5- Gold Rush Newspaper and Rubric

Due:__GOLD Wed 3-13-13__
Due:__BLUE _Thu 3-14-13__
Gold Rush- Newspaper Assignment
1- In groups of 1-3, design an 1849 newspaper (San Francisco, Sacramento, Chicago, New
York…any city you would like to do) to reflect important events in American History.
2- The main focus of your newspaper should be the California Gold Rush of 1849.
3- Base the facts in your newspaper on knowledge obtained from the Chapter 17 section 4 reading
and notes, Mr. Patty’s FIS calendar for today (Gold Rush Video), class links, and class files
4- Possible things to write about: 49ers, James Marshall, Sam Brannan, Levi Strauss, Biddy Mason,
Immigrants labor from all over the world, and many other interesting stories from 1849.
5- There is only one section that all groups must include.(A)
A- A front page with one factual story (a true historically accurate story), one editorial (an
opinion piece), and one picture.
6- The optional sections are (B-F below)
B- A help wanted page with at least one picture
C- An obituaries page with at least one picture.
D- An advertisement page with at least two pictures.
E- An entertainment section with at least one picture
F- A puzzles page (word search/crossword with clues relate to the gold rush)
7- You have two options
1- You can hand-write this assignment using computer paper and colored pencils (see
example on rear board and in Mr. Patty’s class files)
2- You can use publisher/pages(mac) to create this newspaper assignment.
8- The total for this project will be 30 points and the breakdown of points is found on the rubric on
page 2.
9- You can turn a hard copy into Mr. Patty or you can turn a digital copy into Mr. Patty’s inbox.
10- Be creative, make it historically accurate (No color is required for pictures but you can include it
if you would like), and have fun with it!!!!
11- Turn in a digital copy to Mr. Patty’s inbox titled: “last name-last name- gold rush”
1- Mr. Patty’s FIS
a. 2 videos embedded on calendar (blocked at school, but available at home)
b. Class Links- Good websites to use.
c. Class Files- Good examples to look at.
2- 17.4 2-Column Notes (Gold Rush)
3- Google Docs- Share your project with your group members.
1- If you work in a group of 3, you must complete section A and 2 other sections (B or C or D or E
or F). Three total sections.
2- If you work in a group of 2, you must complete the first page and one other page of your
choosing (A and B or C or D or E or F). Two sections ONLY.
3- If you work alone, you only have to complete section A. First page only.
Due:__GOLD Wed 3-13-13__
Due:__BLUE _Thu 3-14-13__
Factual Story= True Story
Editorial= Opinionated story based on Fact
Help Wanted= Jobs available (Make these up)
Obituaries= Dead people
Advertisements= What is for sale?
Rubric for Gold Rush Newspaper for 1 person
1 factual story(front page).…………………………………………… 10 pts
1 editorial(front page)………………………………………………… 10 pts
Creativity (Pictures included).……..……………………….……. 10 pts
Total ………………………………………………………………………… 30 pts
Rubric for Gold Rush Newspaper for Group of 2
1 factual story(front page)…………………………………………
5 pts
1 editorial(front page)………………………………………………… 5 pts
Page 2 – B,C,D,E, or F…………………………………….………..
10 pts
Creativity(Pictures included)………………………………………. 10 pts
Total ………………………………………………………………………… 30 pts
Rubric for Gold Rush Newspaper for Group of 3
1 factual story(front page)…………………………………………
5 pts
1 editorial (front page)………………………………………………… 5 pts
Page 2 – B,C,D,E, or F…………………………………………………
5 pts
Page 3 – B,C,D,E, or F…………………………………………..…….
5 pts
Creativity (pictures included).……………………………………. 10 pts
Total ………………………………………………………………………… 30 pts