MSc Advancing Nursing Practice - References

Research Methods in Nursing and Healthcare (B)
Course code NUST11077
Indicative Reading
Allen D Lyne P (2006) The Reality of Nursing Research, politics, practices and processes Routledge
Bechhofer F and Paterson L (2000) Principles of research design in the social sciences Routledge:
Bryman A (2004) Social Research Methods Oxford University Press
Gerrish K Lacey A (2010) (eds) The Research Process in Nursing 6th edn Blackwell Oxford
Mannion R Davies HTO Marshall MN (2005) Cultures for Performance in Healthcare OU Press Berkshire
Mullhall A Le May A (1999) Nursing Research, dissemination and implementation Churchill Livingstone
Newell R Burnard P (2006) Research for Evidence-Based Practice Blackwell Oxford
Parahoo K (2006) Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues 2nd Edn. Macmillan, Houndmills
Polit DF Beck CT (2010) Essentials of Nursing Research. Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice 7th
Edn Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Philadelphia
Rapport F (2004) New qualitative methodologies in Health and Social Care Research Routledge London
Saks M Allsop J (2007) Researching Health, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. Sage London
Silverman D (2000) Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook, Sage, London
Watson R McKenna H Cowan S Keady J (2008) Nursing Research, Design and Methods Churchill
Livingstone Edinburgh
Watson R Atkinson I Egerton P (2006) Successful Statistics for Nursing and Healthcare Palgrave
MacMillan Houndmills
Research Methods in Nursing and Healthcare: Work-based (NUST11052)
Course Organiser: Dr Sheila Rodgers
Indicative Reading
Allen D Lyne P (2006) The Reality of Nursing Research, politics, practices and processes Routledge
Bechhofer F and Paterson L (2000) Principles of research design in the social sciences Routledge:
Bryman A (2004) Social Research Methods Oxford University Press
Costley C Elliot G Gibbs P (2010) Doing work-based research Sage London
Cummings GG; Estabrooks CA; Midodzi WK; Wallin L; Hayduk L (2007) Influence of organizational
characteristics and context on research utilization. Nursing Research, 56 (4S): Supplement: S24-39
Estabrooks (2003) Translating research into practice: implications for organizations and administrators
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 35(3) 53-68
French P (2002) What is the evidence on evidence-based nursing? An epistemological concern Journal
of Advanced Nursing 37(3) 250-257
Gerrish K Lacey A (2010) (eds) The Research Process in Nursing 6th edn Blackwell Oxford
Hamer S Collinson G (1999) Evidence-Based Practice: a handbook for practice. Balliere Tindall
Mannion R Davies HTO Marshall MN (2005) Cultures for Performance in Healthcare OU Press Berkshire
Mullhall A Le May A (1999) Nursing Research, dissemination and implementation Churchill Livingstone
Newell R Burnard P (2006) Research for Evidence-Based Practice Blackwell Oxford
Parahoo K (2006) Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues 2nd Edn. Macmillan, Houndmills
Polit DF Beck CT (2006) Essentials of Nursing Research 6th Edn Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Saks M Allsop J (2007) Researching Health, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. Sage London
Silverman D (2000) Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook, Sage, London
Watson R McKenna H Cowan S Keady J (2008) Nursing Research, Design and Methods Churchill
Livingstone Edinburgh
Watson R Atkinson I Egerton P (2006) Successful Statistics for Nursing and Healthcare Palgrave
MacMillan Houndmills
Professional and Personal Development (NUST11059)
Indicative Reading
Barrett, H. (2000) Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio, Using Off-the Shelf Software to Showcase Your
Own or Student Work, Learning & Leading with Technology, Available on line at (accessed 14 March 2008)
Boyer, E. (1990) Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities for the professoriate. Princeton, NJ: The Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Dearnley, C. & Matthew, B. (2000) A Group of nurses experience open learning; exploring the impact,
Open learning, 15, (2), 190-206
Haith, P. (2012) How to use action learning sets to support nurses. Nursing Time, 108, 18/19, 12-14
Heidari, F. & Galvin, F. (2002) The role of open learning in nurse education does it have a place? Nurse
Education Today, 22, 617-623
Jasper, M.A. (1999) Nurses’ perceptions of the value of written reflection, Nurse Education Today, 19,
6, 452-463
Joyce, P. (2005) A Framework for Portfolio Development in Postgraduate Nursing Practice, Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 14, 4, 456-463
Kolb, D. (1984) Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Mortimer, J. (1995) Are you a reflective practitioner? An Introduction to Reflective Practice for Nurses,
Educational Development Service, University of Northumbria
Professional and Personal Development - Work based/related application (NUST11060)
Indicative Reading
Barrett, H. (2000) Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio, Using Off-the Shelf Software to Showcase Your
Own or Student Work, Learning & Leading with Technology, Available on line at (accessed 14 March 2008)
Boyer, E. (1990) Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities for the professoriate. Princeton, NJ: The Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Dearnley, C. & Matthew, B. (2000) A Group of nurses experience open learning; exploring the impact,
