Earth Sys Ch 10,11 Study Guide

Earth Systems Ch 10, 11 Study Guide
1. A lava flow with a surface of rough, jagged blocks and sharp, angular projections is
called what?
2. What factors affecting how violently or quietly a volcano erupts?
3. Highly explosive volcanoes tend to have what type of magma?
4. What is a volcanic bomb?
5. The particles produced in volcanic eruptions are called what?
6. Large particles of hardened lava ejected from a volcano are called what?
7. What is the most abundant gas associated with volcanic activity?
8. Label the diagram:
9. What type of volcano is illustrated in Figure 10-1?
10. Describe a Cinder Cone volcano.
11. The most violent volcanic eruptions are associated with what type of volcano?
12. What is a caldera?
13. When do lava plateaus form?
14. Structures that form from the cooling and hardening of magma beneath Earth’s surface
are called what?
15. What is the largest intrusive igneous body called?
16. A lens-shaped intrusive igneous mass close to Earth’s surface is called a what?
17. Describe a batholith.
18. Magma forms when solid rock in the crust and upper mantle does what?
19. Why does magma tends to rise towards Earth’s surface?
20. Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located in a belt known as the what?
21. In general, what is true about the composition of the igneous rocks produced in
association with subduction zone volcanic activity?
22. Which type of landform develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends
beneath another?
23. The Hawaiian Islands are associated with what type of volcanism?
24. All changes in the original shape and/or size of a rock body are called what?
25. Under what conditions do rocks exhibit ductile deformation?
26. What combination of temperature and pressure favors folding rather than faulting?
27. List the three types of rock deformation.
28. Deformation in which the object returns to its original shape and size after the stress is
removed is called what?
29. The type of deformation in which the object permanently changes size and shape
without fracturing is called what?
30. A material that undergoes tensional stress tends to (stretch or get shorter)?
31. List the three types of stress seen in rocks.
32. Folding is usually the result of what type of stress?
33. A fault in which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall is a ____ fault.
34. What is orogenesis?
35. How are mountains classified?
36. List the three major types of mountains.
37. A graben is bound by what type of fault?
38. Label the following diagram:
39. What type of faults are shown in Figure 11-1?
40. An example of folded mountains can be seen in which mountain range?
41. In a typical fault-block mountain, large blocks of ______ are uplifted along normal faults.
42. The Black Hills of South Dakota were formed by what type of orogenesis?
43. According to Figure 11-2, what type of structure does diagram A represent?
44. In diagram B of Figure 11-2, where would the oldest rock layers be located?
45. How was the structure formed in diagram A of Figure 11-2?
46. At a continental-continental convergent boundary, what type of mountains result?
47. What are the 2 major types of mountain ranges that are formed at convergent plate
48. What type of mountains are produced by ocean-continental convergence?
49. What type of mountains are most common at divergent plate boundaries?
50. Which of the following are associated with the process of orogenesis at divergent
boundaries? (folded mountains, domes and basins, mountain chains at ocean ridge or
volcanic island arcs)
51. In mountainous regions, the continental crust is (thinner or thicker than average?)
52. As erosion removes the tops of mountains, the crust will rise upwards. This is an
example of what?
53. The thickest part of the crust occurs in (old or young mountain ranges?)