Domain Curriculum Map Years 7-10 Domain Leader: Gary Hughes Domain: Mathematics Date: 17/9/13 Version 1 - draft 5 Broad Principles This is a high level view of the Mathematics Curriculum at MGSC. Separate topic and lesson road maps are prepared for more details on specific lesson foci, sequencing, AusVELS sub-strands/progression points, resources, etc. The aim is to provide a challenging and engaging approach to achieving the best possible Numeracy outcomes for all students in the College. This is therefore a living document that will reflect continued improvements in teaching practice, the use of ICT and other resources and the levels of engagement and differentiation. Year 7 Term 1 Year 8 Year 9 Topics: Representing & interpreting data Positive integers Algebra Topics: Integers Real numbers Index laws Applications of percentages Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: Are you able to collect classify and display different types of data? Can you use positive integers in a range of problems types? Do you understand the purpose of algebra and how it can be used to represent real life situations? Essential Questions: Can you undertake a full set of BODMAS operations on integer and real numbers? Can you determine percentages and apply these to real life situations? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Essential Questions: Are you able to use Pythagoras’ Theorem to determine the missing side length in a variety of problems? Can you apply order of operations and index laws to whole numbers? Can you use pronumerals to assist in solving problems? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed AusVELS level 7.0 to 7.5 Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed: AusVELS level 6.0 to 6.5 Key skills/Knowledge Standards Addressed AusVELS level 8.0 to 8.5 Key skills/Knowledge Statistics: Classifying and displaying data numerically & graphically Analysing & comparing measures of centre & spread Positive Integers: Place Value, addition & subtraction, multiplication and division, factors and multiples. Algebra: Using rules, formulae, substitution, understanding terms expressions and equations Distributive and associative laws Esther Weichert Integers Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers Mixed operations on integers Real numbers Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and decimals Terminating/recurring decimals Percentages, fractions and decimals Estimation Index laws Understanding index form The index laws Applications of percentages Discount, profit and loss Topic: Pythagoras Real Numbers Algebra Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Key skills/Knowledge Pythagoras Identify the sides of a right angled triangle Use Pythagoras Theorem to calculate the length of the missing side Recognise composite shapes Determine Triples Similarity of triangles Number Skills Order of operations Index laws Recognising surds, simplifying, exact and approximate answers Algebra Use pronumerals Simplify algebraic expressions Year 10 Topics: Linear Algebra Co-ordinate Geometry Simultaneous equations & inequations. Surface Area and Volume Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: Are you able to represent and interpret linear equations, inequations and simultaneous equations on a cartesian plane? Can you calculate surface area and volume of regular 3-D shapes including spheres, prisms and pyramids? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed AusVELS Levels 10.0 to 10A Key skills/Knowledge Linear Algebra To plot a linear equation identifying the gradient and y intercept. Simultaneous Equations. To be able to plot simultaneous linear equations and inequations. To solve simultaneous equations using substitution, elimination and the CAS. Surface Area and Volume To calculate surface area and volume of regular 3-D shapes including spheres, prisms and pyramids Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Term 2 Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Translate real life problems into algebraic equations Expand brackets Factorise expressions Topics: Measurement 3D shapes Linear equations Topics: Algebra Linear equations Measurement Topic: Linear Equations Linear Graphs Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: Can you measure and convert distance in different units? Do you understand how to determine the perimeter and area of a range of geometric shapes? Can you construct and solve linear equations? Essential Questions: Can you perform a full range of algebraic operations? Can you solve different types of linear equations? Do you understand how to determine the perimeter, area and volume of a range of geometric shapes and solids? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed: AusVELS level 6.0 to 6.5 Standards Addressed AusVELS level 7.0 to 7.5 Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: Can you work with using the mathematical processes in everyday situations with competence and understanding? Can you use inverse operations to solve for an unknown value? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed AusVELS level 8.0 to 8.5 Key skills/Knowledge Key skills/Knowledge Key skills/Knowledge Measurement: Length, area, volume, capacity, units and scales Algebra Understanding variables, substitution, brackets, Simplifying expressions expanding brackets Factorising 3D shapes Scales, plans, house plans and isometric drawings Linear equations: Building expressions and solving linear equations using flowcharts and the formal method Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Linear equations Identifying patterns solving simple equations solving equations with unknown values on both sides Measurement Perimeter, circumference, Area of regular shapes Area of circles Volumes of prisms and other solids Time, 12 hour and 24 hour time zones Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress Esther Weichert Linear Equations Simplify algebraic expressions by collecting like terms where appropriate, backtracking, inverse operations Linear Graphs Sketch linear graphs using the coordinates of two points, determine linear rules from diagrams, tables of values and graphs, and specify these rules using words and algebra. Graph simple non-linear relations Find the distance between two points located on a Cartesian plane using a range of strategies Find the midpoint and gradient of a line segment Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Each topic has a written (tech active) test. A measurement project is incorporated. OnDemand and JacPlus testing, as required. Topic: Quadratic Equations Quadratic Expressions Financial Maths Statistics Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: Are you able to solve quadratic equations using a range of techniques? Can you use a range of mathematical calculations to solve business maths problems? Can you use different measures of central tendency and spread to interpret data? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed AusVELS Level 10.0 to 10A Key skills/Knowledge Quadratic Expressions Expansion, factorisation with 2,3 or 4 terms. Complete the square. Quadratic Equations Solving quadratics, the quadratic formula, and discriminant and finding solutions by inspection. Financial Maths Purchasing goods, buying on terms, discounts, compound interest, depreciation and loan repayments. Statistics Central tendency, box and whisker plots, standard deviation, skewness, scatterplots, populations and samples, primary and secondary data Assessment Term 3 Topics: Rational numbers Coordinates and the Cartesian plane Probability Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: How do you perform different operations using fractions? Can you use coordinates to locate map positions and points on Cartesian plans and interpret related graphs? What is the meaning of chance and probability and how can this be measured and represented? