PC PSA MINUTES Date: March 27, 2015 REGULAR CAMPUS MEETING Members in attendance: Rene’ Kuehne, Arty Flores, Barbara Stratton, Mary Davison, Marc Surrarrer, Judith Clark, Ann Fulton, Brenda Enriquez, Vrushti Bhatt 1. WELCOME: The meeting was called to order at 11:34 a.m. by Co-President, Judith Clark. Meeting was held in the Hannelly Center Conference Room/Upper Level. Introductions were not made as there was much information to share and discuss and Judith wanted to be mindful of the time today. 2. REPORTS: Mary Davison shared some PSD updates regarding PSD Professional Growth funding coming from the District. Mary will be continuing as our PSD Representative…thank you, Mary April 10, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. – Application for PSI are due Treasurer’s report – Kelly Loucks Membership Savings $140.14 – 3/5/2015 Savings Account $845.25– 3/5/2015 Desert Fusion Checking $2,541.83– 3/5/2015 920-100-021580-xxxxx (PC PSA internal account)$625.77 (includes 12/14 Holiday Luncheon registrations) – update needed Secretary’s report – Rene’ Kuehne – distributed 2/19 meeting minutes 3. District update: There was no March District PSA meeting There are open positions at the District PS level Proposed District-wide budget will decrease aby 12.57% 4. Upcoming PC PSA Elections: Barbara Stratton and Rene’ Kuehne will Co-Chair the Nominating/Election Committee. We have about 50 dues-paying Professional Staff employees who are eligible to hold elected positions PC PSA MINUTES Date: March 27, 2015 REGULAR CAMPUS MEETING All positions are open with the exception that Mary Davison has graciously offered to continue as our PSD Representative and all PS Employees (dues paying) should be encouraged to take advantage of a great networking, serving and learning opportunity. 5. President Notes: STAY INFORMED…Read the Bear Essential and other articles, etc. that Marc and Judith share. Please take time to review notes which follow official meeting minutes. 6. OPEN DISCUSSION/Q & A TIME: Employees Giving o What is this? PC’s fund raising campaign which tags onto District’s o We need additional information clarification and understanding. o Many feel like we are always being asked to give and we have still not heard about the outcome of the PAQ studies and the Maricopa Priorities It was explained that it is to collect funds for Scholarships and programs at PC and within the District Fund Raising Discussed the Bears’ Chairs in the Auditorium…nobody was quite sure about how these are purchased and how you would know where yours was Talked about the ‘Bricks’ Fundraiser from a few years ago again o Many wondering what happened to them and why they were not utilized the way they were marketed (to be incorporated in to a new fountain in Sophomore Square o Many don’t like their current location as they are constantly walked on. PC PSA Monthly Social Gathering: Hamburger Works, April 24, 2015, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (longer by choice), all are responsible for own food and beverages. ALL are encouraged to join as it is a great chance to meet other peers and socialize professionally and personally. Meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. PC PSA MINUTES Date: March 27, 2015 REGULAR CAMPUS MEETING Respectfully submitted by: Rene’ A. Kuehne, PC PSA Secretary PC PSA Meeting Agenda Notes Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:30A-12:30P Hannelly Center Upper Level Conference Room IV. New Business A. PC Campus 3. Faculty Investigation 4. Officer Reports – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report a. Co-Presidents’ report – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer Due to lack of response regarding availability, PSA campus unit presidents did not meet as previously proposed for Wednesday, 3/4, to share input and feedback related to Draft Matrix for Restructure of PSA to address Chancellor Glasper’s and VCHR Shelton-Johnson’s remarks shared with PSA Executive Council on Wednesday, September 17, 2014: 1: Reorganize into a functioning group that effectively performs the functions of employee groups in the most time efficient manner possible. 