Before taking the time to learn the audition piece for NC High School Honors Chorus, please carefully check all calendars that influence your extracurricular time. If you are NOT available to participate for the Honors Chorus weekend on November 7 & 8, do not take the time to learn the music for the AFHS audition. Any state audition slot that is wasted means that another AFHS student was not awarded the opportunity to audition. If you have any question regarding this, please speak with Ms. Holcombe. AFHS can only take up to 7 or 8 students (determined by our choral enrollment) to the state level of Honors Chorus auditions. In order to participate in the state audition, students must first pass a preliminary school audition. If there are more then 7 students who wish to audition for Honors Chorus, Ms. Holcombe will choose the most prepared and musical singers. If there are less than 7 singers who wish to audition, you must still pass the school audition with Ms. Holcombe.
Dr. Eric Nelson, from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia
Audition Piece:
How Do I Love Thee? By Eric Nelson
Audition Tracks:
Audition song rehearsal tracks will soon be posted at
Sight-Singing rehearsal tracks might already be on the site. Ms. Holcombe will also post a packet of sight-reading to rehearse with on soon.
If you are selected to audition at the state level you need to learn the ENTIRE piece!
The chosen state audition section (s) will be emailed to Ms. Holcombe a few days before the actual audition. She will then email them to you.
AFHS Honors Chorus Audition
Date: Monday, August 31 Times TBD
Chorus Room. All forms are due before or at the AFHS audition time, otherwise you will
not be considered for the state audition. I am on a time crunch to get all paperwork mailed in for the audition.
AFHS Audition Section(s):
Altos and Tenors – Begin singing at the top of page 6, pick up to measure 22.
Basses and Sopranos - Begin singing at the bottom of page 6, pick up to measure 26.
The lyrics to this piece are rather mature. The song’s rhythm is very simple and can easily sound monotonous if you do not use inflection on important words and syllables.
It is vital you sing with great feeling and connection – a flowing and relaxed sound.
Merely singing correct notes and rhythms will not impress the listener.
Sight-singing: A sight singing example will be given to students to perform during the
AFHS audition. Sight singing often becomes the deciding factor.
State Audition Date:
Thursday, Sept. 24 - East - Meredith College
Depending on our audition times, we will more than likely meet at AFHS and travel down to
Meredith College together. I will send out a permission slip sooner to the audition date. You will audition with the appropriate choral section(s) AND perform a sight-reading example.
The adjudicator will also take you through a round of vocal exercises to test your vocal range and warm you up – before singing the piece. We will go through the audition process so you get comfortable with it.
These workshops are completely OPTIONAL but will help you prepare for the state Honors Chorus auditions. The workshops are geared toward learning and audition selection, “How do I love thee?” and usually also work on sight-reading.
If you wish to attend one of these workshops, please let Ms. Holcombe know. If there is more than of one of you who wishes to attend the same workshop, you should plan to travel together. That makes the day much from fun. These workshops are your choice. Ms. Holcombe does not attend any of the workshops with you.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Registration 8:15-8:55/Clinic 9:00-12:15
Dr. Welborn Young
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Elon University
– 12:00 - No Fee
Stephen Futrell –
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Methodist University
Dr. Michael Martin
Jason Britt –
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Appalachian State University
Dr. Stephen Hopkins
Registration at
Registration will open at a later date.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
East Carolina University
– Sectionals and Full Rehearsal $10 Fee
Registration Form
Dr. Andrew Crane
Dr. Jami Rhodes
Scroll down for Event Workshops (If you are selected to NC Honors Chorus)
Should you earn a place in the NC High School Honors Chorus, there are also workshops you may attend that will help you to learn the performance music. I strongly encourage you to attend one of these workshops. Learning the music goes much faster when you are learning with a large group of people.
Event Workshops (for those selected):
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Elon University
– 2:00, $10.00 (includes lunch, Masterclass on vocal technique and workshop/rehearsal of entire repertoire for 2015 NC HS Honors Chorus)
Stephen Futrell –
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Wingate University
Dr. Kenny Potter
10:00-3:00, Batte Fine Arts Center
Rehearsal of the entire concert program for the 2015 Honors Chorus
$15.00 ($10.00 pre-registered) fee includes t-shirt, lunch and voice lesson