SQA Higher National Unit: Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults 2012-13 Edinburgh College will be running a course for the SQA Higher National Unit, Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults (SCQF level 9) from March to June 2013. You will gain a national qualification on successful completion of the Unit. Please note that places on the course are limited. This unit can form part of the SQA PDA in Applied Practitioner Studies in TESOL (see below). Course Fee: £200 Unit Information This Unit is designed for candidates who are ESOL practitioners and intend to deliver, or are already delivering, ESOL literacies within a variety of teaching contexts. The primary focus is on adult ESOL literacies learning. It may also be appropriate for practitioners working with upper secondary school age learners who have ESOL literacies needs. It is designed to enable candidates to develop the knowledge and skills required to deliver learner-centred ESOL literacies learning. On completion of the Unit the candidate should be able to: 1 Analyse and evaluate adult ESOL literacies within a Scottish context. 2 Identify and assess ESOL literacies learners and their learning needs. 3 Apply skills and strategies to support ESOL literacies learning. 4 Plan and deliver ESOL literacies learning. Application Process and contact details This Unit is particularly relevant to practitioners working in the public sector in Scotland in college, community-based, voluntary, and work-based sectors. Applicants could also be working with secondary school age pupils within an EAL environment. Applicants must already possess a TESOL qualification at least at SCQF level 9 which includes relevant assessed teaching practice in EFL or ESOL. Examples of qualifications are: Cambridge ESOL CELTA/DELTA or its predecessors SQA PDA TESOL Trinity College London Certificate in TESOL/Diploma in TESOL Applicants must have access to authentic ESOL literacies learners and undertake assessment of these learners to achieve this Unit. Acceptance on to the course is based on information given in your application form. If we require more information from you, we may conduct a telephone interview If you meet the above requirements, can attend on the dates below and are interested in applying for this course, please complete the online application form. Course Structure and Dates Start Date: 19 March 2013 End Date: 4 June 2013 Course delivery 30 hours face to face + 10 hours assignment completion One evening session a week in college will run from 6 – 8.30pm on Tuesdays, plus additional self study work linked to input sessions and assessments. Week Input Deadlines & Assignments Week 1 Introduction to ESOL Literacies Introduction to literacy sub skills in reading & writing Initial Assessment Developing reading skills Developing Writing skills Developing Numeracy skills ILPs and assessing progress Language experience approach Introduction to literacy materials Using authentic materials Phonics & ICT Set up assignment Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Learning styles Teaching mixed ability classes Learning Difficulties Review and course evaluation Profile & Initial assessment complete ILP complete Lesson plans and materials complete Final hand in for reflective account Assessment 1. A completed Learner Profile and Initial Assessment of an ESOL literacies learner 2. An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) based on the Initial Assessment and Learner Profile 3. Lesson plans with accompanying resource material for two lessons . 4. A reflective account on the ESOL literacies teaching and learning programme Further information: PDA in Applied Practitioner Studies in TESOL (SCQF level 10) This unit forms part of the SQA PDA in Applied Practitioner Studies in TESOL. There are four Units in total (all available on a freestanding basis): 2 Mandatory units: ESOL Assessment and the Scottish Framework (SCQF level 9) English Language Analysis for TESOL (SCQF level 10) 1 optional unit from Teaching Adult ESOL Literacies (SCQF level 9) ESOL Syllabus Design (SCQF level 9) These Units are aimed at practitioners who already hold TESOL qualifications and are looking for professional development in specific ESOL related areas. They are particularly relevant to practitioners working in the public sector in Scotland (college, community-based, voluntary, and work-based sectors). For further information, see: http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/42437.html Edinburgh College currently offers 2 of these units: Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults (SCQF level 9) ESOL Assessment and the Scottish Framework (SCQF level 9)