Alaska History Curriculum - the Alaska Gateway School District

Alaska History Curriculum
Grades 9-12
Approved 2006
Alaska Gateway School District Social Studies Curriculum
Theme: Alaska History
Vocabulary and Body of
Concern for self and others,
active and informed
Reviews and evaluates
significant historical
events and key turning
points in Alaska's History
(prehistory, exploration,
Russian period, purchase)
(A1, 2, 7)
Locates and identifies
significant places and
locations in Alaska (B4)
Understands historical
patterns using Alaskan
events, institutions,
people (B4)
Uses human systems
(migration, movement,
interactions of cultures,
settlement patterns) to
High School
Critical thinking, problemsolving, acquiring,
organizing and using
information; communication
Demonstrates ability to
 Demonstrates skill in
integrate historical
acquiring information
knowledge into a personal
(research, library) (C1)
position on a current
 Uses wide variety of
Alaskan issue (D1, 2, 3,
historical data (primary
sources, art, historical
sites, secondary research
Evaluates the Gold Rush
era (1878-1915) and its
materials, etc) (C2)
effect on the environment  Uses historical
and people from a variety
perspective to solve
of points of view (i.e.
problems, make decisions
migration, settlement,
and understand other
etc.) (A3, 4, 5)
traditions (i.e. role play
history) (C4)
Relates key historical
events in Alaska to US
history (i.e. purchase/
Civil War, oil
development, etc.) (B2)
Recognizes the patterns
 Analyzes and explains
of resource use in Alaska
human and physical
features in Alaska using
geographic features (i.e.
Uses geography to predict
Alaska History Curriculum
Grades 9-12
Government/ Citizenship
explain and understand
the current state of Alaska
Distinguishes functions,
forces and dynamics of
physical processes that
cause variations in natural
regions (i.e. volcanic
activity, earthquakes, etc)
Uses spatial tools to
analyze and develop
explanations to
geographic problems (i.e.
aerial maps for caribou
migration patterns) (A6)
Compares and contrasts
how different entities had
governed Alaska in the
past (i.e. Tribal, Russia,
Territory, Statehood)
Understands how power
is shared between Alaska
and the US government
(i.e. territory, state ) (A4)
Understands the character
of the Alaskan
government (agencies,
Approved 2006
and project future needs
and uses for Alaska (F1,
2, 6)
Understands the
ecosystems, climate
systems, erosion systems,
water cycle and tectonics
of Alaska (C1)
Understands the
ecosystems, climate
systems, erosion systems,
water cycle and tectonics
of Alaska (C1)
Exercises political
participation by
discussing Alaskan
issues, building
consensus, becoming
involved in a political
party, campaign or Kids
voting (E3)
Creates a criteria for
evaluating state rules and
laws (i.e. permanent fund
dividend use) (E4)
Investigates and explains
a useful criteria for
how places get their
names) (B1, 2, 7, 8)
Understands how and
why maps are changing
documents by comparing
Alaskan maps (A3)
Participates in a
community service
project (i.e. community
clean-up (E6)
Identifies the roles and
relationships among
federal, tribal and state
government with the
responsibilities and limits
Alaska History Curriculum
Grades 9-12
Constitution, Statehood
Compact) (C1,2,3)
Understands the
importance and historical
roles of Alaska Native
communities, Native
Claims Settlement Act
(C4, 5)
Explore how the United
States determines how
resources in the state are
used (i.e. timber, fish, oil)
Approved 2006
Identifies how jobs fit
into an organization
and economy,
especially as it applies
to Alaska (i.e.
pipeline jobs) (A5)
 Explores the safety
issues in jobs in
Alaska (i.e. fishing)
Understands how to use
local and world-wide
networks to obtain
information (A3)
selecting Alaskan leaders
(i.e. survey and results for
regional election) (E5)
Understands the basic
concepts of supply and
demand, market system
and profit using an
Alaskan resource (i.e.
fish, timber, tourism) (F5)
Understands the
ecosystems, climate
systems, erosion
systems, water cycle
and tectonics of
Alaska (C1)
Understands and practices 
responsible use of
technologies (E1, 2)
Creates a personal
interest, aptitude and
ability profile (B1)
Researches labor
market information to
identify job and
economic trends in
Alaska and evaluates
for possible career
options (B3)
Selects relevant
information for written
essays using technology
resources (CD-ROMs,
Internet, etc.) (B3)
Alaska History Curriculum
Grades 9-12
Approved 2006
Cultural Responsiveness
Examines in-depth the
cultural components of
Alaska Native groups:
people/social systems,
spiritual beliefs, arts
(A2,D1,D4, E2,E8)
Understands the ecology
and geography of the five
bio-regions in Alaska
By the end of the course, students will
be able to:
Recognizes how cultural
values and beliefs
influence interactions of
people from different
cultural backgrounds (E7)
Explores the impacts of a
dominant society on
Alaska Native cultures
Students will demonstrate their
understanding and learning through:
Review and evaluate significant
historical events in Alaska History
Written papers, maps and documents
at the age-appropriate level;
Identify patterns of resource use in
Alaska using three examples
Oral presentations;
Uses technology resources to
research a 3-5 page paper on Alaska
Materials collected in their
Uses communication
technology (email, etc.) to
exchange ideas and
information (D2)
Performs subsistence
activities that are
appropriate for the
regional Alaskan culture
Participates in a variety of
cultural settings (C4)
 Integrated thematic units
Alaska in Maps: A Thematic Atlas,
2000 (Teacher guide and CD-ROM
also available) Alaska Geographic
Alaska History Books and materials
 The Land is Ours, Aurora Films,
Alaska History Curriculum
Grades 9-12
Relates five key historical events in
Alaska to United States History (i.e.
world war II, oil discovery on North
Slope, etc.)
Examines cultural components of
five Alaska Native groups
Approved 2006
Teacher observations and notations,
Written, multiple-choice questions;
 Student self-assessment and;
Criterion-referenced tests (periodic).
Laurence Goldin, 1996
 Alaska: A History in Five Parts,
Arctic Environmental Information &
Data (AEIDC) UAA, Nan Elliot
 The Native People of Alaska by
Steve Langdon (1993)
 Alaska's History: The people, land,
events of the North Country, by
Harry Ritter
 Roadside Geology of Alaska
(Roadside Geology Series) by Cathy
Connor, Daniel O'Haire (1988)
 The Alaska Almanac:24th Ed. 2000