Supplementary Information 5. Analyses of the relative role of phylogenetic signal and phylogenetic depth on the accuracy of PTP in i) a simulated example and ii) an empirical database i) We have 1) evolved 1000 binary traits with a range of phylogenetic signals on a 100-species pure-birth tree, 2) calculated the phylogenetic depth at which each trait was conserved following the consenTrait algorithm developed by Martiny et al. (2013) and 3) applied the PTP algorithm to reconstruct traits of 30% of removed species. The accuracy of the PTP method (i.e., correlation between actual and reconstructed trait values) increased with both the phylogenetic signals and depth, but the former explained much variance than the latter. This result suggests that phylogenetic signal is the most important factor determining the accuracy of PTP but the method performs better for traits conserved deeper in the phylogeny (Intercept) log(phylogenetic signal) Phylogenetic depth i) Estimate Std.Error 0.393 0.04 0.204 0.02 0.285 0.09 t 9.59 12.1 3.1 Variance p-value explained <2.00E-16 <2.00E-16 13.0 % 0.9 % 0.002 To verify this conclusion in an empirical database, we have compared the PTP accuracy for three pairs of traits with the same phylogenetic signal but conserved at different depths in the Chai et al. (2014) database. To do it, we have 1) calculated the phylogenetic depth at which the 741 traits are conserved, 2) randomly pruned 30% of the 12404 species in the tree, and iii) reconstructed the trait states of pruned species with the highest and the lowest conservatism depth Phylogenetic depth at which the trait is conserved Shallow Profound PWY_4722; r=0.899[0.893-0.906] PWY_7206; r=0.943[0.939-0.947] PWY_6511; r=0.683[0.665-0.699] PWY_7197; r=0.788[0.776-0.800] PWY_6223; r=0.878[0.871-0.885] VALSYN; r=0.905[0.899-0.911] In all three cases, trait prediction was significantly better for the trait more deeply conserved, although the improvement was not very high, as expected for the low percentage of variance explained by this variable.