suggested scaffolding for BIO LOA questions

Question #3
Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis (for
example, experiments, observations, correlational studies)
Kelli S., Brooke and Andrew from Period 3
1. Technology
fMRI - Bretezynsky
EEG - Janet
PET - Raine
2. Surgical/Physical
Brain Damage - Phineas Gage, Broca
Brain Mapping - Penfield
Sperry with Split brain study
Hess with electrodes
3. Studying Genetic differences
chromosomal abnormalities - Down Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome
lobotomy with mental patterns
4. Mental
Minnesota Twin Studies (Buchard)
Freud asked questions
Conclusion: These studies are used to learn more about nature vs. nurture
Examine one evolutionary explanation of behavior
Evolutionary Psychology:
If a behavior exists in humans today, then it must in the past have helped human survival and
Such behaviour is described as adaptive.
Human behaviour must have been adaptive under some circumstances in the past.
How could homosexuality be adaptive behavior?
How could homosexuality be genetically transmitted when it seems more likely to prevent
Zietsch et al. investigate the idea that the genes, which incline a man towards homosexuality, are
advantageous in a heterosexual man by somehow increasing their attractiveness.
Heterosexual twin brothers of homosexual men had a larger number of sex partners than
heterosexual twins of heterosexual men.
Theory that when we inherit some of the genetic predisposition for homosexuality, but do not
consider ourselves homosexual.
Instead we have inherited some characteristics normally associated with the opposite sex, and
these somehow make us more attractive to members of the opposite sex.
Could Homicide be adaptive behaviour?
An example of evolutionary psychology is the homicide adaptation theory (HAT)
o Theory suggests that humans have evolved with some psychological adaptations for
o This means that before, humans were not prone to killing but because of environmental
adaptations and changes, we have developing this tendency to kill
Comparative psychology proves that killing within one’s own species is likely to increase
because there is always a competition for survival
In this evolutionary psychology, the pros and cons of killing are against one another
o Attempting to kill someone may put the killer at the risk of death, which will not be
beneficial to the killer and this will also not be adaptive
o Such a person is at the risk of being ostracized by a social group
Question #9: Examine one interaction b/n cognition and physiology in terms of behavior, evaluate two
relevant studies.
“For bio psychs the mind is in the brain… the mind is able to control the body” (p.51)
Localization of function (Phineas Gage w/ hid injury affected behavior)
Penfield (1952), brain mapping; simulates cortical areas/Penfield (1952), brain mapping;
simulates cortical areas
Gazzaniga (corpus collasum severed, different sides of brain (hemisphere) have different
Sperry observed Gazzaniga; also we study animals in Bio LOA to gain insight on human behavior
(Darwin) 98% compatible.
Physiology and Behavior
Question #7: Using one or more examples, explain functions of two hormones in human behavior
1. Serotonin – neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation
a. Controls mood, eating, sleep, pain regulation, and dreaming
b. Target of many anti-depressant drugs
c. Evidence
i. “Other studies demonstrate that serotonin significantly increases cell
proliferation. "It follows," Jacobs says, "that antidepressant treatments that
increase brain serotonin, such as drugs like Prozac and electroconvulsive shock,
may be effective, at least in part, because they increase the production of new
brain cells.” (Jacobs)
2. Dopamine – neurotransmitter whose imbalance is responsible for diseases such as
schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease
a. Released during addictive behavior
i. Drugs, sex, attention grabbing video games, internet
b. Controls coordination and smooth, gross motor movement
c. Helps you to pay attention
d. It helps learning and motivation
e. Evidence
i. “"It was believed that dopamine regulated pleasure and reward and that we
release it when we obtain something that satisfies us, but in fact the latest
scientific evidence shows that this neurotransmitter acts before that, it actually
encourages us to act. In other words, dopamine is released in order to achieve
something good or to avoid something evil," explains Mercè Correa.”
(Asociación RUVID)
Works Cited
Asociación RUVID. "Dopamine regulates the motivation to act, study shows." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily,
10 January 2013.
Jacobs, Barry. "What Causes Depression?" Department of Psychology. Princeton University, n.d. Web. 21
Oct. 2014.
Neurotransmitters: chemicals that transmit signals across a synapse of one neuron to another
- major role in shaping everyday life and functions
Phineas Gage:
- severed connection between frontal lobe and limbic system
- made it so neurotransmitters could not communicate
- e.g. serotonin (regulates mood); lack of use of serotonin led to frequent aggression
- behaved irrationally and could not control emotions
- cut a patient's corpus callosum, which connects right and left hemisphere
- made it so neurotransmitters could not be interchanged between hemispheres
- patients ceased to have seizures after the operation
10) Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies (for example, CAT, PET, fMRI) in investigating the
relationship between biological factors and behavior.
