Music of the 1960s

S.E. Hinton’s 1960s
1. Use Mr. Holloway’s site to help you with these questions.
2. Split the categories of questions from this paper as evenly as you can
between each member of the group. On your peer share day you will share
the information you found, so include your tablemates as “comment only”
in Google docs. Answer the questions for your section(s) questions below
by exploring the websites included in the webquest. Save this document
and submit the finished version in Google docs with the key word
“webquest.” Split the categories of questions from this paper as evenly as
you can between each member of the group. On your “peer share” day, you
will share the information you found, so include your tablemates as
“comment only” in Google docs.
About the Author
 Read the following link for S.E. Hinton’s official biography.
 Part of SE Hinton’s biography is written in first person and part is
written in third person.
o Name five interesting details (in complete sentences) that you
learned about her from the third person narrative.
o Write a paragraph explaining the most interesting details about
herself that SE Wrote in her autobiography on this page.
o How was That Was Then, This Is Now composed differently than
her first novel, The Outsiders? Why were they different?
Music of the 1960s
 During the mid 1960s, music began to reflect a changing mood in
America. Explain some of the changes that occurred in music during this
decade and explain why they happened?
 Explain the event called “Woodstock” that took place in 1969. Why was
this an important event in the sixties culture?
 List 5 artist/bands that were popular during the 1960’s.
Fads and Fashion
 Describe some of the fashion trends during this time period. Include an
image with each description.
 List 3 popular toys from the 1960’s with images.
 What was the average salary during the 1960s?
 What was the national debt?
 What was the life expectancy for males and females?
Television and movies
 List 5 popular T.V. shows from the 1960’s.
 Explain how movies changed during this decade from previous decades
and give 2 examples of movies that demonstrate that change
Art and Literature
 List two cultural changes that occurred in literature written during the
 What influenced American art during the 1960s?
 Describe the artist Andy Warhol and his cultural revolution of “pop art”.
Include some images of pop art from the decade.
The counterculture “hippies” movement
 What was a hippie?
 What did hippies believe in?
 How did hippies act and dress?
Major national and international events
 List the presidents of the United States during this decade?
 Explain three historic events that caused massive changes in society
during the 1960s.
Final Question:
 What are some of the remnants of 1960’s culture in society today?