Dr Ahmad Khouja MRCPsych DPhil MBChB BA DipMedSci Deputy Medical Director Clinical Director Forensic Services Consultant Psychiatrist in Learning Disability Forensic Service Cleveland Way Roseberry Park Marton Road Middlesbrough TS4 3AF PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL (Not to be disclosed without permission of the author) Ref: AYK/bav Tel: 01642 837529 Fax: 01642 837689 email: barbara.vallely@tewv.nhs.uk 10th January 2014 Pricing and Currency Forensic Subgroup LD and Autism Spectrum Task and Finish Group Dear Colleague Many thanks for attending the initial LD and Autism Spectrum Pricing and Currency Forensic Subgroup meeting, which took place at West Park Hospital in Darlington on the 7th January 2014. The group comprised of me, Carole Green, Jon Painter, Barry Ingham and Jon Painter. I am writing to summarise what was discussed during the meeting and highlight the various actions that were agreed. Terms of reference The group was grateful to Elisa Taylor for drafting up the Terms of Reference based on the other Task and Finish Groups. We had the opportunity to go through the terms, which I have written up and attached below. Please let me know if there are any inaccuracies or omissions. You will recall that we had a long discussion about what to call the group as it was recognised that we wanted to include people on the autism spectrum who did not have a learning disability. The term neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) was looked at, however it was agreed in the end to simply call the group ‘Learning Disability and Autism Spectrum’ as then it was clear to everyone what we are about. 14 July 2003 We felt that it was important that as a Task and Finish Group the membership was tight but representative of all levels of security, the independent sector as well as NHS. A commissioner link was also useful, as well as linkage to the LD CPP. Maintaining links with the National CPP LD group will be important, and we are grateful to Barry and Jon for providing their expertise. Very kindly, you suggested that I continue to chair the meeting. As well as those present at today’s meeting, it was suggested that we approach the following for membership of the group: Dan Dalton from Hertfordshire Partnership NHS FT (Ahmad to do) Alick Bush from St Andrews Hospital Group (Carole to do) Caris Vardy, for a representative from NHS England – Lyn Bradford’s name was mentioned (Ahmad to do). We also need a representative from high secure (Carole to do). As I will not be attending the next Forensic Pricing and Currency subgroup, Carole agreed to take the Terms of Reference to January’s meeting for ratification. Dr Ahmad Khouja Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Page 2 of 4 Clustering tool Jon introduced and orientated the group to the Integrated Mental Health and Learning Disability Clustering Booklet. This has nine additional clusters compared to the Mental Health Clustering Toolkit, six around learning disability and challenging behaviour (clusters 9a-f) and three around learning disability and physical health issues (clusters 22-24). The new clusters have been accepted by the Department of Health. Integrated MH&LD CT Booklet The group believed this formed a great basis on which to develop LD and autism clusters for forensic services. It was also agreed that it made sense to use as the foundation the latest version of the forensic clustering tool book, to which we would add the additional cluster items 9a-f, 22, 23 and 24 as these clusters are now well developed. Looking at the 9 new clusters in some detail, the group considered that of the nine, only three were likely to be of primary use in forensic services 9b Risk to self, complicated by moderate – profound LD 9c Risk to others, complicated by mild-profound LD 9d Risk to others, complicated by mild LD and ASD It was acknowledged that there was the lack of an ability to cluster someone with violence or selfharm who was on the autism spectrum but who did not have an LD. However TEWV have links with those looking at autism spectrum disorders in this context (Helen Pearce and Kirsty Passmore). Ahmad agreed to approach them as to where they are with their proposed clusters to determine whether they are at a stage where it might be considered appropriate to add them to the integrated forensic tool. Throughout the discussions, we emphasised the importance of building on the work of others, and also to keep in mind that ultimately we would like to see a single clustering tool and methodology – so that no matter where a service user was in their treatment pathway, the same tool was used. This is also reflected in the drafting of our terms of reference. Jon will go from this meeting and do an initial draft of the new clustering tool so that as a group we can provide a ‘sense-check’. There will be a need for some modification as existing booklets are merged, particularly looking at the ratings section as currently the same reference letter is being used for different concepts. The good news is that the two sets of proposed new clusters (cluster 8s from the forensic clustering and clusters 9, 