RISK REFERENCE MATRIX Use this table for reference when profiling the risks associated with the placement. The factors are not exhaustive, and it may be appropriate to consider others. Once all relevant factors have been considered, the overall risk profile can be characterised. (For example "The placement has medium work related risks, but high travel, location and health risks due to the location in Sub Saharan Africa. Overall, the risks are classified as HIGH") Work Related Factors Travel and transportation factors Location and/or regional factors Health factors High Risk Working directly with: dangerous machinery (machine tools, agricultural machinery) working at height (2m or more at falling distance) construction work involving significant risks toxic or otherwise dangerous chemicals, harmful biological agents dangerous animals high risk members of the public (violence risk etc.) ionising and nonionising radiation sources live electrical conductors high temperature surfaces other comparable hazards Significant travel requirement to reach the placement initially (and on return) (e.g. trans-Atlantic or other long distance international travel) Likely to be significant physical stress from travel requirements Long daily commute, likely to impact on concentration or tiredness during the working day Otherwise demanding travel schedule Local transportation presents significant risks (e.g. poor local standards, cars not normally fitted with seatbelts etc.) Student required to drive (particularly using poor roads and/or vehicles) Location presents significant risk of civil disorder, crime or comparable danger Unavoidable lone or remote working in proximity to significant risks Good quality medical facilities are not likely to be available locally Student in difficulty would not be easily or quickly detected worsening the impact of an accident or incident Placement likely to present significant health risks not normally encountered in the community Placement will require specific medical provisions (inoculations and/or medical examination) Regional health risks require mandatory health protection measures (e.g. inoculations) Personal medical travel kit is essential Student has special medical needs or health issues which significantly increase the risks Medium Risk Proximity to high risk work hazards listed above - but not directly working with them (e.g. in the same building as - but not directly involved in the process) Work in the construction environments NOT involving high risk processes Work in medical treatment centres involving potential violence risk Situations where normally low risks listed below may temporarily become elevated (e.g. shop work or community activity where occasionally an angry member of the public might present some short -term Travel requirements present short term demands (comparable with flights or train journeys to mainland Europe). Night travel Comfortable travel schedule Daily commute longer than would normally be the case (but not thought to significantly increase the risks) Student required to drive as part of the placement, but only using good condition vehicles on good roads) Higher than normal risk of civil disorder, crime or comparable danger - but experiencing these is not inevitable Some lone or remote working with modest risks Some questions over the quality of local medical facilities, but not thought to be lifethreatening Some delay in detecting a student in difficulty, but this is not likely to be life-threatening Placement may be made safer by health assessment or other optional medical precautionary measures (e.g. pre-placement medical) Regional health risks justify some precautionary health protection measures (e.g. optional inoculations, medical travel kit is a sensible option) Student has special medical needs or health issues, but these are not likely to increase the risks elevated risk) Low Risk Office or shop working Schools, colleges, medical treatment centres Low risk community activity No significant travel requirements (e.g. typical comfortable daily commute) Only normal standard transportation will be used Student not required to drive as part of the placement No significant local risks No significant high risk lone or remote working Good quality medical facilities are readily available locally Student in difficulty would be easily and quickly detected No significant health risks over and above those normally encountered in the community No special needs on the part of the student Student does not have any special medical needs or health issues