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Polo Glossary
Like many sports, polo has a special language. Its characteristics blend the words of ancient Pakistan and
the British Empire, modified by American and Argentine slang. Understanding that language, while not
crucial to the enjoyment of the game, adds yet another dimension.
Chukker: A period of play – also known as a “chukka” in England and India. There are six chukkers of
play in the usual game – each lasting seven minutes, 30 seconds. A horn sounds at seven minutes to
warn the players. A second horn sounds 30 seconds later to end play. The last chukker ends at seven
minutes with no extra time.
Foul: An infraction of the rules. Polo play is governed by rules set forth in the “Blue Book” of the USPA.
Goal: A score. It is tallied anytime a ball travels between the goalposts, whether hit in by an attacker, a
defender, or a pony.
Handicap: Comparative rating of polo playing skills awarded by the USPA and its committees. Handicaps
are expressed as goals and range from -2 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Hook: One of the two defensive maneuvers allowed under the rules. A mallet may be used to block a
player’s shot at the ball, although it must be used in an approved manner. Unsafe hooking or hitting into
a pony is a foul.
Knock-in: A knock-in takes place when the ball goes over the back line, wide of the goal mouth. The
defending team hits the ball back into play from the back line. This gives the defending team a free hit
and can often change the momentum of play.
Line of the Ball: The imaginary line created by the ball in its travel. This is the crucial concept that is the
basis of play on the polo field.
Mallet: Also known as a stick, this is the tool used to hit a polo ball. The shaft of the mallet is usually
made of bamboo, although graphite and fiberglass are sometimes used. The head of the mallet is
hardwood, usually ash or maple. The ball is hit with the side of the mallet head, not the end.
Out-of-Bounds: When a ball is hit over the sidelines, it is out-of-bounds. The clock continues to run.
Teams line up at that spot and the ball is thrown in. Deliberately hitting the ball out in the closing
seconds of a match can be an excellent strategic play.
Penalties: Designated 1 to 10, penalties are awarded depending on the severity of the foul. The most
common awarded are the 3, 4, and 5. In a penalty 5, the ball is hit by the fouled team from midfield; in a
4, from the 60-yard line; in a 3, from the 40-yard line.
 Number 1: The most offensive player. This is similar to the forward position in hockey or soccer.
The number 1 player should be an accurate hitter, but need not necessarily hit a long ball.
 Number 2: Primarily an offensive player, but also responsible for defense, interchanging with
the number 3 player. The number 2 player is often the second-highest rated player on the team.
 Number 3: The quarterback and playmaker. The number 3 player is usually the highest rated
and most experienced player. Not only must he be a long, accurate hitter, but he must also be
capable of close-in stick work and ball control.
 Number 4: The back. This is a defensive position, but a good back must not only be able to hit a
good back shot, he must also be able to turn the play from defense to offense in a flash. The
number 4 player is the last line of defense.
Polo Ball: Approximately 3-1/2 inches in diameter and 4 ounces in weight, the ball is made of hard
plastic. At one time it was made of wood.
Referee: The third official usually stationed on foot at midfield. Sometimes known as the “Third Man,”
his decision is final in cases of dispute between umpires.
Safety: When the ball rolls over the back line wide of the goal mouth as a result of being touched by a
defending man, the attacking team is allowed to hit a safety from 60 yards out to a defended goal. The
clock is stopped and the ball is placed on the 60-yard line approximately in line with the spot where the
ball crossed the back line.
Back Shot: Hitting the ball in a direction opposite to that in which the player is traveling.
Neck Shot: A ball hit under the neck of a pony.
Tail Shot: Hitting a ball behind the pony.
Offside: The right side of the pony.
Nearside: The left side of the pony.
Third Man: See “Referee” description above.
Throw-in: The throw-in begins play at the start of the game, after each goal, and after the ball goes outof-bounds. The ball is bowled in between two lines of players.
Umpire: The on-field official. Two umpires are on the field during the game and usually wear black and
white, vertically striped shirts.
USPA: United States Polo Association. The governing body of polo in the United States.
Wraps: Cloth bandages used to wrap the ponies’ ankles for support and protection. They are usually in
color, and one player will often wrap all of his ponies in the same color.