Darwin`s Voyage

Darwin’s Voyage
An Visual Project About Charles Darwin & Evolution
This project is designed to take you back in time to
experience the world as Darwin did; to explore the
biomes and biodiversity of the places he traveled, and to
see how his ideas were formed in creating one of the
greatest theories in science!
*Please read this entire sheet before starting.
Putting Darwin on Your Map
Learning Goals
To provide a historical and geographical context for the observations that Darwin made during his voyage.
To have students read and analyze original sources to trace Darwin's voyage.
To have students explain how Darwin used his observations to formulate his theory of natural selection.
1) Darwin’s Excerpts: Locate the file called “Darwin’s Excerpts paraphrased”. Save the file to your
desktop and then open it. Each journal excerpt from Darwin’s voyage describes a location, date, and the
latitude and longitude. You will find that the journal excerpts are not in chronological order. We have
highlighted one that is NOT in order. The Voyage of the Beagle is a collection of many of Darwin's journals,
and he arranged the entries in this book by geographical area rather than by time.
2) Sequencing & Plotting Darwin’s Voyage: Using the provided latitude and longitude, locate and plot
each location on your map. Use pencil to mark the location with a small dot and print the location name.
Rulers please. When you are finished, be SURE you have the correct chronological order and then connect
the locations with a line in pencil. Start in England in 1831 and follow Darwin's route until he arrived back in
England in 1836. Then, once you know it is correct, trace over the line and locations with a fine colored
pen. Curved lines are best.
4) Biome Map & Compass Rose- Grab the file called Biome Map. Create a color key of the biomes on
your map using a ruler. Neatly color these biome areas onto your map. You may choose your own
colors/patterns as to make each student map unique. Add a 16 point compass rose onto your map using a
ruler. (See a simpler example on the biome map.)
5) Visuals/Illustrations: Your project should include visuals/illustrations to help viewers understand or
“see” Darwin’s significant findings. As you read each excerpt, draw a small picture or scene to represent
the significant observations Darwin made as he explored the places along his route. It may be best to label
the location under your drawing. We suggest searching images on the web to help you understand what he
saw. The work should be done by you and not printed form the Internet.
Darwin’s Observations & Evidence
6) Significant Observations & Evidence for Evolution: Create a two-column table in your journal with 5
rows using 3-4 lines for each row. The left hand column should be titled Darwin’s Observations. The
right hand column should be titled Significance. Work to complete this table by identifying Darwin’s top 5
most significant observations and evidence for evolution. Be sure to develop how/why they are significant in
the right column.
7) Concept Map - Create a concept map that clearly explains the theory of evolution. Be sure to include
the major evidence that supports the theory along with Darwin’s 5 most significant observations from his
journey. Visuals always help the viewers but are not required. Show your critical thinking skills! (Inspiration
or the use of other electronic software is permitted.)
8) Illustrated Model - Create an illustrated model that explains Darwin’s idea of natural selection. The
explanation should be limited to 250-300 words.
Create a display – Communicate Darwin’s Ideas – Show your critical thinking skills
How can I creatively and effectively represent Darwin and his work? Take each of these components form
this project to create a visual display to hang in our 8th grade halls. Your work should be your best and
represent your understanding of Darwin’s work. 3D or 2D, in any shape or form! Be sure to include the
route map, concept map, and illustrative explanation of natural selection. See Rubric on the blog to guide