Muscle Contractions


Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 1

Unit 8

The Musculo-skeletal


Name: ____________________________


Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 2

California State Standard. 5.c: Students know how bones and muscles work together to provide a structural framework for movement.

Learning Objectives

Identify the main characteristics of the skeletal system

Examine how muscles contract and relax

Explain how bones and muscles work together

Muscles, tendons, and bones work in a coordinate fashion to produce movement


Directions: Before we begin this new unit, respond to the statements below.

 Write an “A” if you agree with the statement

 Write a “D” if you disagree with the statement

Before You Learn about the

Musculo-skeletal system

A or D


After You learned about the



A or D


Your bones allow you flexibility in movement.


Your nose is not made from bone.


When a muscle relaxes, it causes the bone it moved to return to its original position.


Muscle fibers can actively lengthen


Muscles worked in coordinated pairs of extensor and flexor muscles.


All people in the world have the same number of muscle cells in their bodies.






Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 3

Video Notes: The Muscular System & The Skeletal System

Directions: Write a minimum of 6 facts that you learned from the videos.


Guided Notes

What is the Musculoskeletal System?

 The _______________________________________ within our bodies are part of the ___________________


 The _______________________________ provides _________________ , ________________, and

__________________ for our bodies.

 Press down on your __________________ and you will feel ______________________ and ______________

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 4

A ______________________ is a

___________________ made mostly of

___________, ____________________, and


________________________ is a

_______________ that forms strong fibers in the bone.

 __________________________ is a mineral that ____________________ to the collagen fibers.

The ______________________ has over

_________________ that make up the skeleton.

Diets rich in _______________________ and

________________________ help to maintain strong teeth and bones.

Functions of the Skeletal System

 Bones in the skeletal are not all smooth, have

_______________________, rough spots,

__________________, and holes where

____________________ and

____________________ enter and leave.

 The bones in our bodies have

________________________________ and

___________________ to deliver nutrients and signals.

 This is why breaking a bone is SO PAINFUL!

Functions of the Skeletal System

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 5









-Rib cage protects our vital organs:

______________, ________________, and


-Skull protects your brain

Without our bones and muscles, our bodies would



Bones in our legs, arms, neck, and chest give our bones places to attach.


________________________________________ Skeletal system helps to store ________________

& ___________________________________.

Stop & Check

 Write 2 things that you have just learned in this lesson so far.

 1.

 2.

Bones Connect At Joints

 Because bones are ______________, they cannot ______________________.

 However, our bodies can bend, twist, and spin.

 ____________________ called joints, holds two bones together.

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 6

 _________________________ connect bones.

 They are similar to a strong

___________________________ because they stretch when we move.

 _______________________ is a strong, yet

____________________ tissue that reduces

_________________________ and increases flexibility in our bones.

 Try twisting your LOWER ARM without moving your upper arm!

 Can you do the same with your leg?

 The _________________________

____________________determine s its movement.

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 7

Table 1. Joints in the Body

Description of Joint



Allows bones to move back and forth.

Examples: fingers, elbows, and knees



Allow bones to move back and forth and side to side, but have limited rotational ability.

Examples: Thumbs



Allow bones to move and rotate in nearly all directions.

Examples: Hips & Shoulders



Allows bones to rotate

Examples: Neck



Allows bones to move side to side or front to back.

Examples: Ankles & Wrists



Allows very little or no movement.

Examples: Skull

The Muscular System

 _________________ are parts of the body that help our bodies move.

 Muscle: is a __________________ made of long cells that __________________.

 There are more than ________________ in the human body.

 Muscles are made of ________________

____________ cells called ___________


Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 8

____________________________ contain hundreds of _______________ and ___________________________

Muscle fibers are arranged __________

_________ and usually overlap other


Since Muscle fibers overlap each other, during ___________________________ the filaments move closer to each other.

When muscle fibers contract, the fibers become ____________________.

 __________________ is a shortening of

__________________________ in the body.

Muscle Contractions

 What do you think makes your muscles contract? <write your response below>

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 9

Muscle Contractions

 Muscle cells have ________________ that start a chemical reaction in the muscle cell.

 This chemical reaction causes muscle fibers to __________________ and the muscle will _________________.

 Muscles require lots of ___________ and ______________________ to contract.


 Recall that cells form tissues, tissues form organs, organs form organ systems, and organ systems form an organism.

 Muscles work the same way!

 ______________________ form tissue. There are _________________ types of muscle tissue in our bodies

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 10

Type of Muscle








Help cause movement of your body and skeleton

Found only in the heart

Found only in the organs of the body, such as your stomach and blood vessels

Interactions of The Musculo-Skeletal System

 Our bones alone cannot move our bodies.

 Similarly, muscle contraction is only part of movement

 In order for us to move, the

______________________ must work with the



 Our skeleton provides support for our muscles

How Do You Move?

 Usually, a muscle is connected to at least




Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 11

 _____________________: connect bones to muscles

 ______________ and

_______________ are 2 other types of connective tissue.

Opposing Muscle Groups

 The bicep muscle causes your arm to bend.

 ____________________ is the bending of a limb that decreases the angle between the bones of a limb.

 Just think… when someone asks you

“flex” your arms, you make your arm bend!


 What type of muscle do we use in our arm? (voluntary? Involuntary?


 Also, are the muscles in our arm shortening? Or becoming longer when we flex our biceps?

Unit 8: The Musculo-skeletal System Page 12

Opposing Muscle Groups

 Muscle can contract and become shorter, but they ____________ actively lengthen.

 _______________ is the straightening of a limb.

 When you straighten your limb, the angle of between the bone increases.

 Arrangement of muscles is often in


 This means that as one muscle

_____________________, the other is __________________________.

 Example: Your Bicep/Tricep
