VDEI Professional Learning Program 2015 Snapshot EVENT TYPE Twilight Courses TERM 1 Assessment of Children and Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Introduction to the CASL Angela Kinsella-Ritter Thursday 26 March 4pm-7pm TERM 2 Assessment of Children and Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Introduction to the TEWL and TOWL Webinar Angela Kinsella-Ritter Wednesday 6 May 5pm-7pm TERM 3 Assessment of Children and Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Introduction to OWLS Angela Kinsella-Ritter Wednesday 12 August 4.45pm7.30pm Updated 23 July 2015 TERM 4 Assessment of Children and Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Introduction to the Neale analysis and the YARK Kate Leigh Wednesday 22 Oct 5pm-7pm Supporting Adolescent In Transition To Post-School Education and Employment: Teachers of the Deaf Dr Renee Punch Wednesday 18 March 3pm -7pm Supporting Adolescents in Transition To Post-School Education and Employment: Teachers of The Deaf Webinar Series. 4-Part Twilight Webinar Courses Dr Renee Punch Thursday 30 April, 14 May, 28 May and 11 June 4pm -5.30pm Prof. Suzanne Purdy (International) Meet and greet: Thursday 30 July 4pm-5pm Thursday 6 August, 20 August, 3 September and 10 September 4pm – 5.30pm Educating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children with Multiple Challenges Webinar Series Jill Grenon & Amy Collins Tuesday 13 October, 27 October,10 November, 17 November 4pm – 5.30pm Auslan Intensive Course Auslan Intensive Course Melbourne Polytechnic Friday 31 July,Friday 14 August, Friday 21 August, Friday 11 September, Friday 4 September & Friday 18 September 9am 4pm Melbourne Polytechnic Friday 9 October, Friday 23 October, Friday 30 October & Friday 6 November 9am -4pm National Visiting Teachers Managers’ Meeting TBC Analysing the Signed Narrative of Deaf Children Classroom Acoustics Understanding the NDIS and DDA Analysing the Written Narrative of Deaf Children 5 Day Course 1-Day Courses Auditory Processing for Teachers of the Deaf Part 1 Webinar Series Department of Education and Early Childhood Development TBC Michelle Baker & Michelle Stark Thursday 6 August 9am – 4pm Michelle Baker & Michelle Stark Friday 7 August 9am - 4pm Rebecca Bull Monday 23 November 9am-4pm Maximising Auditory Performance for Children with Auditory Function Disorders (Teachers) Dr Jane Madell (International) Thursday 15 October 9am-4pm Auditory Processing Basics Maximising Auditory Performance for Children with Auditory Function Disorders (Audiologists) Dr Chyrisse Heine Friday 29 May 9am – 4pm Dr Jane Madell (International) Friday 16 October 9am -4pm Conferences ‘Celebrating deaf education in Victoria’ AATD 1 day conference Dr Andy Cornes & Teresa Ching (Keynote speakers)) Friday 28 August 9am -4.30pm 2-Day Courses Literacy Instruction for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Implementing The IMP (Infant Monitoring of Vocal Wellbeing of Children and Students who are Deaf or Practical Strategies for Visiting Teachers of the Deaf 1 (8.10.14) Dr Susan Easterbrooks & Stacy Tucci (International) 21 and 22 January 2-Day Courses Hard of Hearing Production) (1 ½ Days) Dr Robyn Cantle-Moore TBA Dr Andy Cornes (International) Wednesday 26 & Thursday 27 August 9am-4pm Dr Karen Anderson (International) 15 & 16 December 9am-4pm A Therapy Ideas for Children (with additional disabilities) Dr Don Goldberg (International) Thursday 19 & Friday 20 February 9am-4pm 3-Day Courses Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language Dr Breda Carty Wednesday 29, Thursday 30 April & Friday 1 May 9am -4pm Weekend Courses 1-Year Mentoring Program Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language Mentoring 3-Year Mentoring Program Auditory-Verbal Mentoring Auditory-Verbal Therapy Basics (2 sessions) Auditory-Verbal Therapy Basics –Spoken Language Sunday 17 May 9am -4pm Sunday 21 June 9am -4pm Cheryl L.Dickson Saturday 25 July 9am -4pm Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language Mentoring Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language Mentoring Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language Mentoring (continuing) (continuing) (continuing) Auditory-Verbal Mentoring (continuing) Auditory-Verbal Mentoring (continuing) Auditory-Verbal Mentoring (continuing) Transition to Primary School and Secondary School for Parents of Children and Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Supporting Adolescents in Transition to Higher Education and Work Parent videos Online Telepractice in Deaf Education Sally Martin Available online May June 2015 Auditory-Verbal Therapy Basics. What if audition alone is not enough? Cheryl L.Dickson Saturday 10 October 9am -4pm Online Video and Discussion for Parents Dr Renee Punch Available from Wednesday 4 November 2015 Educating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children with Multiple Challenges Jill Grenon & Amy Collins (International Presenters) Tuesday 13 October, 27 October,10 November & 17 November 4pm-5.30pm For further information and updates to the Professional Learning 2015 schedule, please refer to our website http://www.deafeducation.vic.edu.au/Professional-Learning/Pages/Calendar-of-Events.aspx Contact VDEI The Victorian Deaf Education Institute Department of Education and Training 597 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004(Cnr High Street and St Kilda Road) T (03) 9032 6400F (03) 9032 64E vdei@deafeducation.vic.edu.au Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/VictorianDeafEducationInstitute Follow us on Twitter: @deafedvic 2 (8.10.14)