Project title
DIPECHO VIII: Scaling up resilience to seismic hazards of
urban and rural communities in South-East Kazakhstan
Type of the contract
Individual contract (IC)
Duty station:
Permanent place of living (including outside trips on project’s
Expert on community mobilization
July –December, 2015
Introduction: Despite of the fact that Kazakhstan is the most developed country in Central Asia the
disaster preparedness system still needs improvements, especially when it comes to the communities
preparedness. The city of Almaty is the former capital of the country and remains the largest cultural
and commercial center of the country and the region. It is threatened by a risk of high-intensity
earthquakes as located in a tectonic-active area. This creates a real threat to the safety of population,
infrastructure and national and regional economics as a whole.
Over the past 30 years, the territory of Almaty has almost tripled, extending towards the foothills of the
Zailiyskiy Ala-Tau. These are poorly explored in terms of geological, geophysical and seismic tectonic
structures. Intensive construction has been carried out without an updated map of seismic zoning (the
current map was developed in 1983 and has not been updated since then). Also, currently effective
construction standards were only adopted in 1983. These preconditions pose a real threat to public
safety; Almaty and the neighboring towns of Talgar (47,000 people) and Issyk (36,000 people) are
located in the same area of high seismic risk, as are surrounding settlements.
The Emergency Situation Committee of MIA RK (ESC MIA RK), municipal bodies, research institutions
and other state bodies view as a major priority the strengthening of capacity in Almaty, Talgar, Issyk
and neighboring communities to respond to seismic threats. At present, insufficient capacity does not
allow them to take effective response measures.
The primary focus of the proposed project is to support and develop innovative approaches to disaster
preparedness at the local and national level and to assist the government of Kazakhstan to strengthen
the seismic-risk preparedness system, as well as develop practical methods of involving the public and
private sector in seismic-risk management and disaster risk reduction (DRR) mechanism for further
replication by the state authorities.
To date, attempts to raise public awareness have been undertaken by the ESC MIA RK and through
some other partner project initiatives - such as through the Kazakh Society of the Red Crescent (KSRC).
Schools are an effective instrument of raising awareness and remain one of the main information sharing
structures - not only among schoolchildren but for parents and other family members. In cities, other
channels are available, with the wide network of condominiums (KSK) available for communicating
public messages. Structural DRR measures (relating to maintenance of such environmental sites as
dams, riverbanks and canals) and non-structural (such as information campaigns and training) can help
reduce public risk in the event of seismic activity – especially relating to cascading disaster.
Rationale: The Project is based on the outcomes of DIPECHO VI and DIPECHO VII, implemented by
UNDP Kazakhstan and the ESC MIA RK between 2010 and 2013. DIPECHO VII developed a number
of community mobilization mechanisms, agreed with the ESC MIA RK, for integration into DIPECHO
VIII. The Project is to be implemented in Almaty and surrounding areas, and will focus on raising public
awareness in urban and rural areas, regarding safe behavior prior to, during and after an earthquake –
using traditional communication channels (media) and non-traditional (social media, social marketing
and mobile information centres).
In rural areas, schools will be used as hubs, alongside the country’s first mobile training centre, and
voluntary teams: local emergency situation committees (LESC). In cities, condominiums (KSK) will be
the main hubs. All activities in cities and villages will be conducted in close co-operation with local
executive and municipal bodies. Awareness raising campaigns and simulation exercises are to be
organized with local authorities and in liaison with KSK chairmen - for members of KSK in Almaty, Talgar
and Issyk, targeting the most vulnerable groups residing in earthquake-prone densely populated areas.
The Project will include discussion of seismic risk reduction strategies and their integration into existing
programmes and initiatives run by the municipal body of Almaty. One example is the ‘Yards of Almaty’
programme, which aims to develop and restore the courtyards of residential buildings: the first phase
was implemented from 2004-2009, while the second phase began in 2012.
