KS1 pathway 1 - Waterhall Primary School

KS1 Curriculum Pathway
Learning Journey 1
National Curriculum
1960s - The lives of significant individuals in Britain’s past who have contributed to our
nation’s achievements - (Neil Armstrong)
Simple vocabulary relating to to the passing of time such as ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’,
‘then’ and ‘now’ (Building of the Lakes Estate).
Communicate safely and respectfully online, keeping personal information private, and
recognise common uses of information technology beyond school (using the internet).
Pupils should develop co-ordination, balance and agility. Perform simple dances using
simple movement patterns (Dance).
Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded
music (Beetles).
Being taught about the work of a range of Artists - Pop Art (Andy Warhol compared to
Photographs, printing, large scale
using a range of materials to design and make products using drawing, painting and
sculpture to share their ideas, experiences and imagination.
Developing techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space using
clay and printing to a large scale and in 3D.
Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities.
That they belong to various groups and communities, such as family and school.
What improves and harms our local, natural and built environments and about some of the
ways people look after them. (Our School - Origin timeline)
DT - Cooking
Use basic principles of a healthy varied diet to prepare dishes. Understand where food
comes from (healthy meal).
Design: design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users
based on design criteria.
Make: select and use a wide range of materials and components (ingredients) according to
their characteristics.
Evaluate: Explore and evaluate a range of existing products and evaluate their ideas and
products against design criteria.
KS1 Curriculum Pathway
Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal,
water and rock.
Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.
Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple
physical properties.
Identify and compare the uses of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal,
plastic, glass, brick/rock, and paper/cardboard.
Working Scientifically: Identifying and classifying.
Time (Yr1 - linked to timeline) - Measure and begin to record the following:
● time (hours, minutes, seconds)
● compare, describe and solve practical problems for time: For example (quicker,
slower, earlier, later)
● Sequence events in chronological order using language (for example, before and
after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening)
● tell the time to the hour
Statistics ( Yr2 - linked to DT - Survey sandwich filler, Science - sorting materials) Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables.
● ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objects in each
category and sorting the categories by quantity.
Money (Yr1 linked to DT - Price of ingredients) - Recognise and know the values of
different denominations of coins and notes.
Possible areas to Narrative - Familiar setting predictable language story
cover in Literacy: Labels and captions (DT, PSHE)
Simple Explanation (Science)
Instructions - Recipe (DT)
Story for oral
The Noisy House (story museum)
Song to learn
from sing up
Earth and Beyond (about Neil Armstrong)
KS1 Curriculum Pathway
Possible learning journey
Literacy - Labels and captions. Labeling the body and writing captions about
their self and family. Maths - link to family tree and look at language of time.
Look at belonging to different groups and communities.
Self portraits looking at using the techniques of Andy Warhol to Banksy. Look
at where we might find Banky’s work. Link to environment. Compare with 1960s
Look at the Lakes Estate now and where the children live, compare it to how it
use to look (parent views), look at old school building and new school building.
Noisy house text.
Look at music we listen to now and music our parents may have listened to
(Beatles). Look at timeline of technology (1960s audio cassette invented) look at
how technology has changed. Using the internet to find out information. finding
out information on the Beatles or 1960s.
Look at what schools were like in the 1960s and compare to modern day. Look
at different events in the 1960s to now. Look at how history has changed (Neil
Armstrong) - timeline of technology.
Make a school timeline looking at the language of time.
Look at how we can take care of the environment (natural, built and local) possibly school outing to local environment.
Look at the properties of different materials within the environment. Sort and
Classify them. Link to statistics. Choose materials to make a package to contain
food. Pricings - money. Explanation text about materials.
Make a healthy food meal (sandwich). Writing instructions. Pricings - money.
Links to next journey…
Looking at where the school is located and linking it to Bletchley and Bletchley
Comparing the Beatles music to Vera Lang. Possible links with Remembrance
Sunday and World War II.
Comparing the 1960s to 1940s - World War II