
Course Code: NPSY G810
Name of Rotation/Elective: Advanced Focus in Psychiatry
Prerequisite: None
Course Director: Benjamin Griffeth, MD
Course Director e-mail:
Course Director phone: (864) 455-8949
Course Coordinator: Devin Evans
Coordinator e-mail:
Coordinator phone: (864) 455-6297
Course Faculty (list all): Benjamin Griffeth, MD, Eunice Peterson, MD, Julius Earle, MD, Kenneth Rogers,
MD, Marcia Suval, MD, Louis Dolinar, MD, Debbie Davis, MD, Rodolfo Valverde, MD, Wade Harris, MD,
Sharma Taral, MD, Rose Marie McDonald, MD, Amy Jones, MD, MD, Amy Levenson, MD, Wilberforce
Tamaklo, MD, David Moore, MD, Lynn Wright, MD, Ed Parsons, MD, Michael Marcum, MD, Calvert
Warren, MD, Donna Schwartz-Watts, MD, Karen Stacher, MD, Roy Smith, MD, John Roberts, MD
Location: GHS
Time and Location to Report on Day 1: 8:30 AM, Psychiatric Academics Service, Marshall I. Pickens
Hospital, 701 Grove Rd, Greenville, SC
Number of weeks: 4 weeks
1. Demonstrate advanced ability to evaluate each patient for potential relationships between
medical and psychiatric symptoms and illnesses, a potential history of abuse or neglect, and
psychiatric emergencies including danger to self or others.
2. Accurately and completely identify psychopathology, formulate accurate differential and
working diagnoses utilizing DSM5, assess patients’ strengths and prognosis, and develop
appropriate bio-psychosocial evaluation (laboratory, radiologic, and psychological testing) and
treatment plans for psychiatric patients.
3. Describe the indications and contraindications, complete mechanisms of action,
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, efficacy and cost, uncommon as well as common and
serious side effects, toxicity, drug interactions, and issues of each class of psychotropic
medications as they are relevant to special populations and demonstrate the ability to select
and use these agents to treat mental disorders.
4. Demonstrate advanced ability to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence by utilizing relevant
databases of psychiatric evidence-based medicine to improve patient care.
5. Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of
information and collaboration with patients, their families, and other health professionals.
Course Description:
After consultation with the Clerkship Director, the student will be assigned to the area of practice to
which he/she needs the most exposure before entering a residency program. Options include inpatient,
outpatient, emergency, substance abuse, and consultative fields. The presenting problems of patients
may include personality disorders, acute psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders,
schizophrenia, psychosomatic illness, organic brain syndrome and substance abuse disorders. The
student will be responsible for intake assessments, including a mental status examination. He/she will
also participate in the decision-making processes and in continuity of care. Additional assignments will
be made to specialized treatment programs including individual psychotherapy.
The student may see outpatients being treated at the Brownell Center collocated with Marshall I.
Pickens Hospital and also at the Piedmont Mental Health Center located in Simpsonville, near Hillcrest
Hospital. Inpatient rotations may be at Marshall I. Pickens Hospital or Harris Psychiatric Hospital in
Anderson. Consultation and emergency services are located at Greenville Memorial Medical Center.
Pavillon International will take students wishing to focus on both inpatient and outpatient substance
abuse services.
The course is designed to provide the student with maximum patient contact. Reviews of interviewing
techniques and the principles of general psychiatry with the introduction of individual psychotherapy
techniques will complement the student's clinical contact with patients. Upon completion of the
elective, students will be expected to perform at a level consistent with that of a first year psychiatric
The student will be evaluated by both his/her preceptors and the Clerkship Director for Psychiatry or his
designee. Input will be obtained from the other health professionals with whom the student has
worked. Additionally, successful completion of the stated objectives will be required to pass this course.