Penfield used brain mapping to identify where behavior originates
Used fMRI to analyze ability to sustain concentration according to experience in meditation for
Tibetan Monks
Walter Hess used electrodes and found out that stop and go functions relate to the
Helps measure neural activity by indirectly detecting associated increases in blood flow (fMRI)
Makes science more quantifiable
Helps give an accurate understanding of the brain
Neuroplasticity detected by brain imaging techniques (Draganaski)
question #7, Name two hormones that effect human behavior.
1. Serotonin- One of the main functions of serotonin is to inhibit dreaming while we are not
sleeping (Bonson et al) used a questionnaire to see if LSD users had depressive symptoms, and
how this linked to psychological behavior due to the abnormal serotonin levels. Can also be used
to diminish symptoms of depression and Bipolar disorder, if serotonin levels are replenished.
2. Melatonin- Hormone with a role in the cycle of sleep. SAD is related to melatonin levels. It is a
type of depression related to the beginning and end of winter. ( Avery et al) - Administered low
levels of melatonin to participants who experienced this depression.
 With reference to relevant research studies, to
what extent does genetic inheritance influence
-genetic inheritance: we receive genes from our parents that determine how our brain
and other body parts function, human genes have evolved over millions of years to
adapt physiology and behavior to the environment therefore much behavior will have
genetic basis (Darwin)
-Twin Studies (Bouchard and McClarin)
-genetic system is a dynamic process where genes can be turned on and off due to
environmental triggers
-genes gives you the range (of knowledge, IQ, temperament, etc) while
nurture/environment gives you the value
-ex: With Trisomy 21, extra chromosome gives a person Down syndrome, giving them
IQ and behavior range. Nurture and environment determines whether or not the person
maxes out that range
-Bouchard: behavior is half genetic and half due to environmental causes
question 7.txt
Q: To what extent does genetic inheritance influence behavior?
Bio LOA is primarily concerned with the study of the effects of genetics, central nervous system,
and the endocrine system on behavior. It is promoted by the reductionist approach of study by
the bio LOA.
Minnesota Twin Studies: Conducted by Bochard, and studied in 1966. Basically showed twins
that were placed in separate homes were still as similar, behavior wise, as twins who were
raised together. Shows that twins behave similarly because of genetics. Likewise, many twins
had created their own language to only communicate with each other. Creates amore taciturn
behavior in twins, because they tend to communicate with each other more readily than with
Darwin: Human genes have evolved over millions of years. Natural selection being key in
isolating certain traits in genes to genetically pass on traits and behaviors to offspring to make
them more apt to survive
Meade: Isolated populations with isolated genetic pools have specific and similar behaviors and
Chromosomal Abnormalities: Issues with chromosomes that are inherited, anything abnormal
from the general 46 chromosomes in normal cell results in genetic conditions, that greatly affect
behavior. One example includes Trisomy 21 which is Down’s syndrome, which results in the maldevelopment of the prefrontal cortex. This genetic cause for the failure of the prefrontal cortex
to develop results in Down’s children having cognitive disabilities.
Human Genome Project: The human genome project progresses as technology develops,
isolates genes to show the affect of genes on behavior
Nature Nurture Debate: to what extent does heredity and environment influence human
behavior, debate is which one has more weight on our behavior
In Psychology probability and variance will always be a factor, because everyone is so genetically
diverse, we cannot predict that they will behave or react in the same way to certain stimuli.
Group Review Q #10
Discuss the use of brain imaging technology (CAT, PET, fMRI) in investigating the
relationship between biological factors and behavior.
Integral part of the Bio LOA because it studies objectively.
Positives (+)
Precise image
Non invasive
Supports Bio LOA and theory on
Negatives (-)
Ethics (destroy privacy)
Culture (violation/invasive)
Subjective interpretation
Lack of ecological validity because
hospital is not a natural environment
Brain areas activate for different
Studies that employ brain scans
Brefczynski (2007) – how peoples’ brain structure changes after meditating; experienced
meditators could focus better with distracitons
o Neuroplasticity
Maguire (2000) – London taxi drives that go through 2 years of training, have a larger
hippocampus than normal because develop spatial memory skills
o Neuroplasticity
Raine (1996) – PET scan to study murderers’ brain who pleaded ‘ not guilty’ due to
Two particular research methods of the bio LOA are fMRIs and EEGs. An fMRI maps metabolic changes
that indicate brain activity and shows precisely where the brain is active during a particular activity. Pros
include that it us non invasive, and provides dynamic information. A con is that they can result in
premature conclusions.EEGs are electrodes placed outside specific parts of the brain in order to detect
brain activity by noticing electrical changes. A pro of this method is that it goes in depth for sleep
research and its non invasive. Cons is that it is not always accurate because it used on the outside of the
skill. Penfeild mapped the roles of various areas in the cerebral cortex through micro electrode
stimulation( EEG). Both of these methods are used because they are quantitative, a core characteristic
of the biological level of analysis.