Open learning, 15, (2), 190-206
Haith, P. (2012) How to use action learning sets to support nurses. Nursing Time, 108, 18/19, 12-14
Heidari, F. & Galvin, F. (2002) The role of open learning in nurse education does it have a place? Nurse
Education Today, 22, 617-623
Jasper, M.A. (1999) Nurses’ perceptions of the value of written reflection, Nurse Education Today, 19,
6, 452-463
Joyce, P. (2005) A Framework for Portfolio Development in Postgraduate Nursing Practice, Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 14, 4, 456-463
Kolb, D. (1984) Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Mortimer, J. (1995) Are you a reflective practitioner? An Introduction to Reflective Practice for Nurses,
Educational Development Service, University of Northumbria
Clinical Decision Making and Professional Judgement (NUST11048)
Key texts: Thompson C, Dowding D (2002) Clinical Decision Making and Judgement in
Nursing, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh
Thompson C, Dowding D (2009) Essential Decision Making and Clinical Judgement in
Nursing, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Edinburgh
Standing M (2010) Clinical Judgement and decision making in Nursing and inter-professional care Open
University Press Milton Keynes
Cox C L Hill MC lack VM eds (2012) Advanced practice in Health Care Routledge London
Gabbey J Le May A (2011) Practice-based Evidence for Health care: Clinical Mindlines Routledge
Gurbutt R (2006) Nurses’ Clinical Decision Making Radcliffe Publishing Oxford
Indicative Reading
Banning M (2008) A review of clinical decision making: models and current research Journal of Clinical
Nursing 17 (1) 187-195
Benner P, Tanner C (1987) Clinical Judgement: how expert nurses use intuition, American Journal of
Nursing, 87 (1) 23-31
Cioffi J (2000) Nurses’ experiences of making decisions to call emergency assistance to their patients,
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32 (1) 108-114
Dowding D, Spilsbury K, Thompson C, Brownlow R, Pattenden J (2009) The decision making of heart
failure specialist nurses in clinical practice Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 (9) 1313-1324
Dowding D, Thompson C (2004) Using judgement to improve accuracy in decision-making, Nursing
Times, 100 (22) 42-44
Dowding D, Thompson C (2004) Using decision trees to aid decision-making in nursing, Nursing Times,
100 (21) 36-39
Dowding D, Thompson C (2003) Measuring the quality of judgement and decision-making in nursing,
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44 (1) 49-57
Harbison J (2001) Clinical decision making in nursing: theoretical perspectives and their relevance to
practice, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35 (1) 126-133
Higgs J Jones MA Loftus S Christensen (2008) Clinical reasoning in the health professions (3rd ed)
Butterworth Heinemann London
McCutcheon HHI, Pinscombe J (2001) Intuition: an important tool in the practice of nursing, Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 35 (3) 342-8
Rolfe G (1998) The theory-practice gap in nursing: from research-based practice to practitioner-based
research, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28 (3) 672-679
Thompson C (2003) Clinical experience as evidence in evidence-based practice, Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 43 (3) 230-237
Clinical Decision Making and Professional Judgement - Work based/related application
Indicative Reading
Banning M (2008) A review of clinical decision making: models and current research Journal of Clinical
Nursing 17 (1) 187-195
Cioffi J (2000) Nurses’ experiences of making decisions to call emergency assistance to their patients,
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32 (1) 108-114
Dowding D, Thompson C (2004) Using judgement to improve accuracy in decision-making, Nursing
Times, 100 (22) 42-44
Dowding D, Thompson C (2004) Using decision trees to aid decision-making in nursing, Nursing Times,
100 (21) 36-39
Dowding D, Thompson C (2003) Measuring the quality of judgement and decision-making in nursing,
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44 (1) 49-57
Higgs J Jones MA Loftus S Christensen (2008) Clinical reasoning in the health professions (3rd ed)
Butterworth Heinemann London
McCutcheon HHI, Pinscombe J (2001) Intuition: an important tool in the practice of nursing, Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 35 (3) 342-8
Leadership – Exploring your potential (NUST11079)
Indicative reading
Hewison A (2009) Editorial: Do we expect too much of our leaders? Journal of Nursing Management
17 913-916
Hong Y, Catano V M and Liao H (2011) Leader emergence: the role of emotional intelligence and
motivation to lead. Leadership and Organisation Development Journal 32 (4) 320-343
Huston C (2008) Preparing nurse leaders for 2020 Journal of Nursing Management 16 905-911
Kenmore P (2008) Exploring Leadership Styles Nursing Management 15 (1) 24-26
Thompson J (2012) Transformational leadership can improve workforce competencies. Nursing
Management 18(10) 21-24
Tomlinson J (2012) Exploration of transformational and distributed leadership. Nursing Management
19(4) 30-34
Tomey A M (2009) Nursing leadership and management effects working environments. Journal of
Nursing Management 17 15-25
Wright S (2012) Be a guiding light. Nursing Standard 26(42) 18-20
Global Public Health: A critical approach to health improvement
Indicative Reading:
Beaglehole, R. R., & Bonita, R. R. (2009). Global public health [electronic resource] : a new era. Oxford
: Oxford University Press.
