accreditation of Competent Laboratory

PIFS  DCAfTM-Development of the Consolidated Aid for Trade Matrix
Assessment of needs and project proposals
Concept Document-standard
1. Provisional title
Strengthening capacity of SPS control in the Cook Islands-Phase 2 (accreditation of Competent Laboratory
2. Categories flash codes
2.1. Geo scope: Pacific; Sub-regional/Multi-country; National - Cook Islands
2.2. AfT Cluster:AfT 1 AfT 2 AfT 3 AfT 4 2.3. Sub-category: 1.4.
2.4. Trade Agreement: EPA PICTA-G PICTA-S MSGTA MTCTA
2.5. Matrices position: EPA….
3. Agency(ies)/Actor(s) concerned
Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources
4. Overall/Framework/Broad aim commitment (EU/EUROPEAID-Global objective or Overall objective)
To contribute to the Cook Islands’s sustainable development and poverty eradication by means of
facilitating and promoting international trade and investment
5. Dedicated commitment (EU/EUROPEAID-Specific objective or Project purpose)
Full biosecurity and SPS compliance achieved, under the EPA and other relevant trade agreements
of which the Cook Islands is a signatory, by means of establishing a dedicated and duly accredited
Competent Laboratory
6. Nature of specific inputs (means that are of immediate/direct value to beneficiaries; as applicable)
Technical assistance, Advice, Counselling, Secondment (except if part of next entries)
Outsourcing of technical or managerial routine, function or duty
Training preparation and/or delivery, including: training aids, training-the-trainer, blended learning
Supply of goods or equipment (including vehicles, machinery, documentation, image and media)
Hiring permanent/temporary staff
Running expenses (ordinary and event-related)
7. Location/duration/start-up before/ending before
Rarotonga Central Laboratory. Begin immediately or soonest date, complete within shortest delay
8 Expected Results
R1-Scientific and other qualified staff hired and performing
R2-Additional equipment, for chemical testing and other duties installed and operating
R3-Staff trained in the operation of chemical analysis and other new equipment
R4-Laboratory accreditation granted/recognized under different strands
R5-External certification routines for foodstuffs established and operating
R6-International cooperation protocols established and operational
9. Objectively Verifiable Indicators (in accordance with PCM-LogFrame concept & template)
Staff hired and at work
Nr and nature; Additional capabilities
Nr staff enrolled, attending, certified
(by domain)
Nr, nature and date of certifications
Nr and nature of procedures
Nr and nature of protocols
Source(s) of verification
Selection files ; CVs ; Personnel dockets ; Payroll
Specifications; Tender files; User Manuals; Operation records;
Assets records
Annual reports; Training reports; Training aids; Personnel
Specific records; Official publication
Drafts & proposals; SOPs, Manuals, Templates; Statistics
Drafts & proposals; SOPs, Manuals, Templates; Statistics
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10. (Main) Operational Activities
Act nr
Activity name
Selection and hiring of a Project Director with tertiary qualification in food safety (*)
Selection and hiring of additional qualified laboratory staff
Specifications and tender preparation for foodstuffs chemical testing equipment (**)
Purchase, installation and provisional acceptance of the equipment
Preparation of programmes and training aids and selection & hiring of Trainers
Training for laboratory staff in in the methodologies of chemical testing
Training for laboratory staff in the operation of newly acquired equipment
Validation of CI’s analytical results through an approved NZ laboratory
Certification of laboratory by the European Commission
Establish a resource centre containing reference materials on food legislation &
guidelines from important trading partners
Develop standards for issuance of health certificates of foodstuffs based on the most
stringent international guidelines
Creation of certification protocols for processing facilities, storage facilities, landing
sites and transport vessels
Establish a rapid alert and crisis management protocol
Establish traceability guidelines and product withdrawal & recall procedures
(*) with demonstrable experience in EU Market access requirements for foodstuffs
(**) for detection of: heavy metals, dioxin, fish bio-toxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
11. Target group(s), immediate, intermediate and final Beneficiaries (as applicable) and other
Stakeholders (including nature of expectations and mode of dialogue) + Expected Impacts ( +/-) on those
Immediately this programme is internally targeted at reinforcement of laboratory capabilities and
resources; however in the long-term it will support the diversification of the Cook Islands economy
through improved export potential not only of fisheries but also agriculture products with benefits
to export companies as well as consumers. A special impact to be considered originates in the
intended creation of a regional, not for profit, scientific network with a common resource through
which other Pacific Islands Countries can test and certify their food products.
12. Assumptions & Constraints/Synergies/Risks
This project is proposed as Phase 2 in the establishment of a Cook Islands EU Competent Authority.
