CITY OF WHITING – FEBRUARY 5, 2013 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF WHITING, INDIANA The Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Whiting met in regular session on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. with Mayor Stahura presiding. I. ATTENDANCE The following Board members were present: Mayor Stahura, Board Member Harbin and Board Member Jakubowski. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Adam, City Attorney Sejna, Fire Chief Danielides, Police Chief Miller, Street Commissioner Spebar, Utilities Director Tumo, Economic Development Director Kark, Building Commissioner Hrinyo, Code Enforcement Officer Rancich, City Consultant Dudzik, Sue Polak of American Trust Insurance, and Councilman Stolman. II. MINUTES Mayor Stahura asked for consideration of the minutes of the January 15, 2013, regular Board of Public Works and Safety meeting. Board Member Harbin moved to approve said minutes, as submitted. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. III. VOUCHERS Mayor Stahura presented Water Utilities Accounts Payable Voucher Checks #792 - #797 inclusive for approval. Board Member Jakubowski moved to approve said Accounts Payable Voucher Checks for payment. Board Member Harbin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS Mayor Stahura reported receipt of the following Department reports: 1. 2012 Report of the EMS Department, submitted by Consultant Paul Kuss. 2. Whiting Water Utilities report of Galaxy remote read water meters installed, showing 62.2% completed; submitted by Utilities Director Paul Tumo. 1 Mayor Stahura reported the following City correspondence: 1. One Notice of Municipal Ordinance Violation, submitted by Code Enforcement Officer Rancich. 2. Two Zoning Opinions on Whiting properties, submitted by Zoning Administrator Harbin. 3. Letter dated January 22, 2013, from Building Commissioner Hrinyo, declaring the structure at 1401-119th Street in need of emergency renovation due to a major fire which occurred there on January 20, 2013. The remains of the building, located at a corner in the heart of the downtown district, are in danger of collapse and pose an imminent danger to the adjacent building, alley and public right-of-way. 4. Letter dated January 14, 2013, from Zoning Administrator Harbin to the City of Whiting Plan Commission, requesting changes to the zoning of the City-owned properties at 1501 Atchison and 1523 Atchison Avenue to R-SF. 5. Letter dated January 15, 2013 to Economic Development Director Kark from Mitch King of the Lake County Community Economic Development Department, regarding 2013-14 CDBG funding. 6. Letter dated January 15, 2013, from Economic Development Director Kark to Mr. Christien Reynolds, Project Manager of Capital Program Management for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), acknowledging the adjusted date of July 10, 2013 for contract letting of the Whiting Lakefront Park Improvement Project. 7. Letter dated January 14, 2013, to Mayor Stahura from Robert Kark, Director of the Whiting Redevelopment Commission, containing the Commission’s Annual Report to the Executive for Calendar Year 2012. 8. Letter dated January 18, 2013 from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to elected officials regarding receipt of an Air Permit Application from BP Products North America Inc. 9. Letter dated January 24, 2013, from IDEM regarding Notice of Public Comment for a proposed Air Permit filed by INEOS USA, LLC. 2 10. Thank-you card from David Davis, an apartment resident affected by the fire at 1401-119th Street, commending the Whiting Fire Department’s extraordinary efforts and noting that firefighters were able to find his wife’s missing wedding rings in his apartment. 11. Letter dated January 28, 2013 to Police Chief Miller from Carol Springfield, commending Whiting Police Officers Gajewski and Soltys for finding the individual responsible for hitting her car and then leaving. 12. Letters dated January 9, 2013, from HCC Public Risk to Clerk-Treasurer Adam, Park Superintendent Jakubowski, Police Captain Sotello and Fire Chief Danielides regarding the findings of their recent risk control inspection. Only one minor recommendation was made regarding signage at the swimming pool. 13. Memo dated January 24, 2013 from City Attorney Sejna to the Whiting Redevelopment Commission, Whiting Sanitary District Board of Commissioners and Whiting Board of Public Works and Safety, stating that Councilman Sarvanidis and Councilman Jennings each filed the disclosure statement required under Whiting contract policy regarding proposed contracts for relatives of the councilmen. Said statements were presented at the public Common Council meeting of January 15th and were approved by the Common Council. Clerk-Treasurer Adam, City Attorney Sejna and