Exercise 6: Literature Citations


Exercise 6: Literature Citations

This exercise is designed to help familiarize you with the details of citing references in the text and listing citations properly in the References section.

Part I: Explain what is wrong with the way the following references are cited in the text.


The Plain Pigeon ( Columba inornata ), is a native of the Greater Antilles and is divided into three subspecies (Michael Miyamoto, Marc Allard and Jorge Moreno, 1994).


A heat stable DNA polymerase has been isolated from the bacterium Thermus aquaticus and is now used to catalyze the PCR reaction (Robbins, Peterson, Lench, White and

Riggs 1991).


A variety of evidence suggests that birds can detect the earth’s magnetic field and may be able to use it for navigation (John Faaborg, Ornithology , Prentice-Hall, 1988).


Bishop Pines ( Pinus mauricata ) are closed-cone pines and relay on periodic fires to open the cones and release the seeds (Evens 1988, p. 28).


Peter Raven has stated that chloroplasts not only carry out photosynthesis, they also synthesize amino acids and fatty acids (1988).


It has long been known that many desert birds must have surface water in order to survive in their arid habitats (Jenkins 1966, Robbins 1958, Storer 1955, Mills 1948).

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Part II: Assume you have found the following information in a literature search. Show how you would properly cite that information in the text of a scientific paper.


Author: Steven Foster. Year: 1966. Information: Application of a high phosphate fertilizer can sometimes increase the fruit yield in some varieties of oranges.


Author: Rick Imes. Year: 1992. Information: Several species of blister beetles in the genus Tetraonyx are brightly colored to warn predators that they contain a toxic chemical that can cause blistering of the skin.


Authors: George Jamison and Michael Roth. Year: 1991. Information: The possibility of inbreeding is very high when a population of organisms is reduced to very low numbers.


Authors; James Wilcox, Steve Swanson, Peter Gaines, Rachel Roberts and Susan Steed.

Year: 1989. Information: Steroid hormones exert their effect by attaching to specific receptor molecules inside target cells.


Authors: Rachel Roberts, Steven Swanson and Jane Morrison. Year 1990. Information:

Non-steroid hormones exert their effects by joining with receptor molecules located on the plasma membranes of target cells.


Author: Charles Johnson. Year: not published—information obtained by talking with

Johnson after a meeting. Information: Male bark beetles of some species release pheromones to attract females to a pine tree.

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Authors. J. Flood and D. Lapp. Year: April 1990. Author: S. J. Pape. Year: 2004.

Authors: M. Pressley and P. Afflerbach. Year: 1995. Author: L. M. Rosenblatt. Year:

1994. Information: studies show that students learning to actively read increases their understanding of the material.

Part III: Examine the following listing of citations from a References section. Describe the errors in each citation (if any) and then write the citation in the correct format.

Fagan, Brian M. People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory. Harper Collins

College Publishers. Santa Barbara. c. 1995. p. 47-49.

Bosch, A. et al . 1991. Consequences of small population size. J. of Genetics. 212:415-425.

( Note: coauthors were Jim Steele, Richard Brown and Amy Henderson.


Southern, E. M. Detection of Specific Sequences Among DNA Fragments Separated by Gel electrophoresis. J. Mol. Biol. 98:503-517. 1975.

Lehman, N., Clarkson, P., Mech, L.D., Meier, T.J., and Wayne, R. K. 1992. A study of the genetic relationships within and among wolf packs using packs using DNA fingerprinting and mitochondrials DNA. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 30:83-94.

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John James and Richard Smith. 1975. Inheritance patterns of coat color in house cats. Genetics.

Volume 46, pages 113-120.

The Natural History of the Pinyon Pine Tree. Robert Landers. 1945. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pages 45-57.

Campbell, A. 1971. Genetic structure. In Bacteriophage Lambda , edited by A.D. Hershey, pp

13-44, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Jamison, A. and R. K. Beard. 1975. Selection of Artificial Nest Sites By Tree Swallows.

Ecology 67:77-81.

Robertson, R.C. 1996. Tree swallows often nest in nest boxes. Personal communication.

Animal Welfare Information Center. Beltsville (MD): National Agricultural Library (US);

[updated 2001 Mar 1; cited 2001 Mar 2]. Available from: http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [Internet] .

2005. Method 1623: Cryptosporidium and

Giardia in water by filtration/IMS/FA. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency, Washington, DC. http://www.epa.gov/mirobes/1623de05.pdf.

Part IV: Take the following references and arrange them correctly into a References section.


Authors: John James and Steve A. Riley. Year: 1987. Title of article: Coloration patterns of blister beetles in the tropical rain forests of Mexico. Journal: Journal of

Entomology. Volume: 235. Pages 33-41.


Author: Susan Annenberg. Year: 1992. Title of articles: Phylogengy of owls in the genus Bubo.

Magazine: Scientific American. Volume 185. Number 4. Pages 66-80.


Authors: J.H. Wetton, R.E. Carter, D.T. Parkin, and D. Walters. Year: 1987. Title of article: Demographic study of a wild House Sparrow population by DNA fingerprinting.

Journal: Nature. Volume: 327 Pages 147-149.


Author: Steven B. VanderWall. Year: 1990. Title of Book: Food Hoarding in

Animals. Publisher: The University of Chicago Press. City: Chicago, Illinois. Pages



Author: Susan Annenberg. Year: 1993. Title of article: Food preferences of the Great

Horned Owl in northern Wisconsin. Journal: the Journal of Field Ornithology. Volume:

47. Pages 88-91.


Author: G.E. Duke. Year: 1986. Chapter in a book: Raptor Physiology, pages 370-

376. Book: Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. Editor of the book: M. E. Fowler.

Publisher: Saunders. City: Philadelphia, PA.

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