Vitamin C talk

Our presentation is about Ascorbic Acid, better known as Vitamin C.
The chemical structure of ascorbic acid is C 6, H8, o6. Here is a diagram of the chemical structure of
Here is another picture showing chemical structure
The white show the Hydrogen Bonds,
The red are the oxygen
And the black are the carbon
Humans don’t have ability to make our own Vitamin-C.
Vitamin C is formed in mammals using 4 enzyme driven steps these are
it’s extracted from glycogen
Many animals convert glucose to vitamin-C
An Antioxidant is a substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the deterioration
of stored food products.
It’s a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living
A basic history of vitamin C…
before 1747 scurvy was a serious disease of sailors. It’s estimated over two million sailors perished from
1747.. James Lind A Scottish naval doctor aboard a navy vessel noted that scurvy was more
common around those with poor access to fresh fruit and vegetables. In may 1747 James Lind provided
a group of crew members with 2 oranges and a lemon on top of their regular rations, while others
continued their normal diets. This considered the first experiment for scurvy. The results showed that
citrus fruits prevented the disease.
In 1753 James Lind published his work in his “Treatise on the Scurvy”
The British navy did not adopt lemon or lime juice until 1795 as standard issue at sea.
In 1928 Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the highly-admired biochemist was the first to isolate vitamin C (ascorbic
acid) in 1937 he won the Nobel prize for his work..
Vitamin C was the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized in 1935.
Vitamin C first cure to Scurvy… some symptoms of scurvy include swollen eyes, the loss of teeth and
pale skin..
The Function of Vitamin C is used primarily by the body for the production of collagen. Collagen is a vital
building block of connective tissues such the ligaments, tendons, skin, bones, cartilage, and blood
vessels. Several biochemical reactions, such as amino acid metabolism, are also dependent on the
presence of vitamin C.
Additionally, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which prevents the degradation of certain substances in
the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin needed for the formation of collagen to hold the cells
together and for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels; improves iron absorption and resistance to
The functions of vitamin C include helping strengthening bones and teeth, just like your milk..
As we said earlier, it cures scurvy…
It works as a booster to your immune system, improving resistance towards infections, heals wounds,
and actually is a supposed to decrease the risk of cancer!
Side effects of vitamin C
Some side effects of vitamin C include Upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, heartburn,
fatigue.. These are actually all results of too much vitamin c, in excess of 2000mg per day is considered
too much for the human body..
A lack of vitamin C has effects of the body too, they including splitting hair, dry skin, and weight
Here are some regular fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C and the recommend serving sizes.
Pointing out just a few, Look at Broccoli, and Red bell peppers.. They both have more vitamin C
that the Famous orange.. in fact, ½ a cup of broccoli is about the same as a whole cup of orange juice…