Phase 1 focused on improving quality control and extending the current microbiological testing
capabilities from solely environmental samples to include food samples. This project, Phase 2, adds
new methodologies which require the quality control training and measures established in Phase 1.
A pre-feasibility study was completed in August 2010 as part of a consultation study to assist the
Government of the Cook Islands in developing a pathway to gain European Union seafood market
access. In 2012 the FFA also completed a costing estimation and equipment outline document for
building of a food safety laboratory capable of EU health certifications.
Basic assumptions identified for this project are:
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Political and institutional stability as well as continuing alignment with trade development principles
and trade agreements framework
Biosecurity and SPS policies and provisions regarded as a priority issue from a political perspective; the
Microbiology Laboratory ranking highly among institutional structures that will be encouraged and
supported in the adoption of innovative patterns of performance
Senior staff motivated and actively cooperative
Trainers available for programme design, training resources production and delivery of tuition
Technical assistance available for collaborating in the creation or upgrading of methodologies
Engineering services available for specifications development
Reliable equipment suppliers available and able to respond to tender specifications
Availability of national financial resources to match possible loans or grants from Donors
The relevant International Organisations able to accommodate and facilitate in due time an application
for certification/accreditation of the Laboratory in the areas concerned by this project
13. Cost estimation (overall)
Total (approximate amount) Euro: 1,606,621
(see cost breakdown in the table immediately below)
Activity name
Hire a Project Director with tertiary qualification in food safety with demonstrable
experience in EU Market Access Requirements for foodstuffs (36 months)
Acquire the equipment required for chemical testing of foodstuffs
- Incubators $30,000
- Autoclave $50,000
- Freezers (-80 & walk in) $22,500
- Precision balances $15,000
- Industrial dishwasher $19,000
- Fume hood $ 60,000
- HPLC $70,000
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer $65,000
- Furnace $20,000
- RT-PCR Thermocycler $95,000
- Oven $10,000
- Solvent extraction unit $50,000
- GC-MS $765,000
- Miscellaneous (glassware, pipettes, burners, storage, etc.) $60,000
Technical assistance for training in operation of new equipment
Technical assistance for training in the methodologies of chemical testing
Validation of CI’s analytical results through an approved NZ laboratory
Establish a rapid alert and crisis management protocol
Establish a resource centre containing reference materials on food legislation, and
laboratory testing methodologies
- Journal subscriptions
- Textbooks
- ISO methodological descriptions
Laboratory Manager Salary x 30 months
Laboratory Staff Salaries x 24 months x 2
Information Technology
- Computers (9)
- Software licensing (MS Office, proprietary equipment software)
- Printers (2)
- Server
Certification of laboratory by the European Commission
TOTAL (Euro)
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14. Prior/exploratory information on contacts/arrangements with Donor(s), if any
The MMR is seeking a donor grant or soft loan of NZ$3.2 million to construct a new office
accommodation which will provide infrastructure for a new laboratory where the food safety
services will be located. The FFA DevFish project is also providing assistance under a service level
agreement in areas of food safety competency.
15. Why this project?
The MMR currently operates the Cook Islands most significant environmental monitoring
laboratory; this project aims to increase capacity and diversify the laboratories function under the
framework of achieving EU-compliant food safety standards.
Currently the countries potential for fisheries and agricultural exports is not being realized due to
inability to provide internationally recognized health certification. Because EU standards are the
most stringent, meeting EU standards will allow access to any market globally. The training and
equipment purchases in Phase 1 will improve the basic quality of the data generated and allow
competence in microbiological processing, but will still require samples to be sent to New Zealand
for processing of the more technically demanding chemical tests. This proposal will allow complete
scientific independence from New Zealand for food safety and environmental testing. Not only will
independence be more cost effective and generate local employment options, it will also improve
the quality and timeliness of data processed by removing the shipping lag from processing time.
This project will benefit Cook Islands exporters in bothfisheries and agriculture as well as
improving the quality of data collection achieved in the Cook Islands environmental and public
health monitoring programmes. In the long-term, this project has the potential to increase regional
food product exports by providing a not for profit food safety processing facility to other Pacific
Islands Countries.
16. External consistency
The EU and other key donors in the Pacific Region have elected economic integration (including
opening of markets and stimulating international trade) as a crucial priority under the existing
development partnerships. Fish and fish products are one of the Cook Islands’s meaningful exports
with good volume and value-added prospects for growth, namely towards European markets.
Other foodstuff may have interesting prospects of export to EU and other international markets,
where SPS/biosecurity control is strict. See section 14 above for important indications on the
prospect of involving New Zealand in this project or a part of it.
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