CSCI 100 Introduction to Computing Technology

CSCI 100-82 Introduction to Computing Technology
Professor: Aimee Swan
E-mail Address:
Office Phone: 607 – 436 – 2708
Office Locations: B217D Milne Library
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:00 – 5:00 pm or By Appointment
Meeting Times: Tuesday 5:30 – 8:00 pm IRC 120AB
Final Exam:
Tuesday 5/14 5:30 – 8:00pm IRC 120AB
Text and Software:
Microsoft Office 2010, First Course
Publ: Course Technology
ISBN-10: 0-538-74653-X or ISBN-13: 978-0-538-74653-3
Unlike other courses where the book may only be used as a supplement to the lecture, the text
plays a significant role in this course. All classroom lab work is straight from the text, so you
will need your own copy of the book for this class. You will need to bring your text to class for
every lab period.
Microsoft Office 2010 and all tools needed for this course are available in all computer labs on
campus. If you wish to do work on your personal computer, you will need a copy of Microsoft
Office 2010 that includes Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word.
A removable media storage device is very helpful for this class. You may want to invest in a
jump drive for your document storage.
Course Description (College Catalog):
An introduction to word processing, database management, spreadsheets, desktop publishing,
multimedia software, computer communications (the World Wide Web, Internet, E-mail), library
searches, homepage creation, hardware and software troubleshooting, scanning and digital
images. Students will use a hands-on approach to explore a variety of hardware and software
tools applied to a number of cross-curriculum projects.
Course Goals:
At the finish of the course each student should:
Be a fluent user of the Microsoft Office Suite including Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word.
Be familiar with and able to use the Oneonta P drive and W drive.
Have a personal webpage that is uploaded to the Oneonta Web Server.
Be fluent in using the web and email.
Be able to do general computer troubleshooting.
CSCI 100 Syllabus
Excused Absences:
Please reference the student handbook for the definition of an excused absence. For any absence
to be excused, written documentation must be provided relating to the reason of absence. Simply
not feeling well, work, general problems/conflicts and vacation will not be recorded as an
excused absence.
Class Attendance Policies:
Perfect class attendance, by all students, is strongly recommended. I will be taking attendance
every class. Students who attend class generally do better in class than their peers who attend
sporadically. If a student appears to not be attending class, the student will be dropped by the
instructor. Each student is responsible for all work covered in class regardless of whether he
or she attended the class. If you miss class, make sure you contact your instructor to find out
what was covered and what new assignments have been give out. Not being in class is never an
excuse for not knowing what was covered. It is your (the student's) sole responsibility to ensure
that you are aware of all key material and dates. Your instructor is very willing to discuss these
things with you but you need to initiate the conversation if you missed class for any reason.
Course Requirements:
No exam, lab, homework or project grades will be dropped. All work is to be done individually.
Any assignments with evidence of academic dishonesty will automatically be given a score of
Course Work:
Homework: 5 Assignments created using the Microsoft Office Tools.
Labwork: 5 Assignments done during class lab time based on the tutorials in your text.
Project: Personal Webpage on Oneonta Web Server
Exams: All exams will be closed book. Exams will be graded 50% hands on work 50% multiple
choice, true/false, fill in the blank questionnaire.
Course Work Submission and Makeup Rules:
Homework assignments must be handed directly to the instructor of this course when realistically
possible. The times that are acceptable for handing in an assignment are
at the beginning or end of a lecture class
at any time during a lab class
during the instructor's regularly held campus office hours (see them above)
NO assignments will be accepted via email
CSCI 100 Syllabus
Homework submission on days a student is absent:
If absence is excused:
o Assignment can be submitted during the next class without penalty
If absence is unexcused (see above):
o Assignment follows regular submission rules for grading (see below)
o To receive full credit you must turn in your assignment the day it is due
Students must realize that assignments that are incomplete, inaccurate, or have
any hand written components will lose points. This course is all about office
automation and products and as such will require complete usage of the tools.
Assignments will be accepted up to 1 week late. Grade deductions are as follows:
Submitted on time (up to 5:40pm on due date) – Eligible for 100%
Submitted late (from 5:40pm on due to date 5:40pm one week late) – Eligible for 75%
Submitted after 5:40pm one week late - No credit – 0%
After an assignment is one week late, the assignment automatically receives a permanent
grade of zero. No Exceptions.
Labwork is in class work from the text to assist you in learning the tool. These assignments are
done using help from the instructor and your peers as the main goal is getting familiar with the
tool for future homework’s and exams. Labwork will be submitted at the end of the lab period
and will receive a check mark for completion. If you have an excused absence during a lab period
please check with me on how to make it up. However, in class lab work cannot be made up if a
student has an unexcused absence (see above).
Exam Makeup:
Students, who miss an exam, must obtain permission to take the exam that he or she missed. A
student may be required to provide verifiable proof of an excused absence (preferably in advance
if possible) for missing the exam before being allowed to make up the exam. The student will
then have 1 week from the date that permission is given to make up the exam. Any student
missing this time frame will receive a permanent grade of zero for the exam. Only extremely rare
cases will be treated differently than just mentioned here. A student missing an exam for simply
not feeling well, work, general problems/conflicts, and vacation will not be permitted a
makeup. In the event of an excused absence for the final exam, advance permission must be
given. No final exams will be given for any reason after the scheduled final exam period.
CSCI 100 Syllabus
Grading Percentages and Final Grades:
25% (5% each)
10% (2% each)
5% Webpage
Exam 1
15% Word and Computer Concepts
Exam 2
15% Excel and Access
Exam 3
15% Power Point and Integration
Final Exam
15% Cumulative
Final grades will be assigned according to the following grade values based upon a total of 100
A = 93.00+
A- = 90.00-92.99
B+ = 86.50-89.99
B = 83.00-86.49
B- = 80.00-82.99
C+ = 76.50-79.99
C = 73.00-76.49
C- = 70.00-72.99
D+ = 68.50-69.99
D = 66.50 - 68.49
D- = 65.00 - 66.49
E = Any grade below 65.00 (e.g. 64.99999)
Emergency Evacuation/Shelter-in-Place Procedures:
In the event of an emergency evacuation (i.e., fire or other emergency), classes meeting in this
building are directed to reassemble in the quad directly outside of IRC so that all persons can be
accounted for. If a long term location is needed – our emergency location will be Chase
Gymnasium. Complete details of the College’s emergency evacuation, shelter-in-place and other
emergency procedures can be found at
CSCI 100 Syllabus