ENGLISH 9 – The Outsiders Webquest

The Watsons Go to Birmingham, 1963 Webquest
Welcome to The Watsons webquest! You will be gathering information about the setting
and background of this novel before we begin reading.
The Watsons Go to Brimingham, 1963 is set in Flint, Michigan and Birmingham, Alabama in
1963. To learn about what the characters faced on a daily basis, go to the following websites
and answer the questions. BE SURE TO ANSWER IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Have fun!
Map Facts
Go to https://www.google.com/maps
Now answer the questions below.
1. On the top left, click on “Get Directions.” In “A” type Flint, MI and in “B” type
Birmingham, AL.
How many miles is it from Flint, MI to Birmingham, AL?
How many hours would it take you to drive from Flint, MI to Birmingham, AL?
Economy in the 1960s
Go to the http://www.auroraontheweb.com/east66/1966/66econ.html
Find out the prices of the following items:
1. A new home:
2. One first-class stamp:
3. One gallon of milk:
4. One dozen eggs:
5. One gallon of gas:
Now go to http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
This should take you to a page that says “US Inflation Calculator.” Find out how
much more goods would cost in 2013 than they did in 1963 by filling in the
information in the boxes and clicking “Calculate.”
1. If a t-shirt costs $10.00 in 1966, it would cost ___________________________ in 2013.
2. If a car costs $5,000 in 1966, it would cost ______________________________ in 2013.
3. If a new house costs $50,000 in 1966, it would cost ______________________ in 2013.
Facts About the Decade: 1960-1969
Go to http://kclibrary.lonestar.edu/decade60.html
Fill in the following facts:
1. Population:
2. Average salary:
3. Minimum wage:
4. Life expectancy for males:
5. Life expectancy for females:
1960s Fashion
 Stay on the website from the section above, and scroll down to the section for
“Fads and Fashion.”
1. List two “fads” from the 1960s.
2. List two fashion trends from the 1960s.
1960s Historic Events
Stay on the same website and scroll down to the link for “Historic Events and
1. Read through the section. In your own words, summarize in 2-3 sentences one major
event that took place during the 1960s.
Music of the 1960s
 Stay on the website from the section above, and scroll down to the section for
1. List two popular bands or artists from the 1960s. (Try to find ones you have heard of.)
Adapted from: www.bgcs.k12.oh.us/Portals/19/bghs/English/Arnold/webquest.doc