Organization Type Membership Settings

Organization Type Membership Settings
From the administrative side of the site, a campus administrator can determine privacy settings for
organization memberships by campus community (logged-in users) and public via Organization Type
property settings.
Show Members to Logged in User
Not Set
Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden
Not Set
Hidden Shown
Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden
Hidden Hidden
Community Officer
When the first or second options are checked (“Show Members to Logged in Users by Default” and
“Show Officers to Logged in Users by Default”), these settings will show students on rosters to the
campus community in the case where a student has not selected their preferred privacy setting (not set)
for each membership within each organization. However, it will hide to Public. Alternatively, if the
student sets to show, it will be shown to everyone.
In this scenario, only members of
organizations that fall under this
organization type would be shown on
the roster to the campus community
(logged-in users), if their privacy is
not set or show.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
In this scenario, only officers of
organizations that fall under this
organization type would be shown on
the roster to the campus community
(logged-in users) if their privacy is not
set or show.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
In this scenario, both members and
officers of organizations that fall
under this organization type would be
shown on the roster to the campus
community (logged-in users), if their
privacy is not set or show.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
In this scenario, only members of
organizations that fall under this
organization type would be shown on
the roster to the public (users not
logged-in), but only if their privacy
setting is set to show.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
In this scenario, only officers of
organizations that fall under this
organization type would be shown on
the roster to the public (users not
logged-in), but only if their privacy is
set to show.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
In this scenario, both members and
officers of organizations that fall
under this organization type would be
shown on the roster to the public
(users not logged-in), but only if their
privacy is set to show.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
In this scenario, officers of
organizations that fall under this
organization type could be shown on
the roster to the campus community
(logged-in users) and to the public. If
their privacy is not set, they will show
to logged in users; if it is set to show,
they will show to logged in and
public. If it’s set to hide, they will not
be shown to either.
Campus community view under these settings:
Public view under these settings:
Individual user privacy settings: these can be set by each user for all positions within each organization
that they hold. To navigate to these, use the following screen shots.
The default privacy settings per user are set to ‘hide’ as seen below. Each user then has the ability to
‘show’ or ‘hide’ their position within each organization to the public.