2: Conform organization and practices to policy on the use of release time and reassigned time. 3: Start working together in a positive, constructive manner to represent the interests of Professional Staff employees in a professional and ethical way. Summary Budget Proposal http://goo.gl/sr9fxc Zeroed Out in Arizona https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/03/12/arizona-unprecedented-defunding-community-colleges#.VQGfTUZdr7k.gmail How community colleges make Arizona richer http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2015/03/09/community-college-economic-impact/24537953/ Killing All State Support https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/03/06/arizona-budget-deal-would-eliminate-all-state-funds-3-large-communitycollege#.VPm8mbpuluw.gmail/ No tuition hike after Maricopa colleges' funding eliminated http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2015/03/06/tuition-hike-maricopa-colleges-funding-eliminated/24486095/ Demonstrating the Economic Value of Arizona Community Colleges https://asa.maricopa.edu/departments/institutional-effectiveness/reports/maricopa-economic-impact-study 5. Representatives’ Updates a. Campus – (Anna Crowley, Renee Holguin) – absent, no report b. Paid Education Leave (PEL Rep Alfredo Hernandez) – absent, no report c. Summer Conference – (Rep Carolyn Worthington) – absent, no report 6. Other Updates a. Webpage – Vrushti Bhatt – published 2/19 minutes and 3/26 agenda b. Blog – Vrushti Bhatt 7. Campus Committee Updates: PLEASE READ BEAR ESSENTIALS – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report a. Budget Review – open meetings, meets second and fourth Wednesdays My Docs/JC/PSA Page 4 of 6 3/23/2015 PC PSA Meeting Agenda Notes Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:30A-12:30P Hannelly Center Upper Level Conference Room Budget Allocation Model (BAM) review of object codes continues. District budget forum to be conducted in April with VC Business Services, Debra Thompson. Capital requests tool revised and used to solicit at end of spring 2015 for distribution of $200,000 in fall 2015. b. Learning College - meets monthly or as needed Developed plan for next two years. Entertaining idea of presenting “civility” day. Meet with Marketing to discuss ideas for illustrating “Learning College” philosophy. Purchasing TABLEAU software to allow enhanced data analysis: drills down to class level (data feeds from SIS to RDS and Warehouse and imported into TABLEAU.) League for Innovation Learning Summit, a working retreat for CC, takes place in June and PCLC members are encouraged to attend. c. Phoenix College Leadership Council (PCLC) – meets first and third Tuesdays AACE Empowering Community Colleges to Build the Nation’s Future: An Implementation Guide – Recommendation #7 addressed Implement Policies and Practices that Promote Rigor, Transparency, and Accountability. Enrollment Management – mentoring program report out at next meeting. Governing Board Member Haver in attendance received presentation featuring PC’s highlights/achievements/initiatives and invited questions and availability to listen. Maricopa Priorities –review by the college president’s executive team (PET completed for service reports. VP’s will reach out to departments to share results. Fitness Center received a modified recommendation to restructure and has a year for planning (through June 2016.) d. PC Strategic Planning – meets first and third Mondays, 3P to 4P Strategic Planning Online (SPOL) software purchase target date is June 2015. Project implementation to facilitate data collection for upcoming April 2016 Higher Learning Commission accreditation begins with power user training after purchase complete. Populate with data during summer. Plan refined and finalized to be shared with committees and published on webpage. B. District PSA – no meeting held in March 1. PSD Funding Vote 2. PSA Executive Board Nominations 2015-2016 Nominations open through Friday, 3/27, must be dues-paying for at least two years a. Past President b. President c. President Elect d. Secretary e. Treasurer V. Old Business A. District PSA PSA 2015 Summer Conference Save the date: Thursday, 6/11 @ MCC Navajo Rm, 7A, 8A-5P My Docs/JC/PSA Page 5 of 6 3/23/2015 PC PSA Meeting Agenda Notes Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:30A-12:30P Hannelly Center Upper Level Conference Room VI. Next Meeting A. April 16, 2014, 11:30A in Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level My Docs/JC/PSA Page 6 of 6 3/23/2015