
September 2014
1. Introduction
This policy sets out the procedures which Hillary Primary School will follow when dealing with
administering medicines.
 This policy includes arrangements for children with medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes and
 This policy reflects the Children and Families Act 2014, with special reference to Chapter 6, Part 5 –
Welfare of children.
It reflects the consensus of opinion of all the teaching staff, and has the full agreement of the staff and
Governors, and takes into account the school and local authority policies on Safeguarding, Data Protection
and Code of Conduct.
2. Managing Prescription medicines to be taken during the day
Medicines should only be taken to school when essential, that is where it would be detrimental to a child’s
health if the medicine were not administered during the school day. We will only accept medicines that
have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse practitioner or pharmacist prescriber. Medicines should
always be provided in the original container and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration. A
record of when the medicine is administered will be kept as Appendix 1 and parents will undertake
discussions with the Inclusion Manager or member of SLT. The record will be kept in the front office.
3. Controlled drugs
Some controlled drugs may be prescribed as medication for use by children. Staff administering medicine
should do so in accordance with the prescriber’s instructions. The school would look after the controlled
drug in a locked container/cupboard. A record will be kept.
Only staff trained in administration of controlled drugs will administer, in accordance with agreed Care
Inhalers are kept in class and monitored by class-based staff.
All medicines will be returned to parents when no longer required.
4. Non prescription medicines
Non prescription medicines will not be administered, unless in special circumstances by parents coming in
to school after making arrangements with the HT, or in her absence the DHT/AHT, to do so.
Staff should never give non prescribed medicine to a child unless there is specific prior written permission
from the parents/carers. In such circumstances where a parent/carer cannot administer the medicine and it
would be detrimental to a child’s health if they did not take the medicine, then it will be done by a First
Aider or the HT and a record will be kept of when it is administered on Appendix 3 and parents will be
informed. This is at the discretion of the HT or in her absence the DHT/AHT. Children under 16 should
never be given aspirin or medicines containing ibuprofen unless prescribed by a doctor.
Bonjela should also never be given to children under 16.
5. Administering medicines
No child at school should be given medicines without the parent’s written consent. (See Appendix 2
Parental Agreement for Staff to Administer Medicine). Any member of staff giving medicines to a child must
o The child’s name
o Prescribed dose
o Expiry date
o Written instructions provided by the prescriber on label or container
If in doubt staff should not administer the medicine and should check with parents/carers or a health
professional before taking further action.
Staff should complete and sign a written record each time they give medicine to a child or witness self
administration. See Appendix 3. We recommend that dosage and administration be witnessed by a second
We encourage children to take responsibility to manage their own medicines. The age at which they do
so will vary. If a child can take the medicines themselves staff need only supervise. Parents/carers will
indicate on the Parental Agreement Form if their child is to self administered the medicine, and this will
have been witnessed by staff at the time of completion of appendix 3.
Older children with a long term illness should wherever possible assume complete responsibility for
administering medicines; this will also be detailed in the Care Plan.
If a child refuses to take medicine, staff should not force them to do so but should note this in records.
Parents should be informed on the same day.
6. Record Keeping
Parents are to fill in Appendix 2 Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicines before a member
of staff will administer any medicine to a child. Copies of this form will be kept in the school office as some
of the details are confidential.
Children with Asthma/inhalers will need a record booklet which witnessing staff must complete when
inhalers are taken.
School will keep a record of all medicines given to pupils and staff involved. See Appendix 1. This will be
kept in the Medical Room.
Children with long-term illness/medical condition will have a Care Plan agreed with the child/parent/carer
and relevant agencies.
 7. Medical Conditions Children and Families Act 2014, Chapter 6, Part 5 – Welfare of children.
The appropriate authority for a school to which this section applies must make arrangements for supporting
pupils at the school with medical conditions.
 Children with medical conditions will be supported in school, and adjustments to their school day will be
taken into consideration.
 Staff will take measures to ensure these children and others are not put at risk.
 Individual health care plans will be agreed to by parents, appropriate medical staff and school.
 Staff will be trained when necessary to be able to administer medicines.
 Emergency procedures will be put in place for any children with a medical condition.
8. Education Visits
The school will always consider what reasonable adjustments it will take to enable children with medical
needs to participate fully and safely on visits. It might include a risk assessment for such children. Staff
supervising visits should always be aware of any medical needs and relevant emergency procedures.
An identified adult accompanying the trip should be responsible for medication and recording
9. Sporting activities
Some children may need to take precautionary measures before or during exercise and may need
immediate access to medicines such as inhalers. Staff should be aware of relevant medical conditions and
any preventative medicine that may need to be taken (see record keeping).
10. Roles and Responsibility
Parents / carers
It only requires one adult with Parental Right to agree or request that medicines be administered; in the
case of Looked After Children, foster carer may request with agreement of Local Authority keyworker.
The HT is responsible for day to day decisions with regard to medicines or in his absence the DHT/AHT. It
is the HT responsibility to ensure all parents and staff are aware of this policy and procedures for dealing
with medical needs.
Only a trained First Aider or the Headteacher will administer medicines to a child. (Appendix 3)
11. Storing medicines
Medicines should be stored in accordance with product instructions and in the original container.
Children should know where their medicines are stored – all non emergency medicines will be kept in the
safe in the office not accessible by children. All emergency medicines such as inhalers and adrenaline pens
are kept in the class in a container – clearly labelled and will be readily available.
Any medicines kept in the refrigerator in the staffroom will be kept in an airtight container and will be
clearly labelled.
12. Confidentiality
The HT and staff should always treat medical information confidentially. The HT will agree with the
parent/carer who else should have access to records and information about a child.
Long term medical conditions should be recorded on SIMS under ‘Medical’ needs.
13. Review
The Headteacher and staff will review this policy in 2015. Any suggested amendments will be presented
to the Governors for discussion at their first meeting.
Appendix 1
Medical Care Plan
Pupil Name & Class:
Date of Birth:
Parent Contact Details:
Primary Care Trust Contact:
Details of Medical Need & Administration of Medication routine
Likely Presentation
during episode
Medication routine
Parent/Carer Signature
Signature of Head
Teacher/Inclusion Manager
Signature of School Health &
Safety Representative
This plan should be updated twice yearly as minimum
Copy to:
Child’s Admin File
Medical Folder (Office)
School Health
SEN/Safeguarding file (if appropriate)
Appendix 2
Parental agreement for school to administer medicine
Staff at Hillary Primary School will not give your child medicine unless you
complete and sign this form.
Child’s Name
Medical Condition/Illness
Name of Medicine
Expiry Date
When to be given
Any other instructions
*Self Administration Yes / No (Delete as appropriate)
*This must have been observed by staff or the child must be able to communicate their self administration
Note: Medicines must be in original container as dispensed by the pharmacy.
Daytime phone no. of _________________________________
Parent or adult contact
Name and phone no. of GP
The above information is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate at the time of writing and I give
consent to Hillary Primary School staff administering medicine in accordance with the school policy. I will
inform the school immediately, in writing, if there is any change in dosage or frequency of the medication or
if the medicine is stopped.
Parent’s signature _________________________________
Appendix 3
Medical Supervision Log
Name of medicine
Quantity to be given and when
Date & time
Name of Adult
Replace with
Name of
Replace with
Name of
Signature of