the Board Members had no correspondence to report. V. REPORT OF THE MAYOR Mayor Stahura thanked and commended all City personnel who responded to the fire at 1401119th Street on January 20th, including the firefighters from Hammond and East Chicago who helped battle the blaze. The Whiting Police Department got all people out of the building safely just in time, and the Whiting Fire Department stopped the fire from spreading to the adjacent buildings, which suffered mostly smoke damage. Park Department personnel opened the Whiting Community Center as a warming shelter for those displaced from their apartments, and the Street Department workers helped the firefighters as needed. The Red Cross and North Township Trustees Office responded quickly to aid the victims, and the Whiting community has continued to offer goods and services, including over $15,000 in gift cards and cash. Contributions continue to pour in. The Mayor stated his pride at how well the City responded, and thanked everyone again for doing a great job. VI. RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. BPW-2013-03 was adopted under New Business. 3 VII. REPORT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY No report was given. VIII. REPORT OF THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Engineering Coordinator Kark reported on the following City projects: The approved Right of Way Obstruction Requests for work being done around the Whiting Public Library have been submitted with proper dates/times. The aerial truck inspection is almost complete; the electrical charge test on the bucket will be done during dry weather. Once completed, the OSHA certificate can be issued and the report will be sent. The Mayor asked that all regular inspections be tracked and scheduled so that permits/certificates can be obtained as required, before they expire. The aerial truck in question, though older, is still serviceable and will be overhauled to avoid buying a new $100,000 truck. Mr. Hrinyo reported on the Whiting Lakefront Park Project, stating that the contractors continue to install rebar forms and pour the promenade wall that goes underneath the sidewalk and the promenade. They are roughing out the detention area east of the Gun Club to its new configuration. Midwest Electric continues to install utilities. The rain gardens on the south side of the road are being laid out. The pile of crushed concrete is being used as backfill for the area behind the promenade that tapers down to the road. IX. NEW and/or UNFINISHED BUSINESS Building Commissioner Hrinyo stated that the Order of Demolition for the home at 2004 White Oak Avenue was stayed last August to give the owner, Mr. Victor Tellez, time to get his home into a habitable state. Building Commissioner Hrinyo and Mr. Harbin met Mr. Tellez yesterday at the property and inspected the inside. Although a lot of work has been done, the property is still not in 100% habitable condition. Mr. Hrinyo presented photos of the inside, noting that all work done was done in a professional manner. The floors have been refinished, the HVAC system is basically installed, and cabinetry/countertops/sinks have been purchased. Work on the drywall, molding and railings is almost done. Electrical Inspector Murzyn was supposed to inspect the electrical system, but has not reported his findings to the Building Commissioner. Mayor Stahura noted that, when the project began, the building was a danger to the community with no solid plan for rehabbing the property. Mr. Tellez stated that he can have the building completely done in a couple of months. Discussion ensued about the major improvements that have been done. Mr. Tellez thanked the Board for giving him a chance. 4 Mr. Harbin moved to stay the Order of Demolition on 2004 White Oak Avenue until May 7, 2013 and to reset the Demolition Hearing on the property until that date. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented Resolution No. BPW-2013-03, which allows the City to pursue acquisition of 1922 Front Street for less than $25,000 at auction next week. Mayor Stahura read Resolution No. BPW-2013-03 by title only. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF WHITING, INDIANA AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY WITH A PURCHASE PRICE LESS THAN TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS Board Member Harbin moved to approve and adopt Resolution No. BPW-2013-03. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented Change Order No. 6 dated January 16, 2013, submitted by Superior Construction, which changes the Substantial Completion Date of Phase II by 38 calendar days, to July 1, 2013, which is the same as the completion date for Phase III of the project. American Structurepoint reviewed and approved this Change Order. Board Member Harbin moved to approve Change Order No. 6 for Superior Construction, as presented. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented the following Whiting Community Center fees for approval: Piano Lessons (7 weeks) Spring Dance Mom/Son Bowling Party $70 for residents, $75 for non-residents $10 per couple, $5 each additional guest $10 per couple Board Member Jakubowski moved to approve said fees, as presented. Board Member Harbin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented an Agreement between INDOT and the Cities of Hammond and Whiting, Indiana for Construction on US 12 for the Indianapolis Boulevard reconstruction. City Attorney Sejna explained that INDOT will be paying $3 million for the roadwork; the City would be responsible paying for sidewalks and lighting. INDOT will bid the entire project on behalf of all three entities. 5 Mayor Stahura noted that the engineering on this project has already begun, with bids to be let in May 2014. The bulk of the project will be completed in 2014. The work will include lining the brick sewers, road reconstruction, widening of the street, new sidewalks, ornamental lighting, replacement of some wooden NIPSCO poles, new traffic signals and turning lanes at major intersections from Schrage Avenue to Five Points. It will be easier to attract commercial developers once this work is completed. Board Member Harbin moved to authorize Mayor Stahura to execute the Agreement with INDOT and the City of Hammond for reconstruction of US 12, as presented. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented contracts with Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions for City of Whiting fireworks for 2013, including 21 gun salutes on Memorial Day and Veterans Day and fireworks display on July 3, 2014, at a cost of $12,200.00; and for the Labor Day concert fireworks at a cost of $3,000.00. Board Member Harbin moved to approve said contracts with Mad Bomber Fireworks, as presented. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented an Event Permit Application for a St. Baldrick’s Day fundraiser, submitted by Norb Dudzik. Temple Court would be closed next to Center Lounge from 119th Street to the alley on April 6th from 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. Use of 8 picnic tables, garbage cans, electricity, Porta-Potties, and City sound system were requested. Board Member Jakubowski moved to approve said Event Permit Application, as presented. Board Member Harbin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stahura presented the 2013 Professional Services Agreement between the City of Whiting and Region Signs to supply City-related signage, for a cost not to exceed $10,000.00 annually. Board Member Jakubowski moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Region Signs, as presented. Board Member Harbin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk-Treasurer Adam presented Invoice No. 2 from Superior Construction for work done on the Whiting Lakefront Park Phase III – Promenade and Park Roads Improvements Project, in the amount of $446,871.85. This amount is completely funded by the RDA grant. Board Member Harbin moved to approve Invoice No. 2 from Superior Construction, as presented. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 6 Clerk-Treasurer Adam presented Invoice No. 7 from Superior Construction for work done on the Whiting Lakefront Park Phase II – Waterfront Improvements Project, in the amount of $577,549.01. This amount is funded by the RDA Grant. Board Member Jakubowski moved to approve Invoice No. 7 from Superior Construction, as presented. Board Member Harbin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Engineering Coordinator Kark requested permission to solicit sealed quotes for repair of the chimney at the Whiting Community Center. The project will be funded by a 50/50 grant from the DNR. Board Member Jakubowski moved to authorize the City Engineering Department to solicit sealed quotes for repair of the chimney at the Whiting Community Center. Board Member Harbin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. X. PUBLIC DISCUSSION Councilman Stolman commended Police Officers Gajewski and Sopo for swiftly evacuating the building at 1401-119th Street when the fire began on January 20th. Everyone got out safely. Mayor Stahura noted that the City is in the process of establishing a Disaster Relief Fund using City and CIC funds so that something will be in place if such an event ever occurs again. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further matters to come before the Board of Public Works and Safety, Board Member Harbin moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 a.m. Board Member Jakubowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. _________________________________________ MARK S. ADAM, Clerk-Treasurer 7