2013-2014 Week 7 Grade 8 UDL MODEL Content ELA Comparing Genres and TPCASTT Unit Description: Overcoming Adversity-An Individual’s Struggle and Coming of Age Use APA 6TH Edition formatting Use evidence from the text/writing arguments Analyze the elements of the short story Analyze literary devices Analyze mood, tone, and setting Compare and contrast literary works. 1) Primary Reading Focus- AKS 1-5 • Extended informational text - • Short literary texts – a) “O Captain! My Captain!” b) “I Too, Sing, America” • Short informational texts a) Abraham Lincoln Biography Novel Reading • 2) Primary Writing Focus - AKS 20a-e -Students will paraphrase poetry -Students will write an essay comparing and contrasting “O Captain! My Captain!” and a biography of Abraham Lincoln. UNIVERSAL DESIGN MODEL 3) Teacher Input: Document1 Monday Teacher will review genres and sub genres with students. Tuesday Teacher will read the biography with the students and model how to create a timeline. Wednesday Teacher will read “O Captain! My Captain!” with students and facilitate discussion over similarities and differences to biography. Thursday Teacher will instruct students on what TP CASTT is and how to use it to read and understand poetry. Friday Teacher will review components of compare/contrast writing and review “comparing styles” handout with students. 2013-2014 Week 7 Grade 8 UDL MODEL Content ELA Comparing Genres and TPCASTT Teacher will instruct students on what TP CASTT is and how to use it to read and understand poetry. 4) AKS/CC Objective Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. # 4 a) Lesson Title b) Essential Questions c) Standards of Learning Document1 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. # 4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. #4 Compare and Contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style. # 5 Compare and Contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style. # 5 Comparing Genres and TPCASTT How do writers pay tribute to an honorable event or honor/remember a person or event? How do authors use descriptive writing in poetry and nonfiction to create a certain style? How are life stories conveyed differently in memoirs, autobiographies, and biographies? GENRES: By the end of the week students will be able to understand the differences between various genres. Students will be able to compare and contrast texts of differing genres on the same topic. 2013-2014 Week 7 Grade 8 UDL MODEL Content ELA Comparing Genres and TPCASTT d) Content Vocabulary Autobiography biography elegy figurative language Genre hyperbole imagery metaphor meter nuances onomatopoeia poetic devices rhyme scheme stanza style in writing voice in writing Compare/contrast e) Materials/Res -115 Tone Words ources -Genres Activating Strategy Needed -Genres PowerPoint -Genres Notes -Literary Genres Class Activity -Literary Genre Cheat Sheet -Rainwater/Kramer PowerPoint “O Captain! My Captain!” -Handout “Comparing Styles” Unit Goal: Students will be able to use evidence from the text when writing arguments, and analyze the elements of a short story, literature devices, mood, tone, and setting. Students will be able to compare and contrast literary works. Document1 2013-2014 Week 7 Grade 8 UDL MODEL Content ELA Comparing Genres and TPCASTT 5) Anticipatory Set Students will complete activating strategy: drawing lines between genres and their description (located on shared drive) KWHL: Abraham Lincoln 6) Guided Practice: Students will work in groups/pairs to complete teacher’s genre and sub-genre review of choicePowerPoints located on shared drive. And, Read and annotate biography Poetry-Fig Language Activating Prior Knowledge Poetry-Fig Language Activating Prior Knowledge Students will work in groups to complete TP http://www.biography.co CASTT for “O Captain! m/print/profile/abraham- My Captain!” -Title lincoln-9382540 Create timeline of Lincoln’s -Paraphrase -Connotation life SWBAT read the poem and understand it using the TP CASTT strategy -Attitude -Shifts -Title -Theme -Students will compare the poem with the biography. Students will use a double bubble to chart similarities and differences 7) Independent Practice: Students will begin reading a book in a genre that is new or interesting to them. Students will write their own autobiography using “ I am From” template Students will write their own autobiography using “ I am From” template Students will write a paragraph/essay comparing and contrasting the biography of Abraham Lincoln with “O Captain! My Captain!” 8) Closure/Summarizing* On a post it, or at home on the teacher’s wall wisher, students will write down the title and genre of a book Students will explain to Students will piece their elbow partner the together their difference between paraphrased lines memoir, biography, and read poem http://www.ereadingworkshe ets.com/genre/ PP “O Captain! My Captain!”- based on the title what do you think it will be about? (poll) Students will work in groups to discuss the difference between autobiography, biography, and memoir. http://www.goodreads.com/s helf/show/biographyautobiography-memoir Document1 Students will write their own autobiography using “ I am From” template Students will share Teacher will create a Ttone/attitude stories Chart with “nonfiction” on with the class one side and “poetry” on the other. Students will 2013-2014 Week 7 Grade 8 UDL MODEL Content ELA Comparing Genres and TPCASTT they are reading, or that they want to read and autobiography. together. 9) Media (Internet Links, PowerPoints on shared drive PowerPoints, presentations, etc.) PowerPoints on shared drive PowerPoints on shared drive Document1 write their name under the genre that they prefer to read. PowerPoints on shared drive PowerPoints on shared drive