Investigator – Organized crime Competency Profile What is a

What is a Competency Profile?
A competency profile is a set of competencies selected as the most
important for successful job performance. It lists them and specifies the
required proficiency level of each competency expected for a position.
Rank - Investigator
Conducts investigations of criminal offences and major crimes of moderate
This initiative was funded by the Government of Canada’s Sector Council Program
This is a living document. Last updated November 2012
Investigates criminal organizations whose aim is to commit criminal offences for the purpose of acquiring illicit
gain or power.
Applies solid knowledge in a full range of non-typical situations of moderate complexity with minimal guidance or no
guidance. (Level 3)
 Applies major case management principles to investigations of organized crime.
 Applies applicable statutes and recent case law dealing with organized crime.
 Provides information that assists in the production of i2 charts.
 Writes affidavits and authorizations for interception of private communications.
 Adheres to policies regarding informants and agents.
 Utilizes the information from sources to assist in criminal investigations.
 Keeps current with ongoing investigations to ensure complete knowledge of criminal activity.
 Develops investigative strategies, such as general warrants, to request the interception of communications.
 Conducts threat assessments for potential witness protection.
 Coordinates the installation of technical surveillance.
 Coordinates physical surveillance including visual recording of persons and objects.
 Coordinates undercover or agent operations.
 Collaborates with crime analysts.
 Collaborates with proceeds of crime investigators.
 Establishes a network of experts for criminal investigation and prosecution.
 Liaises with national and international enforcement agencies on organized crime, including:
 Customs.
 Liaises with private and public sector entities.
 Stays current with criminal intelligence provided by numerous partners.
 Contributes to criminal intelligence activities by properly disseminating information to appropriate sources.
 Prepares an operational plan.
 Assists in obtaining equipment to monitor and intercept communications in compliance with organizational policy.
 Monitors interception equipment.
 Participates in joint force operations.
 Collects evidence using variety of sources, including open source information and social media.
 Establishes investigation strategies in consultation with Crown on key issues, including: search warrants, Part VI, informants,
 Meets with Crown Counsel and defence, as required, to review evidence to be presented.
 Identifies and recruits potential sources and informants.
 Presents on behalf of the organization when attending conferences and seminars.
Collects and collates information from various
sources and applies analytical techniques to
develop intelligence and forecast criminal
Applies basic knowledge in a range of typical situations that present limited
challenges. Guidance required. Some individual autonomy or responsibility. (Level 2)
 Applies components of the intelligence process:
planning and
collection and
reporting and
Collects and analyzes digital media evidence
to support investigations.
 Describes the role of tactical and strategic intelligence analysis in a police service.
 Describes services provided by intelligence partners.
 Ensures that intelligence data is properly collected, classified, stored, analyzed and
disseminated, in compliance with policies and procedures.
 Identifies potential sources of information to pursue intelligence inquiries.
 Applies basic research skills to open and closed sources.
 Evaluates the information for reliability, validity and accuracy.
 Transfers collected information into a database in a structured format that permits rapid
and accurate access.
 Applies basic analytical techniques, including:
 making associations
 timelines
 event flows
 etc
 Interprets crime maps.
 Prepares a variety of written documentation based on analysis of crime patterns and
trends, including:
 crime bulletins
 reports
 strategic Intelligence Assessments
 situational Intelligence briefs
 Performs basic statistical analysis, including:
 frequency of occurrences
 correlation
 Uses a variety of software programs, computer databases, electronic spreadsheets,
desktop publishing, word processing and statistical applications to manipulate, analyze,
and present the data in the appropriate format.
Applies basic knowledge in a range of typical situations that present limited
challenges. Guidance required. Some individual autonomy or responsibility. (Level 2)
 Demonstrates basic understanding of digital media, including:
 computer
 cell phone
 Internet
 camera
 Demonstrates an understanding of Internet safety and privacy issues, including:
 malware
 spam
 fraud
 identity theft
 virus
 cyber bullying
 child exploitation
 sexting
 Demonstrates an understanding of online investigative techniques.
 Drafts search and seizure warrants for investigations involving digital evidence.
 Uses open sources to support investigations.
 Demonstrates awareness of the need to protect online identities.