Based on previous UNDP experience, in co-operation with the ESC MIA, municipal bodies are to launch
in Almaty, Talgar and Issyk, alongside voluntary teams managed by ESC leaders: 20 teams in Almaty,
and five in Talgar and Issyk. These teams will conduct pilot activities to enhance public preparedness
to respond to potential earthquake situations. Teams are to be equipped with a minimum level of
equipment with which to take timely adequate disaster response action, and to conduct emergency
preparedness training; this will include knowledge of early warning measures and of how to act promptly
and effectively (including first aid training). Ten rural communities will gain LESC (local emergency
situation committee) teams, based on DIPECHO VII experience, to aid public awareness and
mobilization in support of local executive bodies and subdivisions of the ESC MIA RK during emergency
Objective: The purpose of the Expert on community mobilization in 2015 is to coordinate the project
activities on innovative approaches implementation in increasing population awareness on seismic
hazards, organization of trainings, round tables meetings for project beneficiaries, workshops,
development of the recommendations on increasing the potential of local communities in responding to
emergency situations.
Scope of the work: Within the frames of this Terms of Reference Expert on community mobilization is
responsible (but not limited to) the following tasks:
1. Participation in plan development on increasing public awareness on seismic hazards.
2. Implementing of a campaign on public awareness
3. Development of the recommendations on increasing potential of KSK on earthquake
4. Participation in organizing of training, workshops, exercises for MESC, KSK and for schools.
5. Participation in organization of national science and practice workshop on current issues of
seismic risk management with involvement of regional stakeholders.
6. Providing guidance to the national experts during the preparation of interim and final reports
on the technical task in 2015 within the expert's competence
7. Cooperation during preparing of final report on project implementation based on analysis and
aggregation of national experts' materials for 2013-2015YY.
Expected results and payments:
Time limits
on the Component 1
-A plan on increasing public awareness
about seismic hazards is developed
July 2015
-Three campaigns on increasing
Form of accomplishment - report
table meeting for KSK
-Training on earthquake preparedness for
20 schools
August 2015
-Five (5) 2 days trainings on earthquake
preparedness for MESC
Form of accomplishment - report
on the Component 1:
-One 2 days training on earthquake
preparedness for Almaty, Talgar and
Issyk KSK
-A workshop dedicated to KSK and
NGO's on increasing awareness for most
vulnerable group of population (disabled
people, blind and deaf population) lonely
aged people
-Development of recommendations in
increasing potential of KSK in earthquake
October 2015
-Exercises and seismic trainings:
% from
amount of the
20 % from
amount of the
40 % from
amount of the
1st with KSK, 2 nd with MESC, 3rd with
schools, 4th with most vulnerable groups
of population (disabled people, blind and
deaf population) lonely aged people
on the Component 3:
- National science and practice
workshop on current issues of seismic
risk management
on the Component 1-3:
-Methodological assistance to national
experts on preparing final reports on term
of references
-Final report on terms of references November 2015
20 % from
amount of the
Final report on Technical scope execution is
 Expert on community mobilization coordinates its activity with Project manager and reports to
 Tasks should be executed in accordance with technical requirements, which indicated in this
technical scope in a timely manner and on high level.
 All the requirements indicated in individual contract should be carried out unconditionally.
 Materials prepared during the job execution should be delivered to Project manager for further
agreement and approval.
Working conditions: This work will be performed by the expert on community mobilization who will be
selected in accordance with UNDP procedures and with whom contract will be signed. Payments will be
made in tranches, which will be discussed at a time of signing the contract. The final payment will be
made after the completion of all work that needs to be validated by the project manager.
Any other costs associated with the implementation of work reflected in the terms of reference should
be included in the financial proposal.
Skills and knowledge:
High degree in Economics, Management/Marketing, Natural sciences or Humanitarian sciences
Previous experience not less than 5 years in government and non-government organizations
research-and-development institutes or previous experience in the system of prevention and
elimination of Emergency situation.
Good oral and written skills; good communication skills
Experience in developing methodological, legal, scientific and technical documentation in the
national and international projects.
Knowledge of state and English languages will be considered as an advantage.
Project ID
Activity 1
Job Descri[tion certification:
Rassul Rakhimov, OIC of Energy and Environment Unit
Maxim Kadyrbayev, Project Manager
Dept ID