EDMA360 Mathematics Unit Planer
Ella Mason S00135186
Unit Overview
Unit Title: Introduce Chance!
Content Maths Area: Probability
Grade/ Year level: Grade Four/ AusVELS Level Four
Learning Focus (ideas extrapolated from AusVELS):
The focus will be on Chance within the content strand of Statistics and Probability. The proficiency strands that will be covered
are Understanding and Reasoning.
Probability is an important concept (Bryant and Nunes, 2012), as it is something that we use in our everyday life and not just
specifically for mathematics. This unit provides the opportunity to strengthen students understanding of and identifying events that
occur in isolation, not affected by a previous event. Randomness of events are often misunderstood by students, it is essential to
address this misconception to allow progress in probabilistic thinking (Barnes, 1998; Taylor, 2001; Threlfall, 2004).
Assumed prior knowledge of students:
The students will have previous experience in conducting continuous trials of chance experiences and recording the possible
outcomes as being likely or unlikely. They have been introduced to the concept that results can be varied in an experiment.
Grouping strategies to support learning:
The students will participate in activities individually; this is a form of pre-assessing the students so the educator notes their
understanding of the content area. From this pre-assessment, the students will be placed into groups based on their ability level.
Watson and Chick (2001) suggest from their studies that students with suitable cognitive abilities collaborate more efficiently;
contrast to mixed ability where the more developed students can overpower the students that take more time to understand the
content. Students working in small groups is an effective strategy to engage students, as well as ensuring students are accountable
for their thinking and learning (Tantillo, 2012).
Overview of assessment:
Formative Assessment
- Self assessment: The students will be provided with a KWL chart prior and at the conclusion of the unit for the educator to review
and evaluate student learning.
- Anecdotal notes and work samples: The educator will take notes as each lesson is taking place to observe students’ mathematical
thinking and progress. These work samples will be used as a source for the students understanding of probabilistic thinking. The
students will be given feedback throughout the lesson.
Topic: Probability
Key mathematical understandings
(2-4 understandings only; written as statements believed to be
true about the mathematical idea/topic):
Probability of an event can be described with
variety of words ‘Impossible’ ‘Equal Chance’
One event is not dependent on another
Probability can be shown on a line ranging
from ‘impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely
and definitely’.
Randomness refers to an outcome that
cannot be predetermined.
Year Level: 5
Term: 4
Week: 1-2
Key AusVELS Focus / Standard (taken directly from AusVELS documents):
Content strand(s):
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Sub-strand(s): Chance
Level descriptions:
Date: October 2014
Statistics and Probability
 Describe possible everyday events and order their chances of occurring
 Identify events where the chance of one event will not be affected by the occurrence of another
Proficiency strand(s):
Understanding: Develop understanding of randomness.
Reasoning: Explanation and justification of the student’s predictions and why they believe certain events are