Benatar, S., & Brock, G. (2011). Global Health and Global Health Ethics [electronic resource] / Edited
by Solomon Benatar, Gillian Brock. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Blaxter, M. (2010). Health / Mildred Blaxter. Cambridge : Polity.
Chari, S., & Corbridge, S. (2008). The development reader / edited by Sharad Chari and Stuart
Corbridge. London ; New York : Routledge.
Davies, S. (2009). Global politics of health / Sara E. Davies. Cambridge : Polity.
De Maio, F. (2014). Global health inequities : a sociological perspective / by Fernando De Maio.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Ehiri, J. (2009). Maternal and child health [electronic resource] : global challenges, programs, and
policies / John Ehiri, editor ; foreword by Paul Garner. New York : Springer-Verlag.
Farmer, P., Kim, J., Kleinman, A., & Basilico, M. (2013). Reimagining global health [electronic resource]
: an introduction / [edited by] Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Arthur Kleinman, Matthew Basilico.
Berkerley ; London : University of California Press.
Lechner, F. J., & Boli, J. (2008). The globalization reader / edited by Frank J. Lechner, John Boli. Malden,
Mass. ; Oxford : Blackwell, 2008.
Lenard, P., & Straehle, C. (2012). Health inequalities and global justice / edited by Patti Lenard and
Christine Straehle. [Edinburgh] : Edinburgh University Press, [2012].
McQueen, D. V. (2013). Global handbook on noncommunicable diseases and health promotion
[electronic resource] / David V. McQueen, editor. New York, NY : Springer.
Patel, V., Minas, I. H., Cohen, A., & Prince, M. (2014). Global mental health : [electronic resource] :
principles and practice / edited by Vikram Patel, Harry Minas, Alex Cohen, Martin J. Prince. New York ;
Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Skolnik, R. L. (2008). Essentials of global health / Richard Skolnik. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett
Telecare (Course code TBC Subject to Board of Studies Approval)
Indicative Reading
OUDSHOORN, N. 2012. How places matter: telecare technologies and the changing spatial dimensions
of healthcare. Social Studies of Science, 42, 121-42.
POLS, J. & WILLEMS, D. 2011. Innovation and evaluation: taming and unleashing telecare technology.
Sociology of Health & Illness, 33, 484-98.
BARLOW, J., SINGH, D., BAYER, S. & CURRY, R. 2007. A systematic review of the benefits of home
telecare for frail elderly people and those with long-term conditions. Journal of Telemedicine and
Telecare, 13, 172-179.
LINSKELL, J. & BOUAMRANE, M. M. 2012. Assisted-living spaces for end-users with complex needs: a
proposed implementation and delivery model. Health Informatics Journal, 18, 159-70.
Person Centred Care in Practice: Relationships and Emotion
Armstrong D (2009) The power of apology: how saying sorry can leave both patients and nurses feeling
better Nursing Times 10 November 2009 Vol 105 No 44
Chochinov HM (2007) Dignity and the essence of medicine: the A,B,C and D of dignity conserving care.
Br Med J 335:184–187
Dewar B (2013) Cultivating compassionate care Nursing Standard 27 (34) p 48 – 55
Dewar B, Mackay R, Pullin S, Tocher R (2010) Use of emotional touch points as a method of tapping
into the experience of receiving compassionate care in a hospital setting. Journal of Research in
Nursing 15 (1) 29-41
Nolan, M. R., Brown, J., Davies, S., Nolan, J. and Keady, J. (2006) The Senses Framework: improving
care for older people through a relationship-centred approach. Getting Research into Practice (GRiP)
Report No 2.
Available from Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive (SHURA) at:
Goodrich J, Cornwell J (2008) Seeing the Person in the Patient: A Point of Care Review Paper. London:
Kings Fund. Accessed 5 October 2009.
Melia K (1987) Learning and Working: The Occupational Socialization of Nurses. Edinburgh: Taylor and
Maben J, Cornwell C , Sweeney K (2010) In praise of compassion Journal of Research in Nursing 2010;
15; 9-13.
Maben J, Griffiths P (2008) Nurses in Society: Starting the Debate. London: King’s College National
Owen N (Year) The magic of metaphor: 77 stories for teachers, trainers and thinkers.
Smith P (2012) The Emotional Labour of Nursing revisited: Can Nurses Still Care?
2nd edition, Palgrave Macmillan
Websites Link to the Francis
Report Link to NHS Education for Scotland resources Link to Patient Opinion Link to NESTA Link to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman website
Clinical Education
Course code NUST11085
Indicative Reading
Ramsden P (2003) Learning to teach in higher education Routledge, London
Biggs J (and Tang C (2007) Teaching for quality learning at university. Open University Press
Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K. (2011, 7th ed.) Research Methods in Education. London:
Moon JA (1999) Reflection in learning and professional development Kogan Page London
Jarvis P., Holford J. and Griffin C. (2004) 2nd Ed The theory and practice of learning London Kogan Page
Swanwick T. (Ed).(2013) 2nd Ed Understanding medical education. Evidence, theory and practice
Bastable S (2014) 4th Ed Nurses as Educators: principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice
Jones & Bartlett