of students. We want to make our campus a vibrant, inspiring and comfortable place to learn, grow and succeed. The Quality Money and CIF programs allows us to work together to make this possible. To help us invest in initiatives that align with student needs, SU mission and values, as well as the U of C’s Eyes High vision, we’ve developed Funding Pillars to help us evaluate Quality Money and CIF program applications. These pillars outline key strategies that will help us enhance the overall student experience on campus and should also be used to assist you to focus the goals of your project. When evaluating your application the Quality Money Committee will discuss how clearly and strongly your project aligns with at least one of the pillars. 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 4 Funding Pillar #1: Quality of Education The Quality of Education Funding Pillar focuses on projects that directly enhance U of C students’ academic experience. Research and Exploration The CIF program values projects that create undergraduate research opportunities and/or encourage students to explore research options in his/her field of interest. Collaboration and Communication The CIF program supports projects that develop partnerships or initiate inter-disciplinary collaboration that focus on reaching a common academic goal. Bridges can be built between students, between teams or between departments and faculties. Academic Excellence The CIF program supports initiatives that enhance a students’ knowledge base through curricular/cocurricular learning. We expect the best of everyone who works and learns at the University of Calgary. Funding Pillar #2: Quality of Student Life The Quality of Student Life Funding Pillar focuses on projects that enhance students’ wellbeing, provide extracurricular/ co-curricular opportunities and/or build a sense of community and pride on campus. Support The CIF program acknowledges that education is affected by numerous factors. We believe in the importance of programs and services that support the diverse needs of students, especially those that focus on a student’s health, wellness and safety. Balance The CIF program complements the research, learning and work environment with social, cultural, sports and recreational spaces, services and programs to connect the university community and encourage people to spend time at university facilities. Leadership The CIF program supports activities or programs that develop leadership skills and encourage our students to become leaders on our campuses locally and globally. Funding Pillar #3: Affordability and Accessibility The Affordability and Accessibility Funding Pillar focuses on projects that create inclusive social and/or physical environments on campus. Affordable The CIF program values projects that give students an opportunity to participate fully on our campuses, both in and out of the classroom, while keeping costs low. Accessible The CIF program believes every student should have the opportunity to participate in an activity or program on our campuses and be fully aware of services available, regardless of the field of study. Environment and Design The CIF program supports projects that make our physical environments more efficient and align with the needs of our students. We encourage initiatives that are focused on the sustainability and long-term effective use of both constructed and natural spaces. 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 5 EXCLUSIONS AND RESTRICTIONS The Quality Money Committee will not consider Campus Improvement Fund applications that: 1. Do not align with at least one Funding Pillar. 2. Are aimed at gaining a profit or holding a fundraising campaign. 3. That earmark the majority (50% or more) of the project budget for staff compensation without clear justification (i.e. – wages, honoraria, gifts, etc.). 4. That duplicates partially or fully, another project, event, program or service currently offered at the U of C. 5. Do not have a direct impact for the faculty, school or program referenced in the application. 6. Are aimed at benefitting a private group, club, organization or Varsity Team. 7. Are aimed at providing purchases/subsidies of tickets for special events, conferences or travel. 8. Are requesting retroactive funding for previously incurred costs. APPLICATION CHECKLIST Prior to submission please ensure your application is complete: ☐ Have all written sections been completed? ☐ Has relevant background information (such as letters of support, architectural plans, etc.) been attached? ☐ Is your detailed budget outline attached? ☐ Has the application been signed? ☐ Have you prepared one electronic copy (in MS Word) and one printed copy for submission? Please do not submit PDFs or scanned copies of your application. Please note: If your proposal is related to the development of a new space or the adaptation of a current physical space on campus, you are required to obtain a letter of support and signature on your completed application from a University of Calgary staff member that has authorization over that space. The Quality Money Committee will contact the individual to confirm support of the project. BACKGROUND INFORMATI ON Have you previously submitted an application to the Quality money or CIF program? Yes ☐ No ☐ Were you successful in receiving Quality Money or CIF Funding? Yes ☐ No ☐ Not Applicable ☐ If yes please indicate the name of your project and the year you received funds: Have you completed all of your reporting requirements for previous Quality Money project(s)? Yes☐ No☐ CONTACT INFORMATION: PL E AS E PR O V I D E D ET A I L S F O R Y O UR M AI N C O N T A CT F OR T HIS PR O J E CT Full Name: Phone Number: Email: Address: 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 6 CONTACT INFORMATION: PR O VI D E I N F ORM AT I O N F OR T H E U OF C ST AF F M EM B E R O V ERS E E I NG Y O UR PR O J E CT A N D W H O C A N A NS W ER Q U ES TI O NS I N Y O U R AB S E N C E Full Name: Phone Number: Email: PROJECT INFORMATION: Project Name: Project Start Date: Project End Date: Total Funding Request (in CAD $): Note: All projects must align with at least one Funding Pillar to be considered for funding. All sub-categories are given equal weight. Projects that align with more than one sub-category may be eligible for additional evaluation points, at the discretion of the Quality Money Committee. Please indicate which sub-category your project falls under: Quality of Education ☐ Research and Exploration ☐ Collaboration and Communication ☐ Academic Excellence Quality of Student Life ☐ Support ☐ Balance ☐ Leadership Affordability and Accessibility ☐ Affordable ☐ Accessible ☐ Environment and Design PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1. Identify the issue or challenge that your project is addressing. Why is there a need on campus for this project? 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 7 2. Clearly explain why you feel your project aligns with one or more of the Campus Improvement Fund Pillars. 3. Summarize the major deliverables of your project. I.e. – Note the main goals and action items for this project. TIM E LI N E: 4. Specify the timeline for each of your deliverables, including details in any overlap. Also note if your project can be completed within a short time frame (i.e. – less than 1 year) or if you will be splitting the project into phases (i.e. – one portion of the work can’t start without previous work being completed) ST A FF A ND R E SO UR C ES : 5. Indicate what, if any, work on this project has already commenced. What other funding, resources, staff or approvals will you require for this project to begin? 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 8 6. Who is responsible for the execution of your project? Indicate the staff, volunteers, external groups or organizations, etc. that will need to be involved for the success of this project? COM M UN IC A TI ON : 7. Identify all activities you will undertake to communicate to the community about this project and the funding from the Quality Money program. OU TC OM E S : 8. How will the campus community see or feel the impact of your project? What plans do you have in place to measure this impact? 9. If your proposal is for a long-term program or project, please indicate how you will ensure its continuation once your CIF funding has been exhausted. 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application 9 B U DG E T: 10. Complete the following budget outline. Include any relevant details such as advertising costs, salary, honoraria, cost of supplies, etc. Do not forget to attach any supporting details, such as estimate sheets provided by a builder. Line Item Description/Justification Qty. Unit Cost/Rate Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Grand Total 2014/2015 $0 Campus Improvement Fund Application 10 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 11. List any additional documents that you are attaching to your application to support your request. SIGNATURE: Signature of SU Faculty Representative Date CIF projects must have the support of your faculty. Please ensure you have obtained a letter of support and a signature from the University of Calgary Staff member assigned to support your initiative. Please also provide them with a copy of this completed application form for their reference. Name of U of C Staff Member Signature of Support 2014/2015 Campus Improvement Fund Application Title Date 11