Multimedia Pivot Table Experiment Name: Instructions For this exercise you should place yourself in the role of an expert end-user in particular a biologist or a social scientist, in this case studying photographs on Flickr. The tool is supporting the experts in their task. Concept scores/ranking should in this case also be assumed as supporting the user and not be evaluated as such. Data For this task you are supplied with a dataset of almost 17.000 images from Flickr with their tags, various metadata and a collection of approximately 150 results of visual concept detectors for various semantic concepts. You will be using the MediaTable tool with Multimedia Pivot Tables. Before starting the experiment you should probably just play around a little with the tool to familiarize yourself with its functionality. TASK: Try to derive at least 5 interesting observations different topics e.g. animals or vehicles from this image collection by using the MediaTable to perform filtering and to fill useful categories and then use the Multimedia Pivot Tables to make observations. Try to cover the different insight levels defined in the lectures: A new category: o Sub-category of an existing category o Grouping / generalization of categories o Other Data Characteristics o Individual elements o Between individual elements o Individual category o Between categories o Of specific metadata values For each observation provide the information as explained on the subsequent pages. Note1: that you can use the buckets/categories to collect images with certain characteristics. Note2: although you cannot transfer selections from the pivottable to the mediatable, you can of courese use the pivot table to define the right filters to set. Whenever you have made an observation of interest (i.e. after filling one page in the document) and have put the corresponding elements in the buckets Use save bucket (in the file menu) to store the results in a file (named bucket1.csv for observation 1 etc.). After that quit the system. In your working directory there will be a file explog.csv . Rename that file to explog1.csv etc. After you have made and documented all observations in the above manner, answer the questions on the final page and then please send the document and all of the above files to EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE (use the ones on the next sheets) Observation Write down here a single interesting observation that you have derived by interacting with the data. Be complete and concise. Basic pivotcolumns versus aggregation Observation is based on aggregation? Observation is based on …. of the pivot table One cell: the observation can be found in one cell of the pivot table for example the row of images corresponding to a concept. Single column: the observation can be found in one column of the pivot table for example in the tag column. Single row: the observation is from one row e.g. observations on one image or all images and their concept values corresponding to one tag. Distribution of elements in one column: looking at the overall distribution of elements in columns (by looking at the totals) Distribution of elements in one row: looking at the overall distribution of elements in rows (by looking at the totals) e.g. the max concept column Multiple row observations: observations made on the similarities or differences between different rows (which might include comparing it to the total of the row). Multiple column observations: observations made on the similarities or differences between different columns (which might include comparing it to the total of the column) Which variable? Variable Which column? Which column? Which row? Which row? Which row? Columns? Which rows? Columns? Which columns? Rows? Observation was based on the following pre-categorization (leave empty if none) Explain what you have placed in the different Type: predefined by you / discovered during your buckets. exploration: subcategory/generalization/ Other. B1: category 1 If other specify what it is B2: category 2 B3: category 3 B4: category 4 B5: category 5 Observation Observation Basic pivotcolumns versus aggregation Observation is based on aggregation? Variable Observation is based on …. of the pivot table One cell Single column Single row Distribution of elements in one column Distribution of elements in one row Multiple row observations Multiple column observations Observation was based on the following categorizations B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Type Observation Observation Basic pivotcolumns versus aggregation Observation is based on aggregation? Variable Observation is based on …. of the pivot table One cell Single column Single row Distribution of elements in one column Distribution of elements in one row Multiple row observations Multiple column observations Observation was based on the following categorizations B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Type Observation Observation Basic pivotcolumns versus aggregation Observation is based on aggregation? Variable Observation is based on …. of the pivot table One cell Single column Single row Distribution of elements in one column Distribution of elements in one row Multiple row observations Multiple column observations Observation was based on the following categorizations B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Type Observation Observation Basic pivotcolumns versus aggregation Observation is based on aggregation? Variable Observation is based on …. of the pivot table One cell Single column Single row Distribution of elements in one column Distribution of elements in one row Multiple row observations Multiple column observations Observation was based on the following categorizations B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Type Observation Observation Basic pivotcolumns versus aggregation Observation is based on aggregation? Variable Observation is based on …. of the pivot table One cell Single column Single row Distribution of elements in one column Distribution of elements in one row Multiple row observations Multiple column observations Observation was based on the following categorizations B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Type Final questions Strong points of the tool Weak points of the tool Suggestions for improvement The value of the system: what can you (as an expert) AFTER you have used the tool?