Hero With A Thousand Faces Chapter Outlines and Presentations

Hero With A Thousand Faces Chapter Outlines and Presentations
“Throughout the inhabited world, in all times and under every circumstance, myths of man have flourished; and they have been the
living inspiration of whatever else may have appeared out of the activities of the human body and mind.” ~Joseph Campbell from
Hero With a Thousand Faces
You will be assigned a chapter from the book Hero With a Thousand Faces written by Joseph Campbell. The objective of
this lesson is for all of us to share the steps of the hero cycle and then later be able to apply these steps to heroes that we
read about all year. I think you will find yourself a better sleuth when reading a “who-done-it” too, because once you know
about the cycles of the hero, you will be likely to know his/her next steps in the book!
Here’s what to do:
Read your chapter. Beware that this is college level reading. Perhaps you want to have a dictionary handy so that
you understand what is being said. Approach the article with a mature mind-set because some of the content can
sometimes be unsettling, as sometimes mythology and folklore can be. Keep in mind that these are only examples,
though and focus on the point Campbell is trying to make in your particular “step” in the hero cycle.
2. Read your chapter AGAIN. This time, highlight the most important points in the hero step about which you are
reading. You can skip the examples given for now. Some of you might find out that most of your chapter is the
story examples. So, your outline may end up being much shorter than you think. Most end up being just a page or
two if you stick to this format. No worries. We are interested in the points of the hero step, not the stories, unless
you need them to explain things to make a point clearer and using is examples is the only way you can do this.
3. Create an MLA formatted outline that covers all the steps in your chapter. The outline must be typed and in proper
MLA form. Please save it to a flash drive or else email it to me as an attachment at
ksahaydak@fleetwoodasd.k12.pa.us. Do not email it through Wikispaces as the outline format affects your grade
and Wikispaces will mess this up completely. Your outline will be placed on the Wikispaces page for others to view
when they study for the test at the end of the unit. Also, when you present, we will place your outline on the
Promethean board in the front of the room for you to utilize as a visual.
4. Prepare a presentation that explains all of the main points in your chapter. Remember that you must have a clear
voice, utilize eye contact and get rid of any physical or vocal idiosyncrasies.
5. On the date due, present your chapter’s main points in a way that your classmates will understand them. Utilize
your outline as a visual. I suggest that you practice ahead of time. Winging it often leads to decreased grades…
Good Luck!
Beginner <=5
This includes VOICE,
lack of physical
and/or vocal
Chapter Title, Book
Title, Author and a
brief introduction
that gives an
overview of what
the chapter is about
in the beginning of
your presentation.
(Tell us what you
are going to tell us.)
Covering all the
main points of the
hero steps assigned
in your chapter.
Explaining so
classmates can
understand. It
should be clear you
comprehend your
main points
Summarizing the
main points of the
chapter and
wrapping it up well.
MLA properly
formatted outline
Emerging <=10
Average <=15
Advanced <=20