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed: AusVELS level 6.5 to 7.0 Key skills/Knowledge Rational numbers Identifying, simplifying, adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing rational numbers. Fractions as ratios. Coordinates and the Cartesian plane Grid references on maps The Cartesian plane Plotting simple linear relationships Interpreting graphs Probability The language of chance, sample space, simple probability, the use of tables, experimental probability against lesson plan Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Each topic has a written (tech active) test. A statistics project is incorporated. OnDemand and JacPlus testing, as required. Topics Coordinates and linear graphs Congruence and transformations Topic: Trigonometry Quadratic Algebra Topic: Indices Functions Trigonometry Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Timeline: See more detailed road maps Essential Questions: Can you apply the Trigonometric algorithms for Sine, Cosine and Tangent to calculate a missing side or angle in a range of problems? Can you use a range of strategies to factorise a quadratic trinomial to determine x & y intercepts and the turning point? Standards Addressed AusVELS level 7.5 to 8.0 Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed AusVELS level 10.0 to 10A Key skills/Knowledge Standards Addressed AusVELS level 8.0 to 8.5 Key skills/Knowledge Essential Questions: Can you represent a linear equation graphically and determine its key features? Can you apply the principle of congruence to triangles? Coordinates and linear graphs The Cartesian plane Linear patterns Plotting linear graphs Extension: The y intercept and the gradient Extension”: Sketching linear graphs Congruence and transformations Congruent figures Triangle constructions Congruent triangles Quadrilaterals Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Key skills/Knowledge Trigonometry For a given angle identify the adjacent, opposite and hypotenuse on a right angled triangle, determine the appropriate algorithm to use to calculate missing sides or angles Convert between true bearings and compass bearings, interpret worded questions to formulate equations that can be solved. Quadratic Algebra Factorise trinomials using a range of strategies, sum and product, recognising “Perfect Squares” and “Difference of Two Squares” and being able to complete the square. Transform a quadratic between Trinomial, Factor and Turning point form Assessment: Formative: Summative Esther Weichert Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: How do indices relate to very small and very large numbers? How do you apply parabolas to trajectories and the use of trigonometry in a range of practical situations? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Indices Index laws Negative Indices Fractional Indices Combining Index Laws Functions Plotting parabolas in a variety of forms. Sketch exponential, hyperbolic and circular functions. Trigonometry Pythagoras’ Theorem in 2D and 3D, Trig Ratios, angles of elevation and depression, compass directions. Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Written Test with an indices task. On Demand and JacPlus testing, as required. Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Term 4 Topics: Geometry Money Percentages Transformations Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Topics Probability Representing and interpreting data Ratio & rates Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Summative Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Topic: Quadratic Functions Statistics Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Timeline: see more detailed road maps Essential Questions: Can you factorise a quadratic in each of the three forms in order to determine the x & y intercepts, turning point and axis of symmetry? Can you determine the equation from the graph or a set of points? Can you compile raw data into meaningful sets and determine key measures of average and spread to allow comparison of data sets? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed AusVELS level 7.5 to 8.0 Standards Addressed AusVELS level 8.0 to 8.5 Key skills/Knowledge Key skills/Knowledge Probability Probability scales Experimental probability Sample spaces and theoretical probability Complementary events Venn diagrams Tree diagrams and two way tables Representing and interpreting data Samples and populations Organising and displaying data Measures of centre Measures of spread Analysing data Quadratic Functions Graph quadratic functions from a table of values Sketch a quadratic by determining key points – x & y intercepts and turning point Determine the equation from a graph Transformations Axis of symmetry Translations Reflections Rotations and combined transformations Ratio & rates Introduction of ratios Simplifying ratios Proportion Comparing ratios Dividing in a given ratio Rates Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Essential Questions: Can you identify the different types of angles? Can you describe the features of a range of triangles and quadrilaterals? Can you determine percentages and apply these to problems with money? Timeline: see more detailed road maps Standards Addressed: AusVELS level 6.5 to7.0 Essential Questions: Do you know how to determine the probability of random events and represent possible outcomes? Can you organise, display and interpret data? Do you understand how ratios and proportions are related? Topic: Deductive Geometry Matrices Problem Solving Probability Big Ideas / Enduring Understandings Outcomes are documented in the topic/student planning documents Essential Questions: How are matrices used to represent and solve real-life problems? Timeline: See more detailed road maps Standards Addressed Ausvels Level 10.0 to 10A Key skills/Knowledge Matrices Convert equations and practical applications to matrices, add & subtract matrices and solve simultaneous equations. Key skills/Knowledge Geometry Measuring and constructing angles Identifying types of angles, triangles, quadrilaterals parallel and perpendicular lines Money Money Money & percentages The unitary method Percentages Converting percentages, fractions and decimals Percentage of an amount Common percentages Esther Weichert Statistics Compile data into meaningful displays of histograms, stem and leaf or boxplots Compare different data sets using summary statistics Deductive Geometry Congruence, similarity and the proof of quadrilaterals. Problem Solving To address a variety of problem solving strategies across all topics. Assessment Formative: Classroom activities, progress against lesson plan Summative: Deductive geometry test (calculator and notes free). Matrices Handout (worksheet and assignment). A series of problem solving tasks. OnDemand and JacPlus testing, as required. Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment Summative: Jacplus tests, assignment, OnDemand assessment - Esther Weichert End of Document -