22, 23 and 24 from the LD toolkit) dovetail nicely together. Hopefully Jon will be able to get the initial draft to us in a couple of weeks. We did discuss whether we should pilot a modified 5 Forensic Pathway toolkit. However we decided that it is better to approach this issue through determining through the pilot whether there is a need for one through people allocating to a ‘Pathway 0’ (not able to allocate) and from that determine what additional pathways (if any) need to be developed. Training Once the new integrated forensic tool has been drafted, we need to develop training for the identified pilot providers. In order to tool get enough people in the pilot, we will be looking for clustering of new admissions into secure services and people at their reviews (we have assumed that as CPAs are 6-monthly, a 3 month pilot should capture 50% of eligible people within a service). Learning from previous pilots, we need to ensure we have developed clear guidance on how to retrospectively cluster at patient reviews. Dr Ahmad Khouja Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Page 3 of 4 We felt it would be good if we could involve Mick James (RCPsych / CPP) and Adrian Berry (SWYT) regarding training given their previous experience. I believe Carole will be chasing this up. Pilot sites As a group we looked at potential provider sites for the pilot. We had the opportunity to write up the requirements required of providers wishing to be part of the pilot (attached below). Requirements from pilot providers Based on the requirements, both NTW (Barry) and TEWV (Ahmad) would like to propose their Trusts as potential pilot sites. We felt that St Andrews could be approached from the independent sector to see if they are willing to be involved, as they have significant LD and autism services. Further potential provider pilot sites will be explored by Carole at the next Forensic Subgroup (January 30th) and agreed. Data analysis It was agreed that TEWV should be approached regarding extending their current information contract to include data analysis from the pilot. Bob Craig has very kindly agreed to be our link for this, and Carole will explore how this can be facilitated. Work will begin now, led by Bob and involving Jon and Barry, on developing the required data set. We were informed that an important metric to capture is the ‘goodness of fit’ of the clients within their designated cluster, so this will be built in to the data set. The group would also like to capture the experience of providers in completing the tool - Survey Monkey will be used for this. Data collection for the pilot will commence May 2014. We will try to ensure a test data collection around June, which can include dummy data if necessary. As data needs to be available for the task and finish group to analyse in September / October 2014, this will mean final data submissions from the pilot need to have been received the beginning of August. Work programme Based on the above discussions, as a group we were able to draft up a programme of work for 2014. The opportunity to influence 2015/16 contracts helped us to define the timeframe of the works. Whilst it was acknowledged that this represented a very demanding goal, and there was no capacity for slippage, we all believed it worth taking such an ambitious approach. I have drafted up the programme based on our discussions. Again I am happy to be contacted regarding any acts of omission or commission! Works programme LD & AS draft 001 Dr Ahmad Khouja Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Page 4 of 4 The key milestones were agreed, as follows: Milestone Description Provider pilot sites identified at forensic subgroup Cluster booklet finalised Training given to pilot providers Start data collection (3 month) Test submissions confirm pilot dataset viability Final data submission Data analysis completed T&F group develop recommendations Data presented to Forensic P&C subgroup Proposals regarding 15/16 contract are submitted Date 30.01.14 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 Start August 2014 End August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 Accountability Carole Green Jon Painter ?? Pilot providers Bob Craig Pilot providers Bob Craig Ahmad Khouja Ahmad Khouja Forensic subgroup Carole and I will continue to attend the main forensic pricing and currency subgroup. As part of the reporting structure, I agreed to produce a 4-box summary (the standard way that meeting receives reports), which I have now done. I have also attached for your reference the meeting schedule for the forensic subgroup 4 box highlights LD & AS Jan 14 MH PbR PRG Forensic sub group Meeting Schedule 2014.doc Thank you Finally, I would just like to express my thanks for your contribution to the meeting and commitment to this programme. As I said at the time, I believe more has been achieved in those two hours than we have managed in the previous two years! Elisa will be contacting us regarding future meetings (the next will be a teleconference), and I look forward us to meeting up again. With warm regards Dr Ahmad Khouja Clinical Director Forensic Services