 Uses tools and techniques to preserve digital evidence, including:
 website capture
 subscriber record
 email record
 screen capture
 social network
 photo
 video
 digital file
 Demonstrates an understanding of the protection of volatile data, including:
 encryption
 live memory data
 network connections
Manages the collection and verification of
information through informants and handles
Prepares evidence and supporting
documentation and presents testimony in
Uses appropriate interviewing techniques to
obtain information from victims and witnesses.
Applies appropriate interviewing and
interrogation techniques to obtain information
from suspects.
 running processes
 data destruction
Applies solid knowledge in a full range of non-typical situations of moderate
complexity with minimal guidance or no guidance. (Level 3)
 Develops potential informants.
 Corroborates information.
 Provides guidance on the use of informants.
 Minimizes risks when meeting informants and dealing with information.
 Debriefs informants thoroughly.
 Remunerates informants according to departmental policy.
 Targets specific sources to further advance investigations.
 Determines appropriate dissemination and use of information provided by informants.
 Describes case law pertaining to providing testimony related to the use of confidential
 Meets with the Prosecutor to review relevant case law prior to court proceedings.
 Drafts search warrants with a view to the future vetting process in relation to the
utilization of confidential source information.
 Prepares for court testimony in relation to non-disclosure of confidential information.
 Recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of source information and acts accordingly
to maximize the potential use of that information.
Applies solid knowledge in a full range of non-typical situations of moderate
complexity with minimal guidance or no guidance. ( Level 3)
 Provides evidence in investigations of moderate complexity.
 Assists in the jury selection process in collaboration with the Crown.
 Provides security for witnesses for court.
 Stays current with recent developments in case law through reading newsletters,
researching the Internet, and taking courses.
 Testifies effectively in various legal forums, including:
 disciplinary hearings (i.e., police review boards)
 civil law suits
 Describes different rules of evidence for various legal forums.
 Provides evidence in regards to judicial authorizations (e.g., affidavits, search warrants,
and wire taps).
 Anticipates defense strategies based on objective assessment of weaknesses or
contentious issues in investigations.
 Provides testimony with respect to human source information.
 Explains the scope of informant privilege.
 Protects police techniques and ongoing investigations in accordance with the Canada
Evidence Act.
Applies solid knowledge in a full range of non-typical situations of moderate
complexity with minimal guidance or no guidance. (Level 3)
 Develops interviewing strategies.
 Demonstrates an understanding of how memory is processed and which factors affect
information processing.
 Demonstrates an understanding of how trauma and time affects memory recall.
 Adapts a flexible interview style based on the demeanor and abilities of the interviewee.
 Employs memory recall techniques.
 Tailors the interview to the needs of victims and witnesses, including:
 children
 persons with special needs
 elderly people
 people who require a language interpreter
 Seeks assistance of specialists to meet the needs of victims and witnesses.
 Provides reassurance of safety.
 Initiates witness protection process, if necessary.
 Conducts photographic line-up.
Applies solid knowledge in a full range of non-typical situations of moderate
complexity with minimal guidance or no guidance. (Level 3)
 Assigns interviewers.
 Stays current on investigative interviewing and interrogation by utilizing outside
resources, including conferences, research studies, and networking.
 Develops a strategy for a custodial interview, including:
suspect’s characteristics
time restrictions
interview team
 Develops a strategy for a non-custodial interview, including:
suspect’s characteristics
interview team
 Applies court admissible interrogation techniques to gather information, challenge the
suspect’s story, and/or obtain the confession.
 Corroborates a confession using various techniques, including:
letter of apology
video reenactment
crime scene visit
 Arranges for transcripts, as necessary.
 Applies the principles of immunity.
Prepares and reviews documents that require
judicial authorization in relation to search and
Gathers, records, and maintains accurate
information in notes and reports to provide a
detailed account of the investigation.
Adjusts own behaviours and approaches in
light of new information, and changing
situations. Tailors approach to meet needs of
individuals and groups.
Evaluates ideas and information while
referring to objective criteria to reach rational
 Explores all alibi evidence.
Applies solid knowledge in full range of non-typical situations of moderate complexity
with minimal guidance or no guidance. (Level 3)
 Organizes material before drafting complex documents.
 Explains how to navigate between the duty of full disclosure and the duty to protect a
confidential source.
