Supplemental material: Room-temperature operation of a Ti supersaturated Si-based infrared photodetector. E. García-Hemme1, 2, R. Garcia-Hernansanz1, 2, J. Olea2, 3, D. Pastor1, 2, A. del Prado1, 2 , I. Mártil1, 2 and G. González-Díaz1, 2. 1 Dept. de Física Aplicada III (Electricidad y Electrónica), Univ. Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 2 CEI Campus Moncloa, UCM-UPM, 28040 Madrid, Spain 3 Instituto de Energía Solar, E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación, Univ. Politécnica de Madrid. 28040 Madrid, Spain These figures and discussions are provided in support of the main data presented in the manuscript. Figure S 1 – Spectral noise density as a function of the frequency for the Ti supersaturated Si device measured at room-temperature. As a reference, pure 1/f1/2 noise dependence has been plotted as the dashed line. 1 Figure S1 shows the spectral noise density (𝑆𝑛 ) as a function of the frequency for the Ti supersaturated Si device operating at room temperature. We could observe two different behaviors of the 𝑆𝑛 as the frequency increases. A first one at lower frequencies, where the 𝑆𝑛 exhibit an almost 1/f ½-like noise dependence, and a second region at higher frequencies, where the 𝑆𝑛 shows an almost independent and constant value with the frequency (white noise dominates). Note that it’s the square of the voltage (i.e. power) that declines at a 1/f rate. Noise voltage falls at 1/f ½. The corner frequency (frequency where the class of noise changes) is approximately at 660 Hz. Regarding the region of 1/f ½-like noise, we could fit the experimental points to a 𝛽 function of the form 𝑆𝑛 = 𝑓𝛼, where 𝛼 and 𝛽 are fitting parameters. From the fitting performed on data of Fig. S1 (red line), we have obtained values of 𝛼=0.64±0.01 and 𝛽=(7.2±0.1)×10-5. An 𝛼 value different than 0.5 generally corresponds to a wide range of non-equilibrium driven dynamical systems.1 In fact, this is in accordance with our measurements since generation-recombination noise, which is a kind of non-equilibrium process due to our frequency pulsed light experiment, could be a fundamental source of noise. Further investigations on the different sources of noise are in progress. Regarding the crystalline quality of the Ti supersaturated Si samples, we have performed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and electron diffraction (ED) patterns of a sample identically prepared. 2 Figure S 2 – Transmission electron microscopy image of an identical prepared sample, showing stacking faults defects. Also, electron diffraction pattern is presented showing a crystalline layer without differences in the pattern with respect to the silicon substrate electron diffraction pattern. Figure S2 shows a crystalline layer of 360 nm that presents extended defects. We clearly classify these defects as stacking faults due to the orientation they presents. This kind of defect has been observed previously in rapid solidification of Si (111), as it was shown in Ref. 2, 3. In any case, the ED pattern of the implanted and PLM layers shows no differences with the Si substrate ED pattern, confirming the high degree of crystallinity of the implanted and PLM layer. This high degree of crystallinity is also confirmed in the high resolution TEM image (upper-right side of Fig. S 2), showing the crystalline arrangement. The presence of these defects has to imply a harmful effect on the optoelectronics performances presented in the manuscript. The reason is clear: extended crystalline defects would drastically reduce the 𝜇𝜏 product (mobility × lifetime). Taking into account that the responsivity in a photoconductive detector is directly related with the increase of the sheet conductance: 3 Δ𝐺□ = 𝑞𝜇𝑡𝜂𝛼𝜏 𝐼0 Where Δ𝐺□ 𝐼0 is the sheet conductance increase normalized to the light intensity, 𝑞 is the charge carrier, 𝜇 is the mobility, 𝑡 is the thickness of the layer, 𝜂 is the quantum efficiency, 𝛼 is the absorption coefficient and 𝜏 is the charge carriers lifetime. So, the responsivity is directly associated with the crystal quality of the sample and its 𝜇𝜏 product. That means that, if we were able to obtain a layer without this extended defect, our photodetectors performances would be even higher than the ones we have presented in the manuscript. In a previous work, we have shown the detrimental effect of extended defects on the photoresponse (Ref. 4). Samples with a higher degree of extended defects and a nonuniform distribution of the Ti content across the implanted and PLM layer (process known as cellular breakdown) shows, in fact, a lower photoresponse that samples that presents a monocrystalline layer without any kind of defects. We have also studied the possibility that these extended defects can be responsible for optoelectronic response in silicon because they introduce deep levels similar to those created by Ti atoms. For that study we have used a control device similar to the one presented here, but with a Si implantation, showing that the extended defects have a negative effect on the performances of the photodetector (Ref. 5 - 6). We have also studied the possible segregation of Ti to the extended defects during the solidification process (via cellular breakdown). For that study we have measured qualitatively the homogeneity of the distribution of Ti atoms in the Si lattice using the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) with the microscope working in the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) mode. 4 Figure S 3 – STEM image of the Ti supersaturated Si sample along with the EDX scan line and Ti detection counts profile (light blue). In green we represent the spatial positions of some stacking fault defects. Figure S 3 shows a STEM image of a sample identically prepared as well as the Ti content profile (light blue) obtained by EDX along the yellow scan line. In green lines we represent some of the stacking fault defects. Notice that the EDX detection limit for Ti in Si is ~1at% (5×1020 cm-3). We can observe that the EDX reveal Ti content in almost all the scan line. The analysis reveals that there no exists an abrupt Ti content variation between the extended defects (stacking faults) and the rest of the regions of the Ti supersaturated Si layer. References: 1.- Kogan, Shulim (1996). Electronic Noise and Fluctuations in Solids. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-46034-4. 2.- A. Cullis, H. Webber, N. Chew, J. Poate, and P. Baeri, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 219 (1982) 5 3.- G. Foti, E. Rimini, W. Tseng, and J. Mayer, Appl. Phys. A: Mater. Sci. Process. 15, 365 (1978). 4.- E. García-Hemme, R. García-Hernansanz, J. Olea, D. Pastor, A. del Prado, I. Mártil, and G. González-Díaz, Applied Physics Letters 101, 192101 (2012). 5.- J. Olea, D. Pastor, A. del Prado, E. García-Hemme, R. García-Hernansanz, I. Mártil, and G. González-Díaz, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 053110 (2013). 6.- E. García-Hemme, R. García-Hernansanz, J. Olea, D. Pastor, A. del Prado, I. Mártil, and G. González-Díaz, Applied Physics Letters 103, 032101 (2013). 6