STANDARD COURSE SYLLABUS for academic year 2013/2014 Name of subject: Psychiatry Director of unit conduction the course: Faculty: Course of study: Level of studies Form of studies Year: 5 Type of subject Language of instruction: english Description of subject matter – Instructional program Module code E according to standards from A to G Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kiejna Medical medical Unitary MMed full-time X extramural X Semester: X obligatory X elective Name of unit conducting course Winter semester (hrs.) L C S psychiatry Total: Summer semester (hrs.) L C S 6 42 6 42 Educational goals (goals for lessons set by instructor, related to the results of education, max. 6 items) A1. The general aim of the course is to learn about diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. A2. To learn how to conduct a clinical interview demonstrating an empathetic doctor-patient relationship A3. To learn how to conduct a clinical interview leading to the psychiatric assessment allowing to diagnose a patient and to plan the proper treatment scheme A4. To learn how to lead an interview using open and closed questions, techniques for asking "difficult" questions, as well as applying facilitation, empathy, clarification, confrontation, reassurance, silence, summary statements and soliciting patient's concerns about the illness and its treatment. A5. To learn how to diagnose and treat alcohol and substance abuse and dependence. Matrix of educational results for subjects in reference to methods for verifying intended educational results and manner of conducting lessons. Number of educational Description of educational Methods for verifying Manner of lessons: result result (in conformance with achievement of ** provide symbol detailed educational results defined intended educational in standards) results * Knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of the main test L, C E.W15. psychiatric disorders E.W16. Knowledge about main psychopathological symptoms of psychiatric disorder and their classification test C Knowledge about symptoms as well as diagnostic methods and therapeutic methods of test C E.W17. the most frequent psychiatric disorders Knowlege about diagnosis and treatmet of the acute test C E.W18. psychiatric cases *e.g.. test, presentation, oral response, essay, report, colloquium, oral examination, written examination; ** L- lecture; S- seminar; C- class; EL- e-learning; Student work input (balance of ECTS points) Lessons on-site (hrs.): 48 Own work (hrs.): 20,4 Summary of student workload: 68,4 ECTS points for subject 2 Remarks Content of lessons: (please provide the subject of individual lessons, keeping in mind the need to contribute to the intended educational results) 1. The concept of psychiatric disorders. Criteria of normality and psychiatric abnormality. Basic skills in psychiatric interview. Communication and relationship between doctor and patient. Mental status examination. 2. Basic psychopathology. Conducting an interview with a patient with psychiatric disorder. Classification systems used in psychiatry. 3. Psychiatric diagnosis. Psychological assessment together with personality defence mechanisms analysis. Conducting an interview with a patient with regard to psychiatric classification systems. 4. Mental state examination and assessment. Child and adolescent psychiatry. 5. Psychiatry of old age. Primary and secondary literature Mandatory 1. Kaplan and Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry (softbound), Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third Edition (2008) ISBN-10: 0-7817 8746-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-8746-8 2. Kaplan and Sadock's Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Eighth Edition (2007), ISBN-10: 0781780438, ISBN-13: 978-0781780438 3. Case Files Psychiatry, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; Third Edition (2009), ISBN-10: 0071598650, ISBN-13: 978-0071598651 Additional 1. Psychiatry PreTest Self-Assessment & Review, (PreTest Clinical Medicine) Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; Twelfth Edition (2009), ISBN-10: 0071598308, ISBN-13: 978-0071598309 2. Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, Publisher: American Psychiatric Publishing; Fourth Edition (2006) ISBN-10: 1585622729 ISBN-13: 978-1585622726 3. Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; Fifth Edition (2006), ISBN-10: 0198566670, ISBN-13: 978-0198566670 4. Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual: Text with CD-ROM, Publisher: Mosby Elsevier; Pap/Cdr edition (2007) ISBN-10: 0323044220, ISBN-13: 978-0323044226 5. Lange Q & A: Psychiatry (Paperback) Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; Ninth Edition (2007), ISBN10: 0071475672, ISBN-13: 978-0071475679 Requirements concerning instructional aids (e.g. laboratory, multimedia projector, other …) Conditions for successful completion of course: Name and address of unit conducting course, contact information (tel./email): Department od Psychiatry Wroclaw Medical University Wroclaw, Wyb. Pasteura 10 tel.: 71 78416 00 e-mail: Person responsible for the course for a given year Dr n. med. Przemysław Pacan e-mail: Signature of head of unit conducting the course Signature of dean .………....…..… ……….………..…… Date of syllabus drafting: ……………………………………………