 Reviews search warrants prepared by others for adherence to legal requirements.
 Prepares a variety of warrant types, including:
 number recorder order
 tracking device warrant
 DNA warrant
 general warrant
 ancillary orders
 MLAT orders
 Part VI / one party consent
 general warrants
 proceeds of crime warrant
 Understands defence strategies related to judicial authorizations.
Applies solid knowledge in a full range of non-typical situations of moderate
complexity with minimal guidance or no guidance. (Level 3)
 Evaluates written documentation for accuracy and adherence to writing principles.
 Writes analytical reports to be submitted to prosecution and/or managerial review.
 Prepares operational plans.
Adapts to widely varied needs (Level 3)
 Thinks diversely and “outside the box” to try new strategies that may differ from
established approaches to policing
 Adapts to new ideas and initiatives across a wide variety of issues and situations
 Adapts interpersonal style to highly diverse individuals and groups in a range of
Identifies and handles ambiguity ( Level 3)
 Exercises sound judgment in new situations in the absence of specific guidance
 Identifies and considers emerging opportunities and risks when articulating astute and
defensible options and recommendations
 Strategically provides new information or data to key decision makers or stakeholders
Seeks and builds alliances with internal and
external stakeholders to meet their needs and
further the organization's objectives. Uses an
understanding of stakeholder needs, desires
and critical success factors to influence
priorities, initiatives and objectives and
teaches other to do the same.
Uses appropriate procedures to collect,
organize, retrieve, maintain and disseminate
Effectively plans and organizes self and/or
others to achieve goals, prioritise tasks and
allocate time and resources accordingly to
ensure completion within set timelines
Identifies problems, implements solutions and
evaluates the outcomes.
Ensures the effective and efficient use of
resources, whether human, financial, material
or informational.
Works cooperatively with members of the
work team. Contributes to the development of
a team environment where team members
ultimately achieve established goals.
Communicates ideas and information in
writing to ensure that information and
messages are understood and have the
desired impact.
to enhance their understanding and decisions
 Identifies alternate recommendations or solutions, including some that are not based on
 Applies guidelines and procedures that leave considerable room for discretion and
Seeks partnership opportunities (Level 3)
 Actively identifies and creates opportunities to partner
 Assesses the value of entering into partnerships in furthering the objectives of policing
 Initiates partnerships and alliances that further the objectives of policing work
Demonstrates solid knowledge and ability, and can apply the competency, with
minimal or no guidance, in the full range of typical situations. Would require guidance
to handle novel or more complex situations. (Level 3)
 Applies methods and practices to manage the full life cycle of information from creation
or acquisition to disposal
 Applies appropriate security procedures and legislative policies when managing
 Provides access to the best available externally published and internally created
information resources and deploys content throughout the organization using a suite of
information access tools
 Demonstrates an understanding of the content and format of information resources,
including the ability to select, analyze and disseminate
Plans and organizes daily activities and operations for area of responsibility (Level 2)
 Makes effective use of available resources
 Participates in the development of operational plans for the area of responsibility
 Identifies importance of tasks and prioritizes time accordingly to ensure completion of
all tasks within time frame
 Able to establish course of action and keep team organized
 Makes needed adjustments to time-lines, steps and resource allocation
 Breaks activities into smaller components to facilitate completion
Solves standard problems (Level 3)
 Identifies standard problems based on a range of factors, most of which are clear
 Identifies alternate solutions, considering applicable precedents
 Identifies optimal solutions based on weighing the advantages and disadvantages of
alternative approaches
 After implementation, evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of solutions
Ensures resources are used effectively (Level 2)
 Monitors and ensures the efficient and appropriate use of resources
 Explores ways of leveraging funds to expand program effectiveness
 Ensures that information and knowledge sharing is integrated into all programs and
Fosters teamwork (Level 2)
 Promotes team goals
 Seeks others’ input and involvement and listens to their viewpoints
 Recognizes when a compromise is required for the greater good of the team
Suggests or develops methods and means for maximizing the input and involvement of
team members
Conveys in-depth information (Level 3)
 Writes documents providing information on/explaining specific issues
 Combines information from multiple sources
 Tailors the communication to the reader
 Conveys critical nuances and qualifiers to facilitate complete understanding of the