ISMS Newsletter, Nov 18, 2015 NEWS ITEMS Marketing Science “Accepted from Oct 14 to Nov 14 but not published” papers ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Winners ISMS Press Release & Upcoming Conferences Call for Papers 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference (2016) Shanghai Marketing Science “Accepted but not published” papers Thanks to Marketing Science Editor-in-Chief Preyas Desai, we will be able to update ISMS members each month regarding the “accepted but not published” papers at Marketing Science. Below is the list of papers accepted during the period from Oct 14, 2015 to Nov 14, 2015: • “Drug Detailing and Doctors’ Prescription Decisions: The Role of Information Content in the Face of Competitive Entry,” by Kappe, Eelco; Stremersch, Stefan. • “Anticipated Versus Actual Synergy in Merger Partner Selection and Post-merger Innovation,” by Rao, Vithala; Yu, Yu; Umashankar, Nita • “Social Responsibility and Product Innovation,” by Iyer, Ganesh; Soberman, David. • “Organizational Debut on the Public Stage: Marketing Myopia and Initial Public Offering,” Grewal, Rajdeep; Saboo, Alok; Chakravarty, Anindita. • “Quantifying Cross and Direct Network Effects in Online C2C Platforms,” by Chu, Junhong; Manchanda, Puneet. • “Experimental Designs and Estimation for Online Display Advertising Attribution in Marketplaces,” by Barajas, Joel; Akella, Ram; Flores, Aaron; Holtan, Marius. (Big data special issue paper.) ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Winners The INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) would like to announce five winners of the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition 2015. The winners are (in alphabetical order): Beth Fossen The Role of Online Word-of-Mouth in Brand Strategy Emory (advisor: David A. Schweidel) Chris Naiqing Gu Online Consumer Search University of Chicago (advisor: Pradeep Chintagunta, Jean-Pierre Dube) Seoungwoo Lee Free, Paid, or Freemium: Dynamic Versioning Decisions for Mobile Apps University of Maryland (advisor: Michel Wedel, Jie Zhang) Courtney Paulson Optimal Large-Scale Internet Media Selection University of Southern California (advisor: Gareth James, Lan Luo) Anna Tuchman Advertising and Demand for Addictive Goods: The Effects of E-Cigarette Advertising Stanford University (advisor: Harikesh Nair) The winners were picked from a set of strong submissions by a selection committee consisting of Puneet Manchanda (chair, Michigan), David Godes (University of Maryland), and Catherine Tucker (MIT). ISMS thanks the committee members for their careful work in judging the proposals. The winners will present their work at the 2016 ISMS Marketing Science Conference in Shanghai in a special session devoted to the dissertation awards. They also each receive a check for $5000 and will be honored during the 2016 ISMS Doctoral Consortium Dinner preceding the ISMS Marketing Science conference. Many congratulations to the winners and see you at Marketing Science in Shanghai!! K. Sudhir VP Education ISMS ISMS Press Release Increasing Cigarette Taxes May Shift Consumers to More Dangerous Products, New Study Finds. By Gerard J. Tellis Increasing cigarette exercise taxes may have the unintended consequences of encouraging consumers to seek higher nicotine content and more dangerous cigarette products, according to a study forthcoming in Marketing Science. The study titled, “The Unintended Consequences of Counter-Marketing Strategies” is by Professors Yanwen Wang at the University of Colorado Boulder, Mike Lewis at Emory University, and Vishal Singh at New York University. The study shows that while counter-marketing techniques often reduce total consumption of cigarettes, increasing cigarette taxes per package can shift some consumers to higher nicotine products. Given the addictive properties of nicotine this result can increase addiction levels for some consumers. Over the past 50 years, regulators and advocacy groups have increasingly used the tools of marketing to discourage cigarette consumption. Excise taxes are used to increase prices faced by consumers. Educational advertising is used to increase awareness of health risks and decrease preferences for the category. Smoke free policies are used to make cigarette consumption less convenient. “One interesting element of tobacco counter-marketing is that policies tend to be established and implemented at the state level,” Yanwen Wang said. “This is important because the variation in policies across states enables natural experiments with different approaches. These natural experiments allow researchers to determine the relative effectiveness of different anti-smoking efforts. The authors study how counter-marketing efforts impact overall cigarette consumption and the choice between regular and low nicotine products using store level sales data provided by IRI. By conducting the analysis on nationwide store sales, the researchers find populations of consumers that are exposed to various tax rates, advertising levels, and smoking prohibitions. In addition, data from US Census on ZIP code demographics allow the researchers to examine the effectiveness of counter-marketing across consumers of different socio-economic levels. “We find that the different anti-smoking techniques varied in terms of effectiveness,” Mike Lewis noted. “Taxes that directly increase the prices faced by consumers are the most effective technique in reducing consumption of cigarettes. Health oriented advertising is also effective. Smoke free air policies such as restaurant or workplace bans on smoking are the least effective.” “However, while taxes are the most effective technique reducing smoking rates, we find that this tool has a significant downside,” Vishal Singh added. “Because cigarette taxes are currently applied at the per pack level and without regard to nicotine levels, consumers may respond to increasing cigarette taxes by switching to higher nicotine products. In other words, if consumers desire to minimize the cost per unit of nicotine, then increasing cigarette taxes may lead some consumers to shift to higher nicotine products.” This unintended consequence of cigarette taxes can have significant health consequences since higher nicotine levels will increase addiction levels. Importantly, the authors also found that this unintended consequence was more likely to occur in poorer neighborhoods. A possible explanation for this disparate impact is that the lower socio-economic level of these consumers leads to a greater emphasis on minimizing nicotine costs. The study has significant implications for regulators and advocacy groups. First, the results suggest that health advertising and excise taxes are both effective tools. Health oriented advertising is a particularly strong technique as this method does not lead to shifts towards more dangerous (higher nicotine) products. Second, the results suggest that simple per pack tax policies should be re-evaluated. While regulators may be leery of nicotine based taxing schemes that might seem to communicate that “lower” nicotine products are less dangerous, this feared result should be weighed against direct empirical evidence that flat taxes lead many consumers to shift towards more dangerous products. The study results also suggest that regulators should pay special attention to disparate impacts across communities. The authors of the study are members of ISMS, the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science. ISMS is a group of scholars focused on describing, explaining, and predicting market phenomena at the interface of firms and consumers. This press release was prepared by the authors with the assistance of Gerard J. Tellis, VP of External Affairs of ISMS and editing by Barry List, Director of Communications of INFORMS. Yanwen Wang University of Colorado Boulder Mike Lewis Emory University Vishal Singh New York University Upcoming Conferences Call for Papers INFORMS SOCIETY FOR MARKETING SCIENCE (ISMS) 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference (2016) Shanghai International Convention Center & Oriental Riverside Hotel Hosted by: Fudan University School of Management Organizing Committee: Xiongwen Lu (co-chair), Min Ding (co-chair), Qingyun Jiang, Yimin Sun The ISMS Marketing Science Conference is an annual event that brings together leading marketing scholars, practitioners and policy makers with a shared interest in rigorous scientific research on marketing problems. The conference falls under the auspices of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) sub-branch. The Fudan University School of Management faculty invites you to submit abstracts of your research papers, present your work, and actively participate in the conference, which is an important forum for presenting cutting-edge research and intellectual exchange on marketing problems. The conference begins at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 16, 2016, and closes at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 18, 2016. Multiple concurrent sessions are planned during the conference days. The evenings will involve a welcome reception on Thursday (June 16) and a Gala Dinner (and performance) on Friday (June 17) at the Shanghai International Convention Center & Oriental Riverside Hotel. The conference will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center & Oriental Riverside Hotel, located in the center of the financial district, right across the Huangpu River from the famous Bund area. Please see the short video produced to introduce you to the conference and venue on YouTube: (or if you can not access YouTube, here is an alternative link: We welcome submissions addressing a broad range of marketing science topics from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Whereas traditional topics are welcome as always, we particularly encourage submissions addressing research at the interface of marketing with other disciplines (e.g., computer science, operations, innovation and entrepreneurship). We also encourage research that addresses marketing applications in areas of substantial impact to practice (broadly defined), in all parts of the world. Conference Submissions Submissions will be accepted in one of three categories (1) Abstracts only; (2) Abstracts plus working paper; and (3) Special Session proposals. Abstract Only Submissions Abstracts should not exceed 1800 characters (about 250 words), and should clearly define the marketing topic, the contribution of the research, and indicate the presenting author. An author may be the primary presenter for only a single paper during the entire conference. However, you may be a co-author on other contributed abstracts. As the presenting author, you are responsible for making the formal presentation of the work at the meeting. We encourage your co-authors to attend the meeting as well as the presentation. Abstract-only submissions may be made starting December 1, 2015 until February 5, 2016. Only one submission per presenter will be accepted. Abstracts will be reviewed and acceptance e-mails will be sent to presenting authors on March 1, 2016. Conference registration will open on December 1, 2015. The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register for the conference and pay the registration fee no later than March 13, 2016. Before proceeding to submission, please make sure you have the following information ready: Contact information for yourself and any co-authors (full name, affiliation, e-mail address and mailing address. Paper title and abstract Your submission will not be accepted without the required information. Please also note: Your e-mail address is the key for entry into the system and is used to avoid scheduling conflicts. It is critical that you use only one e-mail address if you enter multiple submissions. You will receive an e-mail confirming that we received your online submission. Use the COMMENTS field for any requests (e.g., if you need an acceptance letter for budgetary reasons or to apply for a visa, or if you have scheduling requests). After submission, you may return to your abstract to make changes or additions. To submit your abstract at the conference website please click below: Abstract-Plus-Working-Paper Submissions This category was introduced in 2014. Given the positive response, we will continue with it in 2016. Here, the authors may submit not only an abstract (see above) but also upload an associated working paper. Working papers will be available to conference attendees via the online schedule when it is published. Authors may update the working paper at any time prior to the conference so that readers have the most current version. Presentations scheduled in the “Abstract-Plus-Working Paper” category will have 40 minutes (twice the time for a typical presentation slot) to allow time for detailed questions and comments. Capacity limitations limit the number of available presentation slots in this category. Available slots will be allocated to presenters on a “first-come first-served” basis by submission date. Submissions not receiving the available slots will be re-classified into the Abstract-only category. Abstract-Plus-Working-Paper submissions may be made starting December 1, 2015 until February 5, 2016. Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance by March 1, 2016. Conference registration will open on December 1, 2015. The presenting author of an abstract-plus working paper submission must register for the conference no later than March 13, 2016. Before proceeding to submission, please make sure you have the following information ready: Contact information for yourself and any co-authors (full name, affiliation, e-mail address and mailing address. Paper title and abstract Copy of working paper Your submission will not be accepted without the required information. Please also note: Your e-mail address is the key for entry into the system and is used to avoid scheduling conflicts. It is critical that you use only one e-mail address if you enter multiple submissions. You will receive an e-mail confirming that we received your online submission. Please upload your working paper in the space allocated for an Extended Abstract. Use the COMMENTS field for any requests (e.g., if you need an acceptance letter for budgetary reasons or to apply for a visa, or if you have scheduling requests). After submission, you may return to your abstract to make changes or additions. To submit your abstract-plus-working-paper at the conference website please click below: Special Session Proposal Submissions Participants are strongly encouraged to organize their own special sessions. This would enable a set of papers on a related topic to be readily presented in one session. Special session proposals should include: Title of session; Name, organization and e-mail address of the session chair; Statement summarizing the session’s theme (no more than 500 words) Contact information for all the authors. Each session proposal should include 4- 5 abstracts. Each abstract included in the proposal should not exceed 1800 characters (about 250 words) and should clearly define the marketing topic, the contribution of the research, and indicate the presenting author. An author may be the primary presenter for only a single paper during the entire conference. However, you may be a co-author on other contributed abstracts. As the presenting author, you are responsible for making the formal presentation of the work at the meeting. We encourage your co-authors to attend the meeting as well as the presentation. To submit your special session proposal, please e-mail the session proposal document consisting of the items above to Ellen Tralongo ( Ellen will respond to your e-mail with an invitation that contains instructions to upload session information. Once these proposals have been uploaded, they will be reviewed by the Program Committee. The number of available presentation slots in category is limited. Available slots will be allocated to qualifying proposals on a “first-come, firstserved” basis by submission date. Abstracts from those submissions that cannot be accommodated in this category will be re-classified as Abstract-only submissions. Special session proposal submissions may be made starting December 1, 2015 until January 20, 2016. Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance by February 5, 2016. Conference registration will open on December 1, 2015. All presenting authors of an accepted special session proposal must register for the conference no later than March 13, 2016. ISMS Doctoral Consortium The ISMS Doctoral Consortium will precede the main conference on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. Detailed information on the consortium (timing, registration process and lodging information) is available on the conference website. Although formal registration for the consortium will open on December 1, 2015, individuals interested in participating in the doctoral consortium should check the conference website for details. Overview of Deadlines December 1, 2015 Submissions open for abstract, abstract plus working paper and Special Session proposals December 1, 2015 Conference Registration opens January 20, 2016 Last Date for submitting Special Session proposals February 5, 2016 Acceptance Notification for Special Session proposals February 5, 2016 Last date for submitting abstracts and abstract plus working paper March 1, 2016 Acceptance Notification for abstracts/abstracts plus working paper March 13, 2016 Last date for presenter registration and Early Registration Rate March 31, 2016 Last date for Hotel Guaranteed Conference Rate May 1, 2016 Online post of Presentation Schedule June 15, 2016 ISMS Doctoral Consortium Date June 16-18, 2016 Conference Contacts For questions about the program or technology problems, please contact: By e-mail:; By telephone: 1-800-4INFORMS or 1-44-757-3500 ext. 592 Be sure to spell your last name and leave your phone number and message very clearly. For questions about staying and traveling in Shanghai and China, please contact Icey Han at For questions about the conference in general, please contact Min Ding at CFP ART Forum 2016 - 27th Annual Advanced Research Techniques Forum Boston, MA, 26-29 Jun 2016 Deadline 30 Nov 2015 Dear Colleagues: Please accept this invitation to submit a presentation or poster proposal for the 27th Annual Advanced Research Techniques Forum (ART Forum), June 26-29, 2016, at Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA. The submission deadline is November 30, 2015. The ART Forum is a unique conference that provides an opportunity for both academics and practitioners to exchange new ideas and innovative approaches in marketing research. Since its inception in 1990, the conference has focused on the use of sophisticated methodologies and quantitative techniques in support of strategic and tactical marketing decisions. Experienced research practitioners who use advanced methods in their jobs comprise the largest segment of conference attendees. All proposals are reviewed by the entire program committee. Our selection criteria favor presentations and posters that illustrate state-of-the-art solutions to important practical problems and involve non-proprietary software and data sources. Abstracts should be based on completed (or nearly complete) work that demonstrates clear managerial relevance and focus on practical rather than purely esoteric/theoretical issues. Successful submissions typically apply or propose an advanced technique or procedure to analyze a real-world issue. All authors submitting papers for review will be notified about selection in mid-December. All accepted submissions will receive a complimentary registration to the event. Call for Papers Guidelines and Submission Form can be found at Thanks! 2016 ART Forum Program Committee Rex Du – Chair (Hurley Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Houston) Melinda Thielbar – Chair (Senior Research Statistician Developer, JMP Software) Simon J. Blanchard – (Assistant Professor of Marketing, Georgetown University) Dino Fire – (Chief Science Officer, FGI Research) Jack Horne – (VP Marketing & Data Sciences, Market Strategies International) P.K. Kannan – (Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science, University of Maryland) Charlotte Mason – (C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair of Business Administration, University of Georgia) Bryan Orme – (President, Sawtooth Software Inc.) Call For Papers CEIBS Marketing Conference 2016 June 15, 2015 The Department of Marketing of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) invites submissions for the first CEIBS Marketing Conference to be held in Shanghai on June 15th, 2016. The theme is “Marketing in the Digital World”. The one-day conference presents an opportunity for scholars to get together and exchange new ideas. The keynote speakers are: Professor Darren Dahl, Professor of Marketing at University of British Columbia and the Editor of Journal of Consumer Research; Professor Yuxin Chen, Distinguished Global Professor of Business at NYU Shanghai and the Senior Editor of Marketing Science PAPER SELECTION: We aim to have six papers on the program, allowing adequate time for each paper. Papers should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from the discussion at the conference. Papers with innovative ideas, concepts, or methods are strongly preferred. Presenters can expect quality discussants, an active audience, and many informal interactions with the participants. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: For presenters and discussants, we will reimburse travel expenses up to USD 1,500, plus hotel and meals during the conference. As the conference will be held right before the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at Fudan University in Shanghai, the financial support will help consolidate your travels. PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Please email a PDF file of the paper to no later than Feb 1st, 2016. We expect to finalize the program by late March, 2016. For general questions, please contact the conference coordinator Ms. Iris Wan at Call For Papers Conference On Asian Luxury Branding At SMU 20-21 June 2016 Singapore Management University Inviting papers for our Inaugural Conference on Asian Luxury Branding at SMU. LVMH-SMU Asia Luxury Brand Research Initiative is a new strategic partnership, between SMU and LVMH, aimed at producing and delivering independent and high quality academic research on the luxury brand sector in the Asian market. THE GLOBAL LUXURY MARKET By 2020, the global luxury market is estimated to reach USD 375 billion, with the Asian markets expected to fuel a lion's share of the growth. OBJECTIVE OF CONFERENCE To provide a venue to cogitate, discuss, and expound upon wide-ranging issues on luxury branding - from various perspectives of diverse stakeholders (e.g., consumers, retailers, manufacturers, policy-markers). RESEARCH TOPICS We encourage researchers to submit: 1. Research papers or 2. Extended abstracts (1500 words) of their research by Feb 1, 2016. Topics should address an extensive range of issues and challenges of the luxury sector relevant to (though not limited to) the Asian markets. Both conceptual and empirical work will be considered. Papers accepted will be published in a volume of book published by LVMH-SMU Luxury Brand Research Initiative. Research on luxury brand building, managing customer relationship, online luxury marketing, customisation, counterfeit luxury brands, country-of-origin, decision or valuation models, psychology of luxury, sustainability and social welfare, among others, would be suitable. BEST PAPER PRIZES Only full research paper submissions will be eligible for monetary awards. The best 3 papers will be granted recognition and monetary awards: 1st Prize: USD 5,000 2nd Prize: USD 3,000 3rd Prize: USD 2,000 PAPER SUBMISSION Deadline for paper submission is February 1, 2016. Paper should be submitted in PDF format to For more information please see: Authors will be notified on the decision of paper acceptance by March 1, 2016. Call for Papers UTD-FORMS Conference February 18-20, 2016 The Conference will be held in the Jindal School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas, with presentations starting after lunch on Thursday, February 18, 2016, and concluding on the afternoon of February 20th. We are looking to select 15-20 papers to be presented. The format will be an approximately 45 minute presentation by the author(s) and a 10 minute presentation by the discussant. The keynote speaker for the Conference is Professor K. Sudhir, Yale School of Management where he serves as James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise and Management & Director of China India Insights (CIIP) Program. He is the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Marketing Science. Researchers interested in presenting a paper at the Conference should submit a paper to by December 1, 2015. The conference committee will select the papers to be presented by December 20, 2015, based on their contribution, relevance, the potential to generate further research, etc. Complete papers to be presented at the meeting should be made available by January 15, 2016. Conference Committee: Ernan Haruvy (UT Dallas) Kinshuk Jerath (Columbia University) Elie Ofek (Harvard University) Ashutosh Prasad (UT Dallas) Brian Ratchford (UT Dallas) Demetrios Vakratsas (McGill University) Updated information about Registration, Hotel and the Schedule can be found at: We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Thanks! Ernan Haruvy & Ashutosh Prasad Co-Chairs, 2016 UTD-FORMS Conference 2016 Invitational Choice Symposium - Lake Louise, Alberta May 14-17, 2016 Call for Workshop Proposals 10th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada The 10th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium will be hosted by the University of Alberta School of Business in May of 2016. It will be co-chaired by Gerald Häubl and Peter Popkowski Leszczyc. The event will begin with a welcome reception and dinner in the evening of Saturday, May 14, and conclude with a dinner and social event in the evening of Tuesday, May 17. It will be held at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise located in Alberta’s Banff National Park in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. INFORMS International Meeting will be held in Hawaii June 12-15, 2016 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii To any ISMS members who plan to attend MKSC2016 (Jun.16-18) in Shanghai and want to stop at the Hawaii conference on their way over, please contact Doug Bowman (Emory). To stop receiving emails from this community, please email to Vice President of E-Communications ISMS Charles Gilliland Distinguished Chair Professor of Marketing Professor of Strategy and Professor of MIS Founder/Director of Global Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122