HAWKS DIAMOND CLUB BOARD POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES 2015 Term: May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2016 President Duties: fundraising, community relations, photography, outfield signs, website Specifics: Plan & set dates for HDC meetings throughout the year. Organize, create and present agendas at meetings; First Pitch Dinner-organize volunteers for misc. duties, solicit, organize donations for auctions and dinner, create and present agenda at dinner; Banquet - organize, reserve banquet venue; organize, create, present speech; Homecoming-organize volunteers to create homecoming float; Photography - organize, gather photos to put on website and FPD & Banquet slideshow; Outfield Signs - solicit & have signs created for sign donors; Organize all events where volunteers are needed; assist with any and all required support for Birdville baseball coaches and Hawks Diamond Club as needed. 1st Vice President Duties: membership, homecoming booth, concessions/gate Specifics: set membership levels and fees per board agreement for Hawks Diamond Club membership; distribute & collect membership forms; maintain membership list; process membership cards for all HDC members during First Pitch Dinner; schedule volunteers for homecoming booth; coordination & planning, set up & take down of homecoming booth; assist with merchandise sales at homecoming booth; assist with coordination & scheduling of concession stand city inspection to obtain a food service permit; schedule & coordinate volunteers to work concession stand and gate for all home games; coordinate & plan inventory for concession stand; assist with planning, coordination & set up of banquet activities; assist with any and all required support for Birdville baseball coaches and Hawks Diamond Club as needed. 2nd Vice President Duties: banquet, scholarships, game announcers Specifics: assist in identifying and securing location for end-of-season banquet; assist with planning, coordination & set up of banquet activities; assist with distribution and coordination of senior scholarship applications; identify and coordinate game announcers for all varsity, junior varsity and freshman home games; coordinate volunteers and assist with field improvement day and as needed throughout the season/year; assist with any and all required support for Birdville baseball coaches and Hawks Diamond Club as needed. Treasurer Duties: monetary management, First Pitch Dinner, merchandise Specifics: responsible for filing Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service annually; balancing checkbook and making treasurer report for monthly booster meeting; maintain a treasurer book with back up of spending and deposits; upon board approval, write checks for expenses and make all deposits; take cash box and gate funds/tickets before every home game and picking up after; balance cash box back to $100 start up; deposit profit to the bank; balance gate bag; total ticket sales and turn in to District office located at the FAAC the day after each game; coordinate with vendors on designs, pricing and quantities for booster club apparel & merchandise; present to board for approval & place orders for apparel & merchandise; receive and confirm apparel & merchandise orders; coordinate & distribute all apparel & merchandise orders to booster club members; track and maintain apparel & merchandise inventory; schedule & coordinate volunteers for apparel & merchandise sales; assist with any and all required support for Hawks Diamond Club as needed. Secretary Duties: Communications, concessions/gate Specifics: Record & archive minutes of each HDC board meeting; record & archive minutes of each HDC general meeting; record & archive all board votes (approved or denied); distribute minutes and/or recaps of HDC general meeting to the HDC membership; maintain archives of all current & prior year booster clubs; distribute all forms of communication to booster club members via email in regards to game schedules/reschedules, fundraising activities, meeting schedules, club activities (concessions, Homecoming, First Pitch Dinner, Banquet), etc. from April to May, including each regular season’s varsity, junior varsity and freshmen teams as well as fall, spring and summer teams; assist with coordination & scheduling of concession stand city inspection to obtain a food service permit; assist with scheduling and coordination of concession stand & gate responsibilities; assist with any and all required support for Hawks